Showing posts with label UFO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Strange UFO of Palmira

COLOMBIA. At the city of Palmira, a resident, a man named Leonardo Arboleta, got capture the image of an UFO at the nightly sky. The video was posted in the internet in 03/08 (2012).

The sequence shows numerous points of colored lights that appear to come from a floating object. At Colombia this sightings are often.

Without doubt, it is an unidentified flying object but is a well known fact that these objects, that are being filmed around the world don't have a default of behavior and appearance.

This object of Palmira, in the begining of the footage is only a small bright dot. With the approximation obtained by zoom, reveals to be something more: the simple sphere is constantly in reconfiguration. It divides itself and come back to gather in itself same in a single object alternately.

Of course - the experts will go say that the images are only of an electronic kite or the lights of a plane disoriented.

SOURCE: Colombia, incredibile avvistameno Ufo (VIDEO).
NET-1-NEWS, published in 06/08/2012.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

UFOs In Malaysia

MALAYSIA. On July 14 (2012), in the city of Petaling Jaya, district of Selangor - during a dinner at the Sunway Mentari, the cinematographer John Tan - 29 years (2012) noted green and blue lights in the night sky that were coming from at least three objects distinct, shining and moving strangely. As can be seen in the video posted on Youtube, the lights appear to move in a synchronic way.

In addition to the cameraman, several other people present at the place also recorded the images with the cameras of their phones. The phenomenon could be observed for more than two hours. Witnesses believe that luminous objects were UFOs.


As always the experts see with discredit the possibility and insist that there must be an earthly explanation for the occurrence, perhaps, an eletronic toy. An internaut said that the lights could be luminous kites although was a windless night - according to the cameraman, John Tan.

The National Space Agency (Angkasa) also discarded this possibility (of kites), according to a statement from the Director-General of the Agency, Mustafa Din Subari: People do not play with kites during the night because there is no wind.

However, Subari also was skeptical about the possibility of the lights be UFOs and said that: It is not the first time that the malaysians say to have witnessed this kind of phenomenon. It happens from time to time. (Commentary empty because, in fact, explains nothing and not is a fundament for discredit the UFOs hypothesis but, unlike, adds to the mystery.)

SOURCE: Mysterious footage on YouTube claims 'UFO sighting over Malaysia.
ZEE NEWS, published in 30/07/2012.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

UFO at Turkey

TURKEY. In the city of Konya, one of the seven most populous of Turkey, photographs of a UFO hovering over Mount Cybele (or Kibele), were sent by the editor of a local newspaper to the SIRIUS Research Centre for Space Science, an instute of research of the country. 

The director of the Center, Haktan Akdogan said that the images will be submited to analysis to verify whether they are authentic, without tricks of photomontage of any kind. The images were obtained by a team of scientists who were working on site.

Konya'da çekilen fotoğraf üzerine inceleme yapılacak.
HABER TURK, published in 24/06/2012.
İşte Gerçek UFO Fotoğrafı.
HARBELER, published in 24/06/2012.

Friday, June 15, 2012

🔥 Flaming Object Fell in Peru

Video published in YouTube in 13/06/2012.

PERU. In the city of Juliaca, Puno region - southwest of Peru, Tuesday, June 12 (2012) - at five o'clock in the afternoon, a tourist, captured in video the fall of an object on fire. Apparently, the object was a meteorite but it may be the fragment a spacecraft (earthly or not) or other device - as a probe or a disabled satellite.

These flaming objects, falling from the sky around the world have become already - a common episode. Perhaps the ease of shooting and / or filming these events,have made ​​possible the abundance of these records, or, perhaps, the humanity's spacial junk is coming back home and - still, who knows... the Earth may be undergoing in some region of the Universe full of wandering meteorites, sons of a recent cosmic explosion. The fact is that never, so many objects - luminous and flaming were seen hovering, moving in the sky or falling on the earth. 

Anyway, all of them, ever! - can, must or should be or HAVE! to be a Russian missil...

SOURCE: Otro presunto meteorito fue visto en Puno.
PERU-21, published em 14/06/2012.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

UFO in Santiago del Estero

Photos: Rodrigo Dorado

ARGENTINA. During the evening of Saturday, about 19 pm, May 2, 2012, in Santiago del Estero, the reporter from the Daily Panorama, Rodrigo Dorado, captured in the sky of the city, a strange light that revolved moving in circles, next to the moon. 

The phenomenon was witnessed by numerous other people and commented on social networks in Argentina and other countries.

The object looked like a star and was moving at speed incomum. O reporter took several pictures which, when analyzed in digital zoom, revealed that the flying object is, really, not identifiable.

SOURCE: Un extraño objeto sobrevoló el cielo de Santiago.
DIARIO PANORAMA, publiblished in 03/06/2012.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Object in Flames at Peru Sky

PERU. A luminous object crossed the sky of Arequipa (southern Peru) at 5:30 pm moving from east to west. The population and scientists have different opinions: a meteorite, an optical illusion caused by an aircraft, an UFO.

The phenomenon, clearly observed in Ciudad Blanca and in the provinces of Castilla and Camana, was recorded in videos posted by netizens on social networks.

The director of the Geophysical Institute of the National Univercidad San Martin, in Arequipa, Jose Diaz Rodriguez, discarded the hypotesis of object be a meteorite.

According to Rodríguez, the fall of a meteorite would have caused a strong impact, an earthquake, something that could be perceived, heard, what did not happen. We also found no crater or damage to the soil in the region where, presumably, the object would have fallen.

The scientist believes that what happened could be the result of an optical effect caused by the passage of a plane in the sunset light and remembered that, not far from the place of the sighting is situated a base the Peruvian Air Force (FAP). 

The video images show two traces of light, which Rodríguez thinks that can be ejections of aircraft turbines. (However, the FAP sources reported in the day no planes left the base).

Objeto luminoso en el cielo alborotó a arequipeños.
CRONICA VIVA/Peru, published in 17/05/2012
Extraño objeto luminoso en cielo arequipeño causa controversia.
LA REPUBLICA/Peru, published in 18/05/2012.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

UFO-Brazil – Sighting in Santa Catarina

SANTA CATARINA (state) – Sunday, march – 10 (2011) an UFO was filmed at 'Erechim' town, north of the state. The images were obtained by a professional filmaker, Osnei de Lima that relates: When I took knowledge about something of strange at the sky, I got my camera and filmed the object. It was moving in all directions.

Lima recorded the images during one minute and 28 seconds until the bright object followed eastward, then north and finaly, disappeared. The director says this is not your first time that he observes a foreign object near his home, in Poland Street (rua Polônia) , one of the highest regions of the city. "But it was the first time I captured images. The object had a rounded shape and its light was very bright.

The UFO appeared to be far, far away. Moreover, its movements were made with great speed. I know very well the trajectory of an aircraft and can assure you that was not an airplane, he said.

Director of 24 films - six long and 18 short films, winning several times - Osne Lima, 36, used a camera with high definition, full HD to capture the sequence. The Commander Kraemer of surveillance Airport of Erechim confirmed that on Sunday no aircraft took off down the runway or terminal.

FONTE: Depois de Xanxerê, Joaçaba e Piratuba, ovni é visto em Erechim.
IN Rádio Rural/sANTA cATARINA state, published in 04/14/2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The UFOs and dead fishes

COLOMBIA – In Llanitos neighborhood, north of the city of Barrancabermeja, the collective death of two thousand fish is being attributed by the locals, to aliens. Witnesses said that saw an unidentified object that was hovering above the waters of a mangrove. The UFO emited a bright light and then, in few seconds disappeared. After that, the fish began to appear floating dead in the water. These fish showed signs of burns on the scales and gills.

A woman that is community leader from El Llanitos reported that the apparition of UFO phenomenon's lasted about 20 seconds. In the district of Puente Sogamoso, Puerto Wilches city, others people reported that they also saw the object, which was round and flew over the area with lateral movements.

The Municipal Department of Environment says the deaths are related to lack of oxygen in the waters of the swamp but the Fishermen's Association has rejected this hypothesis claiming that there was never a fish kills like was registered, now, in Barrancabermeja.

Furthermore, there is no known reason for this supposed lack of oxygen in the water. A committee headed by Environment Secretary, Isaac Lopez will inspect the marsh in order to ascertain the real causes of the phenomenon.

Mortandad de Peces en Barrancabermeja es atribuida a fenómeno sobrenatural.
IN RCN Rádio – published in 25/01/2011
Muerte de peces en Colombia es atribuida a "fenómeno sobrenatural".
IN El Universal – published in 25/01/2011.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

UFOs, earthquakes and mutilators

Photo: Deivyson Teixeira

CEARÁ – At Sobral city, district of Barracho, in a place called Desterro, since october, 2010, strange phenomenons have been happened. Tens of domestic animais have been found, along the last months, deads and mutilated. At the same period, the local population has registered sightings of lights at the sky at many other places of the region.

Numerous localities are suffering with the ocurrences: in places like Espinhos e Pizunha, at Cruz city more of forty animals suffered mutilations in only one night. Lambs, goats and even a donkey, all them had their eyes surgically stripped. In some cases the tongue is removed too. At Bela Cruz city the the same happened and, in a weekend, 17 lambs were sacrificed.

At Sobral city, UFO researchers are linking the mutilation and also earthquakes that have been occurred at the area with the activities of UFOs.

SOURCE: FAHEINE, Rita. Sobral – Animais encontrados sem olhos e língua; população suspeita de extraterrestres
IN O Povo – published in 12/18/2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

UFO stoped for two hours at the Central brazilian sky

In may, 19, a wednesday, at the Terminal Turístico Salgadeira (Salgadeira turistic station), at Chapada dos Guimarães, far from Cuiabá (capital of Mato Grosso state) around 51 km, a strong light appeared and stood for a long time at the sky between 5:25 pm and 7:56 pm. The light had a form of a horizontal disc very bright.

Many people witnessed the fact. The object was photographed and filmed. Local residents besides scientists and technicians working in ecological projects in this region have seen similar phenomena. The strangest thing is a torch that passes quickly and seems to sibilate between the stone walls and disappears in the woods.

Images: Centro America TV

SOURCE: Luz no céu da Chapada dos Guimarães atrai curiosos e amantes de ufologia
IN O Globo Cidades — publicado em 05/28/2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Mysteries of Little Brook City (Corguinho)

In small town Corguinho, wich name means little brook, in the hinterlands of the state Mato Grosso do Sul, in a place called Fazenda Boa Sorte (Good Luck Farm), a group of some ufologists established the headquarters of the Portal Project (Projeto Portal). Their goal is observe strange phenomenons and make contact with alien beings or creatures that inhabit other dimensions unknown to the men but that may exist in a parallel universe, right here on planet Earth. The Project is led by Mr. Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The mysteries of the "Saw of the Roncador"

At the Central Region of Brazil, south of Amazon forest, east of Mato Grosso state, located on 15º parallel, between the rivers Araguaia and Xingu, stays the Saw of the Roncador. The steep relief of the landscape formed by rugged mountains is a mystical place where the more fantastic legends are told. A place wich is associated to ancient and exotic traditions.

The main myth is the existence of a civilization in the undergrounds. One of their entrances is in one of the caves of the saw of the Roncador.Some think that Shamballa is the occult city while others believe that is Agharta and they put the brazilian passage in the hollow Earth map. Another version tells that the cave is the entrance to an underground road that runs from central Brazil till Machu Picchu, at Peru. There is talk of extinct volcanoes. Researchers seek Jurassic fossils and sightings of lights, suggest the transit of extraterrestrials spacecrafts. READ MORE

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Foo Fighters ─ The Mother of The Gold

MINAS GERAIS ─ Brazil Southwest. Folklore ou Technology? The misterious light that the people call Golden's Mother is a frequent phenomena registrated at Minas Gerais state. At Itauna city, folkoric tradition call the attention of the ufologists. For many generations they have been described like light balls, fire in the sky or lights, simply. The secular apparition is like a luminous sphere or a luminous globe. There are many testemonies. It has a small diameter. The sightings are common, especially in deserted areas, rural areas.

At these localities the sky is more clean than at urban zone. The color golden-yellow of this light, created the relation with the precious gold. This mineral, had a fundamental role on the cultural e politic evolution of this region of Brazil Colônia.Several researchers cogitate that the Mother of The Gold is a kind probe sent by alien civilizations that could be both intraterrestres as extraterrestrials. READ MORE

Sunday, November 15, 2009

UFO at João Pessoa

PARAÍBA ─ October, 22 of 2009. The Click-PB News online received from a internaut astonishing images of a supposed flying saucer. The sighting occured at Manaíra, at João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba state [Brazil, Northeast region]. More precisely, the sequence shows more that one spaceship.

As always happens the images quality is very bad as in most films of flying saucers, ghosts and other extraordinary phenomena. Why a japanese with its hightech camera never appears at this occasions? Let's meditate... and see the video...

Source: Imagens de objeto voador não identificado sobre João Pessoa
In Click-PB published in 10/22/2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

🛸 Child attacked by UFO

CEARÁ ─ This happened in 2008 but as this blog is, at the same time, a news channel and a collection of weird facts of Brazil, this is the story, published in november, 11. At Córrego Salgado and Alegre, Itarema town, a UFO caused a panic among the inhabitants of the place.

According to witnesses, during many days, the UFO appeared regularly at sunset. The population began to be afraid to leave home at night. 

The case became more serious when a boy appeared seriously injured, allegedly by the crew of the UFO. The boy, who saw the spacecraft suffered several punctures and a deep cut in the armpit. He had to undergo surgery.

The Professor of Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and engineer José Agobar, a member of the Association of Independent Ufologists Brazil considered the episode extremely serious. Agobar reveled, yet: studies indicate that these appearances occur at the region in regular periods of more ou less ten years.

The video shows the damage to the boy. The injury makes think that the goal of ET intervention could be the removal of a gland that is located in this part of the human body. The History of UFOs has similar reports.

Criança é atacada por OVNI no Ceará 
In Rondônia Dinâmica ─ published in 11/11/2008 []

Saturday, October 24, 2009

UFO Observed in The Amazon Region

Rio Branco, ACRE ─ Friday, october 24. The TV Gazeta's team observed and filmed a UFO at the km 40 of the Transacreana road. The team of the TV was returning to the station after make a story for television news when the object was sighted in the sky. The object had an oval shape and stayed visible on the horizon about half an hour. Jailson Fernandes, cameraman, recorded images.

The UFO moved itself toward to the TV team and passed almost near 100 meters. After, it swerved in direction of the forest. The acreano ufologist, academic Marcos José de Souza, 27 years, examined and talked about the images: These are the best images obtained of this type of phenomenon here, at Acre state. Maybe, some of the best UFO images of the world.

Source: TV captura imagem de OVNI em Rodovia do Acre
In Agencia Amazonia published in 23/10/2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mulungu UFO

CEARÁ ─ In the small town of Mulungu, Guritiba location ─ Maciço of Baturité, farmers and peasants reported the sighting of a UFO. The spacecraft has landing at a banana plantation. The plants were burned and suffered a cut evenly. The phenomenon would have reached a radius of approximately thirty meters. Ufology experts of the Associação dos Ufólogos Independentes do Brasil [Association of Independent Brazil Ufologists] visited the site and ensure: the region was, in fact, visited by a flying saucer. According to the report of these researchers, these episodes occur in the region every ten years.

The people were very scared and called the TV Jangadeiro's team to record what happened. There are reports of curious who visited the place of the supposed landing of the spacecraft and suffered physical injuries there. A wound appeared on the forehead of a man and a woman contracted a strange allergy in the form of red spots, having gone to the site. The local resident Carlos Eudes de Souza Miguel, watching the movements in the sky, called, by phone, the radio broadcaster Tony Siqueira who went immediately to the site Guritiba. There, they took pictures of the luminous object in the night of Mulungu.

População de Mulungu no Ceará assustada com suposto ovni
In Vooz Noticias ─ published in 28/september/2009
Portal Ufo