Thursday, June 24, 2010

Areias City – The ghosts of the Road of the Tropeiros

Areias (Sands) is a small city located at the of São Paulo state, in a region called Vale do Paraíba (Paraiba Valley). There, exists a sinuous track, a haunted road, the SP-68, the Tropeiros highway. When the night falls, ghosts trucks appear on this road with their lights on, scaring the drivers who are surprised by these sudden visions.

The elders tell that the trucks are transporting spectra of spectra. Spectra of the trucks that meandered on that road at the epoch of the Revolution of 1932. They experience an eternal loop of death, transporting to nowhere the spirits of the soldiery confused who died during the conflict. The elders tell that the trucks are spectra of spectra. Spectra of the trucks that meandered on that road at the epoch of the Revolution of 1932. They experience an eternal loop of death, transporting forever the wandering spirits of the soldiery who died during the conflict. They travel starting from nothing to go to nowhere.

There is also the ghost of a prosperous farmer. He had promised Our Lady Aparecida a pilgrimage to the shrin, by foot, in gratitude for a grace achieved. Always deferring the fulfillment of promessa, he died. Even today he is on that road. He doesn't want to reach the shrine on foot. Lazy, the ghost wants a ride and it gets on the road, waiting a car or a truck hoping to stop anyone. He needs the permission of the driver to enter in the vehicle. This phantom should ask a ride for the truck of the ghosts soldiers. Let's meditate...

SOURCE: Um Farol na Estrada
IN Mistérios do Vale – June, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Mystery: Brackish water of a pit reaches 60 degree centigrade without explanation

CEARÁ – At Missão Velha city, dwellers of the siege Riacho Seco are scared with a phenomenon still not explained by geologists. The water of a pit located in the backyard of the agriculturist Mr. Marcelo Barros Santana, suddenly, became hot to a temperature above 60 degrees centigrade. The suction pump of water was burnt but according to the technician Mr. José Rodrigues, who examined the machine, was not the defect that caused the warming water.

The geologist Mr. Raimundo de Oliveira Romcy, who visited the site, believes the phenomenon has a geothermal cause, like a wave of steam that has could pass through earthly fissures in the crust or even some chemical reaction among minerals salts. The geologist, then, recommended emptying the well but water, renewed, continued hot. The water from that well was brackish and, because this, the water was only used for certain domestic services.

The case can only be clarified after the examine water in laboratory. The fact that intrigued the geologist is that the heating only occurred in one of the pits of the region that receive water of the same underground source.

SOURCE: VICELMO, Antonio. Cacimba com água quente intriga populares.
IN Diario do Nordeste – published em 06/18/2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ghostly paranormality at Itatira city

Andréia Alves Marcolino, 16, has already experienced
the phenomenon more than five times. She is very afraid.
LINK RELACIONADO: The Curse of the Magaia ghosts

BRAZIL. CEARA state. ITATIRA CITY. At the city of Itatira, hinterlands of Ceará state, a 220 km da capital, Fortaleza, northeaster of Brazil, students from a rural school (School of Elementary Teaching Eduardo Barbosa at Cachoeira district) are suffering a strange phenomenon. With Aged between 12 and 19 years, from different classes, youths  fall in trance.

During the trance, the students enter in a strong agitated state. Some crises are much intense reaching to cause faints in the victims. 

When they regain consciousness, all tell the same thing: they saw the ghost of a former student who died seven years ago.

One girl, Beatriz da Silva Nascimento, describes the ghost: He is swarthy, tall, and wears blue pants. He speaks to us. Gives a very strong headache, then we see our colleagues in falling, we feel heavy and the fainting comes. The episodes became frequent.

Since June 2, 32 students were affected by the strange disorder. As in cases of demonic possession medieval the evil affects almost exclusively the feminine sex. Were 32 girls and one boy... 

In just one day, 25 students were received at Emergency of the local Hospital. The doctor Pedro Thiago Fleet commented: The students arrived shouting, presenting a picture of hysteria with a certain degree of aggressiveness.

The persons talk of a number of other symptoms: muscle aches, headache, breathlessness, weight on the chest, pallor, chills, difficulty walking, nausea, muscle paralysis, increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, fainting, anxiety and fear of dying.

Facing these facts, local authorities are seeking a solution. Priest and parapsychologist are being consulted. 

A Mass was celebrated at the school but the phenomenon was repeated during the ceremony: one girl had a trance and spoke with a strange voice. 

While science bet on the old theory of mass hysteria even without finding motivation, the evangelical pastor José Carlos reveals:  

It can be a spiritual force acting within the school. Because at that school three young people died in accidents. In this case, according to the pastor, if the phenomena are produced by wandering spirits, the solution are on the prayer. 

SOURCE: ALVES, Antonio Carlos. Paranormalidade em Itatira.
IN Diário do Nordeste – published in 06/09/2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Criminal law and Paranormality

About one month ago, in Brasília, the police chief Martha Vargas appealed to telepath Maria Jaques to cooperate in investigating the murder of retired minister of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Jose Guilherme Villela, 73, his wife, Maria Mendes Carvalho Villela, 69, and the couple's housekeeper, Francisca Nascimento da Silva, 58. The triple murder occurred on August 28 last year at apartment of SQS 113, where everyone lived. The case did not please the authorities. She was removed from case.

It is a polemic question: could the psychic, the paranormal be considered able to contribute with criminal investigations? In Brazil and in other countries of the world, examples are rare but eventually the clairvoyants were important in the elucidation of some crimes and for the definition of veredict of the judge too.

The Brazilian expert on relations between law and parapsychology, Valter Borges da Rosa, recalls some cases in wich paranormal phenomena were registered in court proceedings at Brasil. In 1944, there was a legal dispute over the copyright of Humberto de Campos (1886-1934), journalist, writer and brazilian politician.

The widow of the writer, Catarina Vergolino Campos, went in the Justice against the Brazilian Spiritist Federation demanding payment of authoral rights on psychographed works by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier. The question was that the books had been a creation by the spirit of the deceased. The lawsuit was dismissed. The judge not considered nor the exploiting the name of the writer under ground that the Judiciary is not an organ of consultation to decide on the intellectual activity of a dead man.

In two other cases, judical sentences were established with the help of dead people letters. Texts psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, called Chico Xavier, the most famous spirit medium of Brazil.

They were all crimes of murder. The first happened in the city of Campinas de Giânia, Goiás state, in 8 of may of 1976. It was practiced by Mr. José Divino Gomes against Mr. Maurício Gargês Henrique. The accused was acquitted based in a message of victim, dead victim, that, revealing the facts, exempted the defendant from guilt.

The second crime occured at the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso state. The tragedy happened in first of march of 1980. The victim, Mrs. Cleide maria, ex-miss, left her post mortem and appeared at the court through the same medium spiritualist. The ghost declared that her husband realy killed her, but the episode has been an accident.

SOURCE: Valter da Rosa Borges - Polêmica do além
IN Brasília Em Dia — published em 20/05/2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Earthquakes in Brazil?!

Image: Arte/G1

CEARÁ — 22 of may day, 2010In the city of Sobral, hinterland of Ceará state and also at Fortaleza, capital of the same state earthquakes, that attained among 3,9 to 4,3 in Ritcher Scale happened and have scacre the population. The tremors began some years ago. While the seismologists say that there is no reason to worry, nothing to fear the fact is that the frequency of the phenomenon only increases.

In 2008, in the month of may, the tremors reached even four degrees on Richter Scale. The fact occupied the headlines of the channels of communication in Brazil. More of thirteen cities of Ceará were hit At the state, this phenomenon became an ordinary thing. In april of 2009, occured tremors at the region. The seismic movements are became more and more frequent. Residents of the region between the city of Sobral and Fortaleza, capital of the state, are forced to leave their homes because of damage to infrastructure. The walls are cracking.The largest earthquake in the northeast region, which reached 5.2 degrees on the Richter scale, occurred in November 1980 on the east coast of Ceará.

ACRE — 24 of may day, 2010. In the begin of the afternoon (3:18 a.m., — GMT, schedule of Brasília),an earthquake with magnitude of 6,5 degrees in Ritcher Scale hit the state of Acre and the lands around that area of the Amazon region. The phenomenon was detected by the Geological Service of the United States of North America and confirmed by the Observatório Sismológico of the Universidade de Brasília (Seismological Observatory of the University of Brasilia, UnB).

Acre is a one of the 26 brazilian states of the federation that presents great seismic activities. The cause of this is the proximity in relation to Andes Cordillera. There, the impact among the plates of the underground rocks, the tectonic movements that occur along the Pacific ocean shore of the Latin America, mainly in the country of Chile. The tremors at amazonic region are echos provoked by the movements further west.

PERNAMBUCO — At this other state of northeast region of Brazil, the tectonic movements, although with less intensity are very frequent. At March 3, only in the city of Alagoinha, occured more than 60 tremors that reached 3.2 degrees on Richter Scale. In this city, the aftershocks of land have became routine and they are not so insignificant how someone may think. With the high frequency of occurrences, the structures of the buildings aren't supporting more vibration constants: the cracks are already appearing. But the most frightening is that many people reported hearing, on the occasions of the tremors, a sound similar to the thunder that echoing from the deep of the earth.The phenomenon has been accompanied by the department of seismology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), which has adequate equipment for monitoring earthquakes spreaded in several cities in the interior of Pernambuco

SÃO PAULO — The tremors have been also registered the southeast and south regions of Brazil. At the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná e Santa Catarina the people stayed surprised with the occurences of the phenomenon. In april of 2008 the earth trembled with an intensity of 5,2 degrees in Ritcher scale. At the four states, the quakes were felt. According the Observatório Sismológico da Universidade de Brasília (Seismologic Observatory of Brasília University - UnB). The epicenter was located in the Atlantic Ocean, 270 km far from São Paulo.

At the years of 1970, the text books of Geography and the teachers taught that Brazil, being consisting of very ancient lands, not suffered from earthquakes. Now suffers. Because everything changes, everything at the Universe is moving. The planet also. The Earth, after all, is not a dead body drifting in space. In contrast, the Earth and is moving in itself, indifferent to the discomfort it can cause human kind.

ARAUJO, Glauco. Tremor de terra é registrado no interior do Ceará. IN G1 — published in em 04/17/2009
CALHEIROS, Celso. Município de Pernambuco registra seis tremores de terra.
In Terra Notícias — published in 05/19/2010
COSTA, Thiago André. Tremor de terra atinge São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. IN Gazeta do Povo — published in 04/22/2008. []
GOZZI, Ricardo. TERREMOTO NA AMAZÔNIA: Americanos registram tremor de 6,5 graus no Acre. IN Ariquenmes Online from R7 and G7 —published in 24/05/2010[]
HARTMAN, Anderson e RIBEIRO, Marcelle. Terremoto de 6,5 de magnitude atinge o Acre.
IN O Globo Cidades, Reuters — published in 05/24/2010
MARTIN, Isabela. Tremores de terra no Ceará pôde ser percebido até no Piauí.
In O Globo — published in 02/29/2008

Video - The first victim of an earthquake at Brazil

MINAS GERAIS — Caraíbas city will slowly turning into a ghost town. Residents try to rescue what was left after the destruction. Mr. Sebastiao da Silva, local resident says: Caraíbas is over, the city was devastated. 

One girl died and six people were injured. The more than 300 homeless by the earthquake are in this nursery (shown on video). Mr. José Ferreira de Paula, mayor of Itacarambi asked for help from state and federal governments to buy land and rebuild homes. 

At Vargem Grande, 6 km from Cararaíbas, the earth also shook and some houses suffered cracks.

Depois do tremor, Caraíbas vira um vilarejo-fantasma
UPDATED: December 23, 2023