#legends #lost worlds #mysteries
#deluges RELATED LINK: Archaeologists unveil the Naylamp's legend ![]() The enigma, according to many researchers is a story that has become legend: the disappearance of the called "small" Atlantis, the island of Poseidonis, swallowed by the revolt of waters of the Atlantic, in the region located in front of the Mediterranean Sea, northwest Africa. Those who escaped the catastrophe were
dispersed. They took different paths, leading their culture to the most
distant points of the planet Earth. This is the root of the mythological saga
of Naylamp. Following the El Niño marine current, some ships, like ferries, traveled south by ferry. The journey began on the west coast of Mexico and sailing at a steady pace continued to follow its direction, crossing the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. The bow of the raft that led the group, was adorned with many multicolored feathers. On the bridge of command stood a man of high stature, aristocratic and haughty looks, clear skin and facial traces of a semitic. His head was wrapped in a large turban that had
on its center a magnificent turquoise. Naylamp was his name, the deified hero
who led the fleet of survivors wandering toward the region that later would
be called Peru. After countless days of anguish on the waters, in face the sight of a beach that seemed appropriate for their projects, the leader gave an order. The ships turned to the
direction indicated. Shortly after, the boats reached, softly - on the sands
of the beach. A new historical cycle was about to begin. There - hundreds of
men, women and children. They remained motionless, only looking the new home. ![]() He advanced a few steps and then, taking the pearly horn to his
lips, the new world could hear a loud and powerful roar. The trip of fugue
was over and was starting a new journey. Then the official holder of the royal mobile throne, Nicacolla descended from the ferryboat followed by his aides. When he put his feet on the beach, another trumpet blast rang out
and - of a ship - went down another traveler. He had a heavy safe on his
back. He was Fongasidas, whose job was cover the ground, during the royal
procession, with small purple stones to protect and honor of the king. Again the horn was heard and followed by six men carrying huge boxes, came LLapchilully, in charge of the royal wardrobe followed by Ochacali, another chief, along with his assistants. Finally, there stood Allopoopo , whose mission was to prepare the bath of the king at every step of the journey. ![]() On a small pillow, Ceterni (or Cetemi) - the princess - rested. She was the wife of the king. Finally, a hoarse voice ordained - organizing all the people in two rows: Naylamp advanced among them, pressing his chest against a giant "Spondylus". Once landed he made a reverence before his god. All the people repeated the gesture. The first order of the king was to build, in the exact place of landing, a tangible sign of their arrival, a monument to celebrate, according to his traditions, the alliance between the sea and earth, between their respective deities: Chia (the Moon) and Ra, the sun god, who would send a Messiah in the future. And the days passed; the months, the years. The city of LLampallec (currently, Lambayeque, where there is an archaeological site) was built. The religion was practiced like before. The economy, solidly developed. The new nation became a reign stable and secure. ![]() Before the death reach him, Si-Um secluded himself in a cave leaving for his descendants, as their most precious legacy, the myth of immortality. Three of his sons established small local principalities. The dynasty left a fortune to his eleven representatives. The last one, Fempellec, wanted to relocate the statue of Naylamp, who was formerly in the Temple of Chia, the moon. However, appeared a demon with the appearance of a young woman who seduced him and convinced to give up the idea. There has been, then, a terrible storm which lasted thirty days, a big flood that devastated the temple and destroyed the harvest altogether. The persons, confused and restless, revolted against his sovereign. Nobles and priests joined the people. Fempellec was tied and thrown into the sea. Thus, by a strange fatality, the mythical dynasty Naylamp, who had arrived by sea, died at sea. No one occupied the throne until the arrival of Gran Chimu (a nation) that came from Chan Chan (a region) and extended its domains from LLampallec-Lambayeque for all regions of western South America. SOURCES Leyenda de Naylamp IN Biblioteca Pleyades [http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sitchin/naymlap.htm] Acessed in 19/03/2012 transl. spanish/portuguese: Lygia Cabus transl. portuguese/english: Lygia Cabus search and complementary texts: Lygia Cabus, 2012 #recoveredfile |
The strange at Brazil. News of Fortean Journalism. The unexplained. Paranormal, supernatural, anthropology, criptozoology, occultism, spiritualism, ufology, ghosts, miracles. More, more, more: News of the weird reality in Latin America and in the countries of portuguese and spanish language.
Showing posts with label Peru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peru. Show all posts
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
🛸 UFO AT PERU April 13, 2016

PERU. UFO. April 13, 2016. In the state of Vilcabamba, city of Pucyura. An unidentified flying object (UFO) was filmed by journalist Raul Puma. Puma reported:
I could capture this images around 7:30 am but the object was flying over the Habaspata neighborhood since much earlier, sometimes approaching, sometimes moving away.BIt not produced any kind of sound and - suddenly, disappeared completely amid the clouds.
Cusco: Graban supuesto ovni sobrevolando comunidad campesina
YOUTUBE. Pobladores aseguran haber visto un ovni en Cusco Vídeo Raúl Puma
Juan Sequeiros CH, Published on Apr 13, 2016
YOUTUBE. Pobladores aseguran haber visto un ovni en Cusco Vídeo Raúl Puma
Juan Sequeiros CH, Published on Apr 13, 2016
strange objects,
strange phenomenons,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Plasma-light Entity Appears at Peru
Genrikh Silanov: The Photographs of an Invisible Reality
PERU. Two o'clock in the morning. The young Luis Miguel Chumbe Gómez (14 years) and his uncle, Daniel Chota Tamani (30
years) arrived at home, located in the Favela April's 9 - district of San Juan Bautista - Iquitos, Loreto region, Maynas
province (northeast of the country, in the Peruvian Amazon).
Before entering, one of them stopped to urinate in the garden. Then, they saw in the sky a strange light that changed
shape and size, moving at different angles. (It's not an UFO but, an Intelligent Being Unidentified - an.... IBU?...)
Speechless and even feeling very scared, the youth registered a video and got make some photos of the luminous formation,
using the camera of your mobile phone. Gómez tells:
It was something out of the ordinary. Scared me a lot when I saw the light moving in all directions and changing its
shape and size ... Then, I have called my mother ... and she was also surprised with that vision.
According to the newspaper, Diario La Region, indeed, the images are clearly in the registry of the phone and show a
metamorphic light wandering, keeping itself, however, the default of a ovoid line, an elongated form.
Daniel Chota Tamani (pictured above) said these "signs" always appear at these neighborhoods and is the second time he has knowledge of a luminous apparition nearby ... It was not a UFO or something ... was a strange body, weird form, something out of the ordinary ...

Genrikh Silanov: The Photographs of an Invisible Reality
Genrikh Silanov: The Photographs of an Invisible Reality
Informan avistamiento de un ovni en Iquitos,
Informan avistamiento de un ovni en Iquitos,
DIARIO HOY/PERU, published in 27/04/2013
AMPUERO, C.. Joven graba cuerpos extraños en la huerta de su casa con su celular.
DIARIO LA REGION/PERU, published in 26/04/2013.
AMPUERO, C.. Joven graba cuerpos extraños en la huerta de su casa con su celular.
DIARIO LA REGION/PERU, published in 26/04/2013.
strange creatures,
strange phenomenons
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The "fish-boys" of Peru
PERU. In the city of Pucallpa, (the capital of the Ucayali region, the Coronel Portillo province), three brothers - Samuel, Jesus and George (above), suffer from a rare genetic condition called ectodermia (Syndrome Christ-Siemens-Touraine or Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) that forces them to remain in the water to prevent skin damage and even death.
One dangerous characteristic of this "anomaly" or "difference" (genetics), is that the boys do not have sweat glands (or, if or when, the carriers of this ill they have these organs - they are atrophied - they aren't functionals. They do not sweat and therefore must be kept at temperatures below 20 º C (Celsius).
In this condition, living in a region where the temperatures easily reach 30 ° C, to survive, the boys need to be wet every ten minutes.
To attend school, is required the aid of buckets of water that are placed next to each of them to maintain the body moisture which they do not produce. One of the functions of the perspiration is help the metabolism to mantain the organism fresh; maintain body temperature. (RPP, 2013)
Also, not sweating, the boys are deprived of an important agent removing toxins harmful to the body: the perspiration, the sweating.
In Pucallpa, are known as the boys-fish. Olivia Oré, mother of the children, tells: My baby cried a lot and I do not know why but, when watering her head, he slept.
The three boys of different ages, suffer from the same ailment. When will wander at earth, in free air, mother has to carry containers with water to keep them fresh. The couple (his father is Olympian Oré) have has two other daughters who do not have the anomaly, because it only is transmitted to males.
The disclosure of the case mobilized the authorities in the region, specifically the Defensoría Municipal del Niño y Adolescente (DEMUNA) of Pucallpa, that provided all support to children. The boys were taken to the country capital, Lima, where, at the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, may receive more appropriate care.
The representative DEMUNA reports that ... They had no identification (documents) then we provide the paperwork for them to have access to health insurance Integral. The doctors said the brothers need specialized treatment.
One dangerous characteristic of this "anomaly" or "difference" (genetics), is that the boys do not have sweat glands (or, if or when, the carriers of this ill they have these organs - they are atrophied - they aren't functionals. They do not sweat and therefore must be kept at temperatures below 20 º C (Celsius).
In this condition, living in a region where the temperatures easily reach 30 ° C, to survive, the boys need to be wet every ten minutes.
To attend school, is required the aid of buckets of water that are placed next to each of them to maintain the body moisture which they do not produce. One of the functions of the perspiration is help the metabolism to mantain the organism fresh; maintain body temperature. (RPP, 2013)
Also, not sweating, the boys are deprived of an important agent removing toxins harmful to the body: the perspiration, the sweating.
In Pucallpa, are known as the boys-fish. Olivia Oré, mother of the children, tells: My baby cried a lot and I do not know why but, when watering her head, he slept.
The three boys of different ages, suffer from the same ailment. When will wander at earth, in free air, mother has to carry containers with water to keep them fresh. The couple (his father is Olympian Oré) have has two other daughters who do not have the anomaly, because it only is transmitted to males.
The disclosure of the case mobilized the authorities in the region, specifically the Defensoría Municipal del Niño y Adolescente (DEMUNA) of Pucallpa, that provided all support to children. The boys were taken to the country capital, Lima, where, at the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, may receive more appropriate care.
The representative DEMUNA reports that ... They had no identification (documents) then we provide the paperwork for them to have access to health insurance Integral. The doctors said the brothers need specialized treatment.
The American actor, Michael John Berryman (1948 ...) is carrier the Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. He developed a career in movies and television usually in horror and science fiction films, such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, The X-Files and A Cuckoo's Nest or One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975).
The ectodermia produces malformations in the skin, such as fish scales and the carriers of this mutation need keep themselves in constant contact with water to survive. The main symptoms of this condition are absence of sweating, hair loss and malformations of the teeth, which are small and sharp.
Os Meninos-Peixe do Peru
The ectodermia produces malformations in the skin, such as fish scales and the carriers of this mutation need keep themselves in constant contact with water to survive. The main symptoms of this condition are absence of sweating, hair loss and malformations of the teeth, which are small and sharp.
Os Meninos-Peixe do Peru
Tres niños sin glándulas sudoríparas son recibidos en Hospital del Niño.
RPP/PERU, publicado em 24/042013
ANAYA, G.. Pucallpa: hermanitos conocidos como 'niños pez' sufren extraña enfermedad.
DIARIO CORREO/PERU, published in 23/04/2013.
“Niños pez” llegaron desde Pucallpa para recibir tratamiento médico.
LA REPUBLICA/PERU, published in 24/04/2013.
Tres niños sin glándulas sudoríparas son recibidos en Hospital del Niño.
RPP/PERU, publicado em 24/042013
ANAYA, G.. Pucallpa: hermanitos conocidos como 'niños pez' sufren extraña enfermedad.
DIARIO CORREO/PERU, published in 23/04/2013.
“Niños pez” llegaron desde Pucallpa para recibir tratamiento médico.
LA REPUBLICA/PERU, published in 24/04/2013.
strange phenomenons
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Machu Picchu - The Small and Mysterious Grave of the Mountain
The tomb on the hill. Mysterious: small and isolated.
PERU. A strange tomb was found on the hill Uñawaynapicchu in the Archaeological Park of Machu Pichu - on Monday, 03/09/2012. Unlike other funerary constructions of the pre-Columbian civilizations of Peru, this grave is located on the top of a rocky hill, about 10 meters below the summit of the elevation, in front of the big wall of Machu Pichu. Small - measures only 1.20 meters long and has 75 cm wide.
The park director Fernando Astete told Andina news Agency: It is unique because all the graves of Machu Pichu, such as those found by Hiram Bingham (north-american explorer and treasure hunter, 1875-1956), are caves that had been closed with stones of different sizes - stacked and covered with mud - which served as the cement of these constructions.
Researchers have realized that this strange sepulture was desecrated but on the spot were found bones and pottery shards. Next to the tomb, were rescued pieces of stone that belonged to it, what allowed to restore the original appearance of the crypt.
Archaeologists and historians have no idea who was buried there but they believe that was a character distinct or at least unusual, given the location difficult to reach and the size remarkably reduced of this mysterious burial chamber.
SOURCE: Machu Picchu: hallan tumba "única en su género" en el parque arqueológico.
EL COMERCIO/PERU, publicado em 05/09/2012.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Video published in YouTube in 13/06/2012.
PERU. In the city of Juliaca, Puno region - southwest of Peru, Tuesday, June 12 (2012) - at five o'clock in the afternoon, a tourist, captured in video the fall of an object on fire.
Apparently, the object was a meteorite but it may be the fragment a spacecraft (earthly or not) or other device - as a probe or a disabled satellite.
These flaming objects, falling from the sky around the world have become already - a common episode.
Perhaps the ease of shooting and / or filming these events,have made possible the abundance of these records, or, perhaps, the humanity's spacial junk is coming back home and - still, who knows... the Earth may be undergoing in some region of the Universe full of wandering meteorites, sons of a recent cosmic explosion.
The fact is that never, so many objects - luminous and flaming were seen hovering, moving in the sky or falling on the earth.
Anyway, all of them, ever! - can, must or should be or HAVE! to be a Russian missil...
SOURCE: Otro presunto meteorito fue visto en Puno.
PERU-21, published em 14/06/2012.
strange phenomenons,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
🛸 Object in Flames at Peru Sky
PERU. A luminous object crossed the sky of Arequipa (southern Peru) at 5:30 pm moving
from east to west. The population and scientists have different opinions: a meteorite, an optical illusion caused by an aircraft, an UFO.
The phenomenon, clearly observed in Ciudad Blanca and in the provinces of Castilla and Camana, was recorded in videos posted by netizens on social networks.
The director of the Geophysical Institute of the National Univercidad San Martin, in Arequipa, Jose Diaz Rodriguez, discarded the hypotesis of the object be a meteorite.
According to Rodríguez, the fall of a meteorite would have caused a strong impact, an earthquake, something that could be perceived, heard, what did not happen:
We also found no crater or damage to the soil in the region where, presumably, the object would have fallen.
The scientist believes that what happened could be the result of an optical effect caused by the passage of a plane in the sunset light and remembered that, not far from the place of the sighting is situated a base the Peruvian Air Force (FAP).
The video images show two traces of light, which Rodríguez thinks that can be ejections of aircraft turbines. (However, the FAP sources reported in the day no planes left the base).
Objeto luminoso en el cielo alborotó a arequipeños.
CRONICA VIVA/Peru, published in 17/05/2012
Extraño objeto luminoso en cielo arequipeño causa controversia.
LA REPUBLICA/Peru, published in 18/05/2012.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Discovered: Altar of Human Sacrifice of Inca Culture
PERU. Peruvian archaeologists have found an altar for human sacrifices belonging to the mochica Inca culture. The utilization of the place has around 1600 years of age.The altar is located at the top of a mountain, a magnific scenary in the region of La Libertad.
PERU. Peruvian archaeologists have found an altar for human sacrifices belonging to the mochica Inca culture. The utilization of the place has around 1600 years of age.The altar is located at the top of a mountain, a magnific scenary in the region of La Libertad.
On Tuesday (03/04/2012), on the city of Trujillo, situated about 500 km north of Lima (capital of the country), in a interview - the archaeologist Regulus Franco explained: We found the altar where the men were killed, beheaded and then thrown into the abyss, as part of the rituals practiced - 1600 years ago by the Mochica people.
The place, prepared in carved stone was found a month ago, located in the center of the peak of the Campana mountain, 1000 m above sea level, said the expert. The structure - which has approximately 1.5 m high, consists of three blocs of 50 cm in length and has a stone table on top, similar to the called - Intihuatana (a sun-dial) of the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Cusco.
Regulo adds: The altar is on the brink of an abyss, which coincides with the representations that appear on the Mochica ceramics, in which are depicted scenes of beheads where the victims are held with heads down, said the director of The El Brujo archaeological project.
This ancient nation, the Mochicas - have always loved this God of the mountain and, apparently, the sacrifices were made during the summer solstice, a time at which the water from the mountains runs down, irrigating the fields.
This ancient nation, the Mochicas - have always loved this God of the mountain and, apparently, the sacrifices were made during the summer solstice, a time at which the water from the mountains runs down, irrigating the fields.
Mochica is a culture of the pre-colombian America which reached its splendor between the centuries I and VI AD. This nation occupied a territory that stretched the lands of the northern coast of Peru.
SOURCE: Altar de 1.600 anos é encontrado no Peru. BAND, published in 04/04/2012.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Archaeologists unveil the Naylamp's legend
In the tomb, located in the complex-Chotuna Chornancap, were
found 120 objects including ornaments made of gold, silver and
copper. Archaeologists believe the remains belong to Cetemi,
thewife of Naylamp - the mythical hero of a pre-Columbian nation
Peru rewrites history books once more with ancient archaeological find
Naylamp’s temple discovered in Lambayeque.
The Legend of Naylamp
found 120 objects including ornaments made of gold, silver and
copper. Archaeologists believe the remains belong to Cetemi,
thewife of Naylamp - the mythical hero of a pre-Columbian nation
Peru rewrites history books once more with ancient archaeological find
Naylamp’s temple discovered in Lambayeque.
The Legend of Naylamp
PERU. In October, last year (2011), archaeologists from the National Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology "Enrique Bruning" (Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Antropología) of the region Lambayeque made an extraordinary discovery. They found a grave with 120 objects, including ornaments and emblems made of gold, silver and copper as well as 116 pieces of pottery.
In principle, the scientists did think that they had found only one more of the leaders of the Lambayeque culture, which according to oral tradition was founded by the legendary Naylamp, but after excavations patients were surprised to perceive that the remains were not of a man but of a woman.
Then, they remembered that, according to oral tradition, the Huaca Chornancap was dedicated to the wife of Naylamp, Cetemy. Now, many already assume that the found may belong to this legendary woman.
However, archaeologists are cautious. They want to investigate further to give a definitive opinion. They expect to complete the laboratory testing. If confirmed the age of the remains, it means that the bones have about 1.250 years, which reinforces the theory of identity Cetemi.
In this case, is necessary a review of the conceptual approach of Lambayeque culture. Until then, it was considered that at that time and in the midst of this people, only the men that exercised political and religious powers received the funeral honors consistent, in function - with the importance of social position they occupied.
But the finding of a woman buried with the pomp of a queen, along with valuables, can demonstrate that the feminine sex could posses more social relevance than was previously supposed.
The Huaca* de Chomancap is located 10 km west of Lambayeque**. It is a platform made of mud bricks. It has 70 meters long, 50 wide, 25 tall and is surrounded by 21 acres of building infrastructure that would have been audience saloons, warehouses, workshops, homes and cemeteries.
Archaeologists, on the basis of popular traditions and previous evidence, they say that in this place, called Huaca, is located the Palace of Cetemi. With base in this information, is assumed that her tomb could be there. The identification of body found will can - finally - confirm the legend which thus becomes part of the history.
* HUACA. Sacred place in the pre-colombian peruvian culture
** LAMBAYEQUE. Yampellec or Lampalliqi. One of the 24 departments of
Peru located northwest of the country. Includes coastal and Andean regions.
Peru located northwest of the country. Includes coastal and Andean regions.
SOURCE: CABREJOS, Juan. Arqueólogos lambayecanos tras los pasos de la esposa de Naylamp.
RPP, published in 16/03/2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
👽 The small mummy alien of Peru
PERU. November, 2011. In South America, newspapers published in their headlines:
Descubren momia con características no humanas en la ciudad peruana de Cusco (Discovery mummy with not-human characteristics in the Peruvian city of Cusco IN Tribuna Latina); and...
Cusco: estudian osamenta de momia con características "no humanas" (IN La Republica).
The news were about the of two small mummies discovered in the district of Andahuaylillas, Quispicanchi province, Cuzco region [or Cuzco], Peru. It happened two years ago.
The mummies were in a "Apu", that is a mountain sacred belonging to a deity, at a place located more than two thousand meters above sea level. In this case, the mountain, a domain of the god Viracocha, is scenery of frequent UFO sightings.
Recently, the finding was publicized to the press by the director of the museu Ritos Andinos (Andean Rites Museum), Renato Davila Riquelme which, on occasion - described one of the mummies as having characteristics of non-human. He said that:
The bones of the ribs and lower limbs are very thin, delicate. It (one of the mummies) has an opening at the top of the forehead and the molars are of an adult
A spanish doctor and two russian scientists* examined the mummy and they observed that 'it is not a human being.' A definitive proof or at least, significant, would be a DNA analysis of mummified remains. * (Mrs. Andrianova and Mrs. Popova)
The other specimen is even smaller and strange, with only 30 cm in length and features similar to first mummy. However, this other has no face and his body is covered by a thin membrane similar to a placenta.
Perú: Científicos confirman que momia hallada es de extraterrestres
In El Tiempo,/Bolivia, published in 26/01/2012.
Descubren momia con características no humanas en la ciudad peruana de Cusco
IN Tribuna Latina, published in 17/11/2011
Cusco: estudian osamenta de momia con características "no humanas"
IN La Republica, published in 18/11/2011
‘Apreciación sobre momia fue superficial’
IN Peru21, publicado em 17/11/2011
In El Tiempo,/Bolivia, published in 26/01/2012.
Descubren momia con características no humanas en la ciudad peruana de Cusco
IN Tribuna Latina, published in 17/11/2011
Cusco: estudian osamenta de momia con características "no humanas"
IN La Republica, published in 18/11/2011
‘Apreciación sobre momia fue superficial’
IN Peru21, publicado em 17/11/2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The past encaged on a crystalline stone
PERU – In Chiclayo (a town located at northwest of Peru, capital of Lambayeque region, one of the 25 political divisions of the country) scientists found several examples of small insects preserved in amber stones. Researchers believe that these tiny specimens lived around 20 millions of years ago. Were – therefore, contemporary of the dinosaurs and, they passed, at least, for a glaciation.
In the stones of amber insects like Psocoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and spiders, as well as spores, pollen fossils, and even a drop of blood and hair of rodents, all of these fragments of the past remained preserved.
The discovery was made on a beach in far north of Peru by paleontologists from the Paleontological Museum Meyer-Honningen. The team found more than a hundred stones, among the river sediments, but still could not identify the majority. Some of the insects are nor even known, like the , long-legged mosquito Zancudo or a wasp, that has the stinger in the front of its body. These are possibly species already extinct that indicate changes in the flora and fauna of the area.
However, the Peruvian museum has invited Austrian scientists to assist in the study of fossils and new expedition will be made in the Santiago River, for try to uncover new clues about the evolution of the Amazon.
SOURCE: Âmbar alberga fósseis de insectos extintos.
IN Ciência Hoje/Pt, published in 04/21/2011
IN Ciência Hoje/Pt, published in 04/21/2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Amazon, archaeological findings of a unknown history
Among the artefacts there are pots and dishes.
Photo: Andina (Official news agency of Peru)
PERUVIAN AMAZON – 140 archaeological objects objects like stone and axes diferent tools used in textil industry were found at peruvian Amazon at last months of 2010.
The artefacts were discovered at High Amazon region, north of Peru. The findings are being dated about 1,200 years old.
The existence of this kind of stuff indicates that, the ancient inhabitants of the rain forest had developed a culture of produtive.
The artefacts were rescued by the Instituto de Investigação da Amazônia Peruana – IIAP (Peruvian Amazon Research Institute ).
According to archaeologist Santiago Rivas, the finding was revealed after a landslide caused by heavy rains in the region.
The occurence brought to the light some of the material. A local resident, noting the possible importance of the pieces, reported the fact to some researchers that were there, rightly to investigating the area in search of an archaeological site.
Besides the stone axes, pots, dishes, a sculpture of a human being and others fragments were discovered. These relics are a further clue to unveil the mystery surrounding the existence of very old civilizations, which can have lived in Americas in an epoch of forgotten times.
Expedição na selva encontra 140 peças arqueológicas na Amazônia peruana.
IN Globo Amazônia – published in 12/31/2010.
Amazon Region,
ancient civilizations,
South America
Friday, December 17, 2010
🌳🌳🌳 Treasures of Peruvian Amazon
The artefact appears to be a silver shield or pectoral plate.
Photo: Agência Andina/Divulgação.
Peruvian Amazon – In the district of Cajaruro, department of the Amazonas (state), Peru – objects made of stell and stone were found for forest guards. Among these, a shield of silver ornated with stylized forms. The artefact is in a good state of conservation.
The finding shows that in the Peruvian Amazon, cultures developed themselves for beyond of the neolithic stage. These peoples knew and worked using industry techniques for produce utilities of metal and jewelry.
At the same region was found a city of the Incas. However, the constructions, are covered by vegetation and it's necessary a acurate exam by the archeologists.
Achado na Amazônia peruana indica que índios conheciam ourivesaria
IN Globo Amazônia published in 12/16/2010
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