Sunday, June 12, 2011

Little Lamb – Two Bodies. One head.

PARAÍBA state/BRAZIL – May, 25 – 2011. In the Sítio of Curral Velho, zona rural of 'Tapada São José da Lagoa' city, Paraíba state, A burrego (a little lamb, a lamb pup) born with eight legs and two bodies connected to an unique head.

Joao Pereira de Souza, a sheep breeder, pet owner, while was accompaning the birth perceived something unusual. The baby lamb had a serious problem. In fact, the cub was abnormal - with their two bodies and eight legs. It died. The mother resisted and survived.

SOURCE: Ovelha nasce com oito pernas e dois corpos ligados a uma cabeça no Sertão do Estado.IN PARAÍBA.COM.BR, published in 26/05/2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Image of Virgin Mary weeps

ALAGOAS state/BRAZIL – In the city of Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoas state, northeast of Brazil, an image of Our Lady of Graces began to weep. The first time occured in 6 of may, a tuesday (2011). In the day after, all the city had knowledge of the episode.

The image belongs to Luan da Silva Araujo, a boy, 13 years old, who is an acolyte of catholic church. He has it, the statue, in his bedroom, where he usually pray. Luan account: That afternoon, while he was praying, he noted that the image was weeping.

I was praying at the feet of Our Lady. I asked her to give protection to the mothers that suffer by their sons, victims of violence or even for those who are trapped. I asked how she feels seeing these things. My head was lowered. When I raised my eyes I perceived that she was weeping.

SOURCE: PALMEIRA, Gabriela. Imagem de Nossa Senhora chora em Palmeira dos Indios.
IN Primeira Edição/AL, published in 19/05/2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Panthera in the backyard

PARA state/BRAZIL – At an agricultural settlement, in the region of "Pacajá", state of Para, north of Brazil – a teenager, a girl of 12 years old was mantaining a young "onça pintada" (Panthera onca, jaguar) like a pet animal.

The environmental analyst, Silvana Cardins tells that that the animal was found by the girl when was still a cub. The feline grows being feeded by the child and lived free till begins to attack other domestic animals of the neighbors.

Then, the family built a wood house to accommodate the big cat. Finaly, perceiving that this option could not solve the problem, they adopted the resolution of deliver the creature to cares of the authorities, in this case, the Ibama (Brazilian Institute for Enviroment). The onca (onça, sound of wordonssa) was taken to a Zoo at Paraopebas city.

SOURCE: Onça-pintada era criada em assentamento no Pará.
IN Globo/Amazonia, published in 06/06/2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The buccaneers of Ilhabela

SÃO PAULO state – At Ilhabela, the unique archipelago-town of the brazilian shore, located at the littoral of São Paulo state, dwellers of a traditional community of fishers called "Caiçara dos Castelhanos, on the beach 'Canto da Lagoa", in the last Easter holiday (2011), found the remains of an ancient wrecked vessel.

The relic was uncovered after the heavy rains fell in the region by increasing the volume and velocity of waters from a stream that disembogue along that stretch of beach.

The vessel, ancient, appears and disappears beneath the sands. Sometimes years pass without giving any signal. Then, It is Forgotten. Most of the piece is buried. Apparently, the structure is in good condition although it is not possible to determine whether the ship is full or not. Is possible to see the large beams of pine riga, a very tough wood used in building ships, galleons and caravels.

Ilhabela is well known for tales of pirates. The Bay of Castilians became famous for having been refuge of pirates and strategic point of slave ships that still were practicing trafficking even after the abolition of slavery.

SOURCE: ALMEIDA, Saulo. Ilhabela - Forte chuva revela embarcação antiga na areia da Praia dos Castelhanos.
IN O Noticiado, published in 24/05/2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The mystery of deaths of the Sapucai river

MINAS GERAIS state/Brazil – At Itajubá city, south of Minas Gerais state, (in the holiday of 1º of may, 2011), two girls – Michelle Bittencourt, 16 years old e Vanessa Moreira, 17 – found The Death, mysteriously, in the waters of a river (Sapucaí river). The girls were there with relatives and friends. All were swimming in the river when, suddenly, the first girl begun to scream.

A second girl ran to help the other but, the same power that was pulling a one, began to make the same with the other. There wasn't time to aid the girls. Both were engulfed by the waters convulsed.

In the moment in what all happened, nobody understood the the situation. But, the scene was being filmed and by this way the tragedy stood recorded. When the images were reproduced, persons perceived a third element among the girls. A animal that was not possible to identify. The first assumption was that the creature was a snake, a sucuri, Anaconda.

Despite the video, there are controversies. The legist doctor, José Henrique Schuman, said no injuries were found on the bodies to confirm the hypothesis of an animal attack, snake or some other creature. Biologist Flavio Vasconcelos did not rule out that the teenagers have been frightened by the presence of an animal. In this case, the panic would have caused the drowning. The bank of river is shallow but the water deepens become few steps forward. After examining the site, firefighters believe that the victims fell into an open ditch in the sand from the river bottom

The case made ​​headlines. Appeared on TV. Given the controversy, the police of Itajuba city considers the possibility of exhuming the bodies of the two teenagers, who were buried without autopsies.

Vídeo mostra jovens sendo atacadas por ser não identificado em lago.
IN O Dia,published in 20/05/2011
Cobra pode não ter causado afogamento de adolescentes.
IN EPTV/Globo, published in 22/05/2011
Polícia estuda exumar corpos de adolescente afogadas em rio em MG.
IN R7, published in 27/05/2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Killer Bees

PARAÍBA state/Brazil – Wednesday, day 11 of may. At the BR-405 highway, on the stretch between the cities of São João João do Rio do Peixe and Marizópolis, in hinterland of the Paraíba state (northeast of Brazil), an attack of furious bees resulted in death of three persons.

The attack involved a car (automobile) and a motorcycle. Mr. Francisco Peixoto de Araújo, his son of 10 years, Lucas Aves Andrade and Venilson Tavares da Silva, 14 years, were on board of the motorcycle when the driver was surprised by the swarm. He lost the control of the vehicle and hitted against the car.

Firefighters and police officers who participated in the rescue operation of victims were also attacked by bees and were submited to medical cares.


Ataque de abelhas mata três pessoas na Paraíba.
IN Portal MS, published in 18/05/2011
Hospital de CZ confirma morte da terceira vítima de acidente provocado por enxame na BR 405.
IN Paraíba, published in 13/05/2011
Morre segunda vítima do acidente com enxame de abelhas no Sertão.
IN Paraíba, published in 11/05/2011