Sunday, April 17, 2016


corrected video

Fireball Before Ecuador Earthquake - New Images 

ECUADOR. COSMIC  PHENOMENON. Saturday, April 16, 2016, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on Richter scale - shook Ecuador resulting in about 77 dead and 600 injured.

The seism was felt throughout the country but especially in the coastal cities of Manta, Esmeraldas and Gayaquil.

The epicenter of the quake was located 27 km from the city of Musine (in the province of Esmeraldas) at a depth of 19 km.

Shortly before the start of the tremor, a strange phenomenon was observed in the sky. Numerous witnesses saw a kind of fireball - like a meteor on fire or like a comet, cutting the sky. Some people filmed the incident.

The nature of the object has not yet been determined. It is speculated that the fireball could related with the impending earthquake. According to researchers from

Rugters University (USA) soil landslides near geologic faults could generate electrical charge and produce bright flashes in the atmosphere.

This kind of phenomenon is called 'Earthquakes lights and can occur before or after the seismic shaking. However, the lights of earthquakes are - generally - similar to the lightnings in storms - what is not the case of the bright object seen in this particular event.

Las redes se agitan por extraña luz en el cielo durante terremoto en Ecuador
EL UNIVERSO, 17.04.2016
Extraña luz en el cielo durante el mortífero terremoto de Ecuador
RT, 17.04.2016
YOUTUBE. Aparece extraña luz segundos antes del terremoto en Ecuador
videosenterado perez CH Published on Apr 16, 2016
YOUTUBE 2 Extraña Luz Que Aparecio en el Terremoto de Ecuador Se Expande
David Alexander CH Published on Apr 16, 2016

Friday, August 7, 2015

🦥 Rondonia Paleo-burrows - Brazil Video & Update

IN THIS VIDEO The Geologist Amilcar Adamy shows the interior of the place he calls "The mysterious cave.

The man who accompanies him in the video - identified only as Aristeu - is the owner of the land where the giant burrows were discovered.

The tunnels were known for some time but only this year (2015) the nature of the structure has been studied enough to confirm its origin and nature: these tunnels and caves were made by the claws of huge sloths - the Megatheriums - in Pleistocene, period when the planet was inhabited by a megafauna - giant animals.

The Megatherium, extinct about 10,000 years ago, could reach up to 6 meters high weighing about 1.5 tons.

The alternative to explain the regular configuration of the caves - is also arcana. If were not Megatheriums, the galleries may have been dug by giant armadillos. 
(Transcription of the audio-video bellow)

BRAZIL. AMAZON REGION. RONDONIA state. A team from the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais led by geologist Amilcar Adamy, found - at the region of Ponta do Abunã , the first paleo-burrow located at Brazilian Amazon region.


Amilcar Adami, in the video:

'We are inside the mysterious cave, in the property of our friend, Aristeu. This cave already is known for some time. Since 2008, at least we know about its existence.

In 2010, we've been here and caught our attention the circular shape of the tunnels, indicating that  they don't result from a natural process.

This research went being developed for four years. Now, in July - 2015, we came here again - already with an established idea about the origin of these formations.

So, this cave, now we know it's a paleo-burrow,  developed, elaborated by extinct animals that could be giant armadillos or giant sloths.

By the shape and the dimensions of the place we believe it was excavated by giant slóths that could reach a ton and a half and up to six miders high.

These sloths become extinct there about ten thousand years. Is not known the cause of this extinction. Maybe climate change, changes in vegetation, but it is not a sure.

The discovery is important for the study of peleo-climate and peleo-fauna that inhabited this whole region.

In Madeira riverbed we met fossils of pre-ristoric animals, including sloths. We were searching to know where they lived and now we know that here, in this cave - they found their natural shelter.  


Pesquisadores descobrem túnel feito por animais extintos na região amazônica
NOITE SINISTRA YouTube CH Published on Aug 7, 2015 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Weird Russia: The bowed trees of Sosnovsky village

RUSSIA. Chelyabinsk Oblast. In Sosnovsky district, an area nearby forest of the village of Sadovym, for some unknown reason - appeared completely bowed, curved

Many trees seem that have were plucked by the roots and their trunks were arranged horizontally. Some, which remain rooted although they have been affected, are still alive and keeping their growth cycles.

Photo & Video Yury Zavyalov
Фото и видео Юрия Завьялова 

The anomaly in the woods reaches an area that reaches 150 m² (m-saquare) and its perimeter is rectangular.  

Pines with 10 to 15 years, vines, poplars, alder bushes (Glutinous Alnus), all this vegetation was bent even the ground without apparent cause. The forest surrounding the area remains untouched.

The phenomenon was discovered by a local historian, Yuri Zavyalov. In research about the cause of the strange formation, Zavyalov and other scholars have dismissed assumptions as extreme weather phenomena, such as a sudden pressure drop, exposure to strong winds well as the fall of some celestial body, incidence of lightning or human interference.

This specific part of the forest seems to have been hit by some kind of limited energetic power. So far (July 2015), the anomalous glade is an enigma. More one unexplained phenomenon  in the history of riddles of Chelyabinsk region.

Странный вывал деревьев под посёлком Садовым обнаружил местный краевед
(Anomaly: trees bowed found by local historian in a grove near a village of Soronovisk)
Fenómeno misterioso produjo un claro en un bosque ruso  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Biblical. A Giant Cloud of Grasshoppers is Devastating the Argentine Crop fields

A devastating horde - of grasshoppers - which is decimating the fields of Argentina - 'The Cloud, is going to the northeast of the province of Santiago del Estero.

Government technicians recommend - the obvious - protect the fields (plantations). But how? The mass of insects reaches 5 km wide and 10 km long. The situation, unprecedented, began on Monday, July 27, 2015. 

ARGENTINA. PROVÍNCIA DE SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO. The swarm of locusts is destroying the production of an important agricultural area of the province and in the horticulture sector, for example, losses are disastrous.

According to a survey conducted by the Dirección de Agricultura Provincial (Provincial Directorate of Agriculture), the phenomenon has affected the department of Bamda, Robles, Figueroa, Beltrán, Vilmer, Villa Hippolyta, Colonia El Simbolar, Colonia Jaime, Forres and other locations.

The species of locusts is not strange tothe  regional enviroment. Rather, it is common in the province: it is of the species called 'schitocerca.

The environmental engineer Guillermo Brim commented the case: The locusts have erratic route. They change of direction according the wind direction. (And who determines the winds's direction nowadays?)

The plague has already ravaged more than fifteen hundred acres of crops of vegetables like alfalfa, onions and carrots.

BWN COMMENTS: The prognosis of lack of alfalfa, mainly - is a big worry because this vegetable is an essential ingredient for the good feeding of all the communists governments that are ruling South America after to have kidnapped  the countries, the work power and money  from the peoples of that continent..

Impresionante invasión de langostas en Santiago del Estero
Santiago del Estero: las langostas avanzan y temen más pérdidas

Horrendous Worms - Another weird creatures found at Taiwan

TAIWAN. 2015, JULY. The video was originally posted on the website Live Leak, where information is scarce, what is very common on the Internet. The footage would have been made with a telephone in July 28, 2015, on the banks of a river in Taiwan.

The creatures, with their strange and frightening aspect, are animals of this planet. They are worms classified into two types: 1. nematomorpha (Nematomorpha) or 2. Gordiáceos (Gordiacea) worms.


The hair-worms are dangerous parasites and are a risk to the health of unsuspecting bathers in waters of rivers and lakes.  They can invade the human body  penetrating any cavity. And this, it must be very painful.

These worms - that are also called 'verme-crina-de-cavalo or even hair-worms belong to a family of parasites and exitem 331 known species of these beings.

Their size can vary: small, 5 cm or large reaching 1 meter in length. They are very thin, with a diameter measuring amid 1 to 3 millimeters. Inhabit salty and sweet waters of almost all parts of the world except Antarctica.

The gordiáceos are typical of freshwater and are considered semi-terrestrial animals - like these that appear in the video. Their presence on the rocks, in the landscape - indicates that, in fact, the site is located along a river.

The language also confirms that the place is a country in the Far East, Asia - where exist about 100 known species of this worm.

The fact that a group of these animals be observed in this situation, writhing on the rocks, far from the water for much time may indicate some sort of contamination / imbalance / environmental poisoning. 

¿Extraños gusanos o simples cables pelados? Mira lo que encontraron en Taiwán
RPP/PERU, 30.07.2015
Saitenwürmer (Nematomorpha)
WIKIPEDIA/alemão, 01.08.2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Alioshenka. A monument for The Small Alien of Urals

Monument for Alioshenka, the banks of Anbash lake. The sculpture is made of stone, concrete and metal.

RUSSIA. CHELYABINSK Oblast. KISHTYM City. Sientists from Kosmopoisk (translated Russian Organization of Research Public), also known as Spacesearch, a group with interests in ufology, cryptozoology, and other mystery investigations - they are reopened the investigation about  the materials rescued two decades ago during the episode of a UFO that crashed in the woods near Kyshtym. The episode occurred in 1996.

Expedition members have hope to find traces of the spaceship, in which a little humanoid was wounded. The creature stood known worldwide under the name Alyoshenka.

This is the tenth time that "Kosmopoisk" visits Kishtym. The searchings are focused on the banks of Lake Anbash. The place was chosen because, according to eyewitnesses,  was there that 19 years ago, an unidentified flying object landed or fell.

The head of Kosmopoisk organization, Vadim Chernobrov explains that - The researchers are interested in several unusual events, including the fall of the a meteorite in the same region, the same year, 1996.

Chernobrov tells: We received a message from the Academy of Sciences, which was written by a resident of Kishtym. The letter describe the meteorite like a silvery object that had the shape of an elongated cigar.

ABOVE. Also, there were holes in trees. For this witness, considering the angle of the trajetory  and its speed, there is no doubt that it was not a meteorite, but something quite different. Trunks of huge trees appeared burnt  by some kind of  powerfull laser that left precise horizontal marks.  Meteorites do not leave such traces.


There 19 years ago, in a small town of South Ural, weird events occurred and became known to the whole world under the name "Kyshtym phenomenon.

In the apartment of an elderly resident of the village - Tamara Prosvirina Kaolin, it was discovered the mummified body of an alien being.

The woman tried hide him and feed him and gave a name to the being, Alexis. This would be the begining of the history of the extraterrestrial that the world knows like Aliyoshenka.

The daughter in law of Mrs. Tamara, saw the creature many times. A pensioner that used to visit the family, told to newspapers and authorities that also saw the creature alive.

When police arrived to the local, Aloyoshenka already was dead and Tamara Prosvirina, was desolated.

The police officer Vladimir Bendlina leaded the investigation of the case. In  this context, some ufologists from Kamensk-Ural, that claimed the the guard of the corpse, were persuaded to give the specimen to the police guard. After this, the body of the small alien vanished without a trace.

This history of the little Alioshenka is a mystery, matter of controversy among researchers. Despite the vanishing of the proves, the corpse, before this, The Discovery channel got   produce a documentary about the occurrence. The documentary has precious images of Alioshenka.


This summer (July, 2015), members  the organization "Kosmopoisk" camped on the banks of Lake Anbash - where, according to eyewitnesses, in 1996 - unidentified flying object landed there. 

In memory of this event, the activists of the organization erected a monument in Kyshtym, on the shores of the lake. Immediately the site became an atraction that has attracted the attention of tourists.

Надежда КРАСНИКОВА. Возле Кыштыма ищут следы НЛО 
(Traces of UFO sought near Kishtym)
KR74/RUSSIA, Суббота, 1 августа 2015 (01082015)
+ []
Под Кыштымом увековечили образ гуманоида 
(In Kyshtym, statue immortalizes the humanoid Alioshenka)
CHEL/RUSSIA, 21 июля 2015 (21JULY2015)
Russian geneticists to reveal alien’s DNA mystery
PRAVDA/English, 24.03.2007
Mysterious dwarfish alien brutally murdered in Russia's remote village
PRAVDA/English, 05.04.2007