Monument for Alioshenka, the banks of Anbash lake. The sculpture is made of stone, concrete and metal.
RUSSIA. CHELYABINSK Oblast. KISHTYM City. Sientists from Kosmopoisk (translated Russian Organization of Research Public), also known as Spacesearch, a group with interests in ufology, cryptozoology, and other mystery investigations - they are reopened the investigation about the materials rescued two decades ago during the episode of a UFO that crashed in the woods near Kyshtym. The episode occurred in 1996.
Expedition members have hope to find traces of the spaceship, in which a little humanoid was wounded. The creature stood known worldwide under the name Alyoshenka.
This is the tenth time that "Kosmopoisk" visits Kishtym. The searchings are focused on the banks of Lake Anbash. The place was chosen because, according to eyewitnesses, was there that 19 years ago, an unidentified flying object landed or fell.
The head of Kosmopoisk organization, Vadim Chernobrov explains that - The researchers are interested in several unusual events, including the fall of the a meteorite in the same region, the same year, 1996.
Chernobrov tells: We received a message from the Academy of Sciences, which was written by a resident of Kishtym. The letter describe the meteorite like a silvery object that had the shape of an elongated cigar.

ABOVE. Also, there were holes in trees. For this witness, considering the angle of the trajetory and its speed, there is no doubt that it was not a meteorite, but something quite different. Trunks of huge trees appeared burnt by some kind of powerfull laser that left precise horizontal marks. Meteorites do not leave such traces.

There 19 years ago, in a small town of South Ural, weird events occurred and became known to the whole world under the name "Kyshtym phenomenon.
In the apartment of an elderly resident of the village - Tamara Prosvirina Kaolin, it was discovered the mummified body of an alien being.
The woman tried hide him and feed him and gave a name to the being, Alexis. This would be the begining of the history of the extraterrestrial that the world knows like Aliyoshenka.
The daughter in law of Mrs. Tamara, saw the creature many times. A pensioner that used to visit the family, told to newspapers and authorities that also saw the creature alive.
When police arrived to the local, Aloyoshenka already was dead and Tamara Prosvirina, was desolated.
The police officer Vladimir Bendlina leaded the investigation of the case. In this context, some ufologists from Kamensk-Ural, that claimed the the guard of the corpse, were persuaded to give the specimen to the police guard. After this, the body of the small alien vanished without a trace.
This history of the little Alioshenka is a mystery, matter of controversy among researchers. Despite the vanishing of the proves, the corpse, before this, The Discovery channel got produce a documentary about the occurrence. The documentary has precious images of Alioshenka.

This summer (July, 2015), members the organization "Kosmopoisk" camped on the banks of Lake Anbash - where, according to eyewitnesses, in 1996 - unidentified flying object landed there.
In memory of this event, the activists of the organization erected a monument in Kyshtym, on the shores of the lake. Immediately the site became an atraction that has attracted the attention of tourists.
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(Traces of UFO sought near Kishtym)
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Под Кыштымом увековечили образ гуманоида
(In Kyshtym, statue immortalizes the humanoid Alioshenka)
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