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Fireball Before Ecuador Earthquake - New Images
ECUADOR. COSMIC PHENOMENON. Saturday, April 16, 2016, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on Richter scale - shook Ecuador resulting in about 77 dead and 600 injured.
The seism was felt throughout the country but especially in the coastal cities of Manta, Esmeraldas and Gayaquil.
The epicenter of the quake was located 27 km from the city of Musine (in the province of Esmeraldas) at a depth of 19 km.
Shortly before the start of the tremor, a strange phenomenon was observed in the sky. Numerous witnesses saw a kind of fireball - like a meteor on fire or like a comet, cutting the sky. Some people filmed the incident.
The nature of the object has not yet been determined. It is speculated that the fireball could related with the impending earthquake. According to researchers from
Rugters University (USA) soil landslides near geologic faults could generate electrical charge and produce bright flashes in the atmosphere.

This kind of phenomenon is called 'Earthquakes lights and can occur before or after the seismic shaking. However, the lights of earthquakes are - generally - similar to the lightnings in storms - what is not the case of the bright object seen in this particular event.
Las redes se agitan por extraña luz en el cielo durante terremoto en Ecuador
EL UNIVERSO, 17.04.2016
Extraña luz en el cielo durante el mortífero terremoto de Ecuador
RT, 17.04.2016
YOUTUBE. Aparece extraña luz segundos antes del terremoto en Ecuador
videosenterado perez CH Published on Apr 16, 2016
YOUTUBE 2 Extraña Luz Que Aparecio en el Terremoto de Ecuador Se Expande
David Alexander CH Published on Apr 16, 2016
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