Saturday, June 5, 2010

Earthquakes in Brazil?!

Image: Arte/G1

CEARÁ — 22 of may day, 2010In the city of Sobral, hinterland of Ceará state and also at Fortaleza, capital of the same state earthquakes, that attained among 3,9 to 4,3 in Ritcher Scale happened and have scacre the population. The tremors began some years ago. While the seismologists say that there is no reason to worry, nothing to fear the fact is that the frequency of the phenomenon only increases.

In 2008, in the month of may, the tremors reached even four degrees on Richter Scale. The fact occupied the headlines of the channels of communication in Brazil. More of thirteen cities of Ceará were hit At the state, this phenomenon became an ordinary thing. In april of 2009, occured tremors at the region. The seismic movements are became more and more frequent. Residents of the region between the city of Sobral and Fortaleza, capital of the state, are forced to leave their homes because of damage to infrastructure. The walls are cracking.The largest earthquake in the northeast region, which reached 5.2 degrees on the Richter scale, occurred in November 1980 on the east coast of Ceará.

ACRE — 24 of may day, 2010. In the begin of the afternoon (3:18 a.m., — GMT, schedule of Brasília),an earthquake with magnitude of 6,5 degrees in Ritcher Scale hit the state of Acre and the lands around that area of the Amazon region. The phenomenon was detected by the Geological Service of the United States of North America and confirmed by the Observatório Sismológico of the Universidade de Brasília (Seismological Observatory of the University of Brasilia, UnB).

Acre is a one of the 26 brazilian states of the federation that presents great seismic activities. The cause of this is the proximity in relation to Andes Cordillera. There, the impact among the plates of the underground rocks, the tectonic movements that occur along the Pacific ocean shore of the Latin America, mainly in the country of Chile. The tremors at amazonic region are echos provoked by the movements further west.

PERNAMBUCO — At this other state of northeast region of Brazil, the tectonic movements, although with less intensity are very frequent. At March 3, only in the city of Alagoinha, occured more than 60 tremors that reached 3.2 degrees on Richter Scale. In this city, the aftershocks of land have became routine and they are not so insignificant how someone may think. With the high frequency of occurrences, the structures of the buildings aren't supporting more vibration constants: the cracks are already appearing. But the most frightening is that many people reported hearing, on the occasions of the tremors, a sound similar to the thunder that echoing from the deep of the earth.The phenomenon has been accompanied by the department of seismology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), which has adequate equipment for monitoring earthquakes spreaded in several cities in the interior of Pernambuco

SÃO PAULO — The tremors have been also registered the southeast and south regions of Brazil. At the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná e Santa Catarina the people stayed surprised with the occurences of the phenomenon. In april of 2008 the earth trembled with an intensity of 5,2 degrees in Ritcher scale. At the four states, the quakes were felt. According the Observatório Sismológico da Universidade de Brasília (Seismologic Observatory of Brasília University - UnB). The epicenter was located in the Atlantic Ocean, 270 km far from São Paulo.

At the years of 1970, the text books of Geography and the teachers taught that Brazil, being consisting of very ancient lands, not suffered from earthquakes. Now suffers. Because everything changes, everything at the Universe is moving. The planet also. The Earth, after all, is not a dead body drifting in space. In contrast, the Earth and is moving in itself, indifferent to the discomfort it can cause human kind.

ARAUJO, Glauco. Tremor de terra é registrado no interior do Ceará. IN G1 — published in em 04/17/2009
CALHEIROS, Celso. Município de Pernambuco registra seis tremores de terra.
In Terra Notícias — published in 05/19/2010
COSTA, Thiago André. Tremor de terra atinge São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. IN Gazeta do Povo — published in 04/22/2008. []
GOZZI, Ricardo. TERREMOTO NA AMAZÔNIA: Americanos registram tremor de 6,5 graus no Acre. IN Ariquenmes Online from R7 and G7 —published in 24/05/2010[]
HARTMAN, Anderson e RIBEIRO, Marcelle. Terremoto de 6,5 de magnitude atinge o Acre.
IN O Globo Cidades, Reuters — published in 05/24/2010
MARTIN, Isabela. Tremores de terra no Ceará pôde ser percebido até no Piauí.
In O Globo — published in 02/29/2008

Video - The first victim of an earthquake at Brazil

MINAS GERAIS — Caraíbas city will slowly turning into a ghost town. Residents try to rescue what was left after the destruction. Mr. Sebastiao da Silva, local resident says: Caraíbas is over, the city was devastated. 

One girl died and six people were injured. The more than 300 homeless by the earthquake are in this nursery (shown on video). Mr. José Ferreira de Paula, mayor of Itacarambi asked for help from state and federal governments to buy land and rebuild homes. 

At Vargem Grande, 6 km from Cararaíbas, the earth also shook and some houses suffered cracks.

Depois do tremor, Caraíbas vira um vilarejo-fantasma
UPDATED: December 23, 2023

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Curse of the Magaia ghosts

MOÇAMBIQUE, Angola Press — At Maputo, capital of the country, in the Secondary School Quisse Mavota is happening a strange phenomenon: an epidemic of fainting of students. All the victims are girls. Only in a week were more than twenty faintings. Rumors speak of ghosts. The school was built upon cemetery for a family aristocratic of a clan of the region.

They were the Magaia. But a ritual asking permission to the dead was not performed. The school was built in 2006. Just at this epoch, there was an outbreak of faintings during the months of June and July. Now, the incident is happening again. Nobody knows exactly what is waking the spirits.

Julieta Bata, 17 years old, one of the girls that fainted tells what happened to her: she was in the classroom when she heard a noise, like someone screaming and saying things. Then, she felt herself a little sick and left the classroom. First, felt shortness of breath and after it was like someone was pulling her legs. She lost consciousness and she does not remember anything else.

Psychologists and psychiatrists think that the explanation for the faintings is a collective hysteria the sociologists don't found no reason that could have triggered such a phenomenon of this nature. However, the Association of Traditional Doctors of Mozambique has no doubt that the problem is a curse. The spokesman of that institution said that all that is happening is due to a "claim of the spirits" and the blame is of the authorities who that ignore the traditions: "We must respect the places where we know there were bones. We are Africans, we have other logical".

To cancel the curse, a traditional doctor will have to make the purification of the school: For now they are just suffering faints, but the girls may start to die.

Onda de desmaios ameaça alunas de uma escola nos arredores de Maputo
IN Angola Press — published in 05/10/2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

UFO stoped for two hours at the Central brazilian sky

In may, 19, a wednesday, at the Terminal Turístico Salgadeira (Salgadeira turistic station), at Chapada dos Guimarães, far from Cuiabá (capital of Mato Grosso state) around 51 km, a strong light appeared and stood for a long time at the sky between 5:25 pm and 7:56 pm. The light had a form of a horizontal disc very bright.

Many people witnessed the fact. The object was photographed and filmed. Local residents besides scientists and technicians working in ecological projects in this region have seen similar phenomena. The strangest thing is a torch that passes quickly and seems to sibilate between the stone walls and disappears in the woods.

Images: Centro America TV

SOURCE: Luz no céu da Chapada dos Guimarães atrai curiosos e amantes de ufologia
IN O Globo Cidades — publicado em 05/28/2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Mysteries of Pedra Pintada

RORAIMA — In the state of Roraima, at the northwest of Brazil, near the border with Venezuela, the existence of pictures and inscriptions made on ancient rocks arouse the mystery on the more remote past, of this region of the globe.

The lithographs, are found over an area of 600 square meters and represent human figures in profile to the Egyptian style, horses, cars with wheels and a system of write that appears to be a unknown alphabet.

Similar inscriptions exist at a place named Pedra de Itamaracá at a region called Xingu, north of Mato Grosso state. This stone of the Xingu is visible only during the dry season when river waters level declines.

The same phenomenon occurs at Negro river, where the low water reveals the secrets of the hidden stones that pass the major part of the time far from the human eyes. These stones has paints and gravings depict men, animals, circles and another signals that resemble to semitic alphabets.

These archaeological findings are completely incompatible with the culture of indians that the settlers found in the New World of sixteenth century. This reinforces the theory that the peoples of antiquity, adventurers from the east, reached the shores of Latin America long before the Mariners-era Great Navigations.

SOURCE: SCHOEREDER, Gilberto. Brasil – 500 Anos de Mistério.
In Revista Sexto Sentido — published in 04/29/2009

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Mysteries of Little Brook City (Corguinho)

In small town Corguinho, wich name means little brook, in the hinterlands of the state Mato Grosso do Sul, in a place called Fazenda Boa Sorte (Good Luck Farm), a group of some ufologists established the headquarters of the Portal Project (Projeto Portal). Their goal is observe strange phenomenons and make contact with alien beings or creatures that inhabit other dimensions unknown to the men but that may exist in a parallel universe, right here on planet Earth. The Project is led by Mr. Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira.