Thursday, January 27, 2011

The UFOs and dead fishes

COLOMBIA – In Llanitos neighborhood, north of the city of Barrancabermeja, the collective death of two thousand fish is being attributed by the locals, to aliens. Witnesses said that saw an unidentified object that was hovering above the waters of a mangrove. The UFO emited a bright light and then, in few seconds disappeared. After that, the fish began to appear floating dead in the water. These fish showed signs of burns on the scales and gills.

A woman that is community leader from El Llanitos reported that the apparition of UFO phenomenon's lasted about 20 seconds. In the district of Puente Sogamoso, Puerto Wilches city, others people reported that they also saw the object, which was round and flew over the area with lateral movements.

The Municipal Department of Environment says the deaths are related to lack of oxygen in the waters of the swamp but the Fishermen's Association has rejected this hypothesis claiming that there was never a fish kills like was registered, now, in Barrancabermeja.

Furthermore, there is no known reason for this supposed lack of oxygen in the water. A committee headed by Environment Secretary, Isaac Lopez will inspect the marsh in order to ascertain the real causes of the phenomenon.

Mortandad de Peces en Barrancabermeja es atribuida a fenómeno sobrenatural.
IN RCN Rádio – published in 25/01/2011
Muerte de peces en Colombia es atribuida a "fenómeno sobrenatural".
IN El Universal – published in 25/01/2011.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Mystery of the Stone of Dam

RIO GRANDE DO SUL – Between the towns of Pinhal Grande e Estrela Velha, for over 40 years, a rock withabout 30 pounds and 35 inches wide is in exposition in the second floor of the engine room of Hydroelectric Itaúba. Until recently, this stone was merely a reminder of the history of dam construction. She was the Stone of CEEE (State ElectricityCompany / RS). The simbols engraved on the rock were only a curiosity.

More recently, a photo of the stone arrived in the hands of Taís Vargas Lima. She is PhD in Rock Art and teaches at the University of the Campaign (URCAMP / Alegrete city). Lima Vargas came into contact with various specialists. Initial analysis has clarified that the marks on the rock are, in fact, inscriptions and the approximate age of the object is five thousand years.

The Stone of Dam is unlike any other archeological discovered of this kind on the region. The most important mark of this piece of stone is the the inscription because it is high relief.

SOURCE: DAL-RI, Emanuele. [transl. L. Cabus]. Pedra intriga arqueólogos gaúchos.
IN Gaz Notícia – published in 01/24/2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Awa-Guajá: The indigenous women who breastfeed animals

MARANHÃO – In the northwestern of Maranhao state, live the Awa-Guajá, one of the last nomadic tribes in the Americas. Its proximity to nature is so intense that the indigenous women breastfeed babies ape orphans. They tend also to adopt orphans of agoutis (Dasyprocta aguti) that are fed with the fruit of the babassu. (And, no. The Indigenous women don't have the practice of breast-feed the agoutis. This, only once a while... Photo) When animals begin to grow, when they are able to survive alone, are returned to the forest.

The danger most feared by the Awa-Guajá is contact with the white man. To find gunmen, loggers, squatters, or even a harmless white. White men, aggressive or not are synonymous with disease. So even those who live in villages spend most of their time in the woods. This is not a difficulty, since they are nomadic in their essential culture.

video in portuguese

SOURCE: Em tribo do Maranhão, índias amamentam animais.
Globo Amazônia/G1 published in 01/09/2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

The enchanter of buffalos

RIO GRANDE DO SUL – At General Câmara city, Vale do rio Pardo region, the cattle breeder Antonio Carlos Trierweiler, 47 years old (2011), owner of the Site of the Buffalos, has a poetic manner to conduce his flock. Without trumpets or horses, he uses only one violin to gather the herd.

Like the flutist of the Hamelin had the power to attract children and rats with his instrument, Mr.Trierweiler does the same with their portentous animals.

Besides being a lawyer, the cattle breeder, is also veterinarian and amateur musician. He played piano until an accident injured his right hand. After this he could not more to play the instrument. Then, learned to play guitar. Established as cattle breeder, when he were with 37 years, discovered violin.

In 1997, he was practicing on the balcony of his house when noticed the interest of the buffalos. That day, for the first time the animals begun to reunite themselves. They were atracted by the melody. Those huge animals were enchanted by the music. One song in particular: Amazing Grace, the repertoire of Elvis Presley.

SOURCE: Pecuarista usa o som do violino para atrair búfalos no Vale do Rio Pardo.
IN Zero Hora/Clirbs – published in 08/05/2010

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tornado scares the population of Rio de Janeiro

Photo: Janaina Suzano, a resident of the affected region.

RIO DE JANEIRO state – Between the evening of Wednesday, January 19 and early hours of Thursday – 20, a low intensity tornado caused strong winds. The population stood scared.

The phenomenon took off roofs of houses and suspended the supply of electricity in the western area of the city of Rio de Janeiro and Baixada fluminence, city of Niteroi. It appears that suddenly, the destroyer force of Nature remembered that Brazil exists.

SOURCE: Ventania deixa casas destelhadas e ruas sem luz no Rio e na Baixada.
IN G1 – published in 01/19/2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The changes of the brazilian climate

ITATIAIA city, Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro state.
Montains covered by snow, 1985. The event happens again in 2008.

The frozen dew in the early hours of the morning.

ALAGOAS state – It's no more possible ignore that something in Nature of Brazil is changing. The facts show that the phenomenon is global. At Brazil, the headlines that nobody never thought to read. At Brazil, the headlines that nobody never thought to read. At the country where never existed earthquakes, now, there are.

The authorities say that the tremors are normal and not offer danger to the population but, the true is that these tremors are extruding families of their houses that are seriously damaged. This problem is occurring at Ceará state eand others states og Northest region, for example.

Hail in brazilian hinterland

ALAGOAS state, january 2010.

More recently is the rainfall that is causing disasters of dramatic proportions. 2011 began with floods and mudslides that have killed hundreds of people in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. In the same time, at Alagoas, a state of a Brazilian northeastern region, of typical tropical climate, strong winds and rain of hail are surprising the population of Palmeira dos Índios city.

The storm toppled trees, marquees of shops and flooded streets in many districts of the city. In few minutes the rain and winds destroyed the roofs of houses. Trees were plucked by the roots. Some of the trees fell on power lines. Residents of the rural area in a community radio station reported that it rained hail.

GUARULHOS, São Paulo state, september, 2010.

There isn't the first time in recent times, that the ice falls from the sky in the states of warmer weather and dry of Brazil. In March 2010, the hail appeared in the city of Santo Domingo do Cariri in the state of Paraiba

These changes in the climate of Brazil are making itself felt with more frequently each year. The anomalies have been notable since the beginning of the second millennium. News about cyclones or snowfall in the southeast region of Brazil make think that the tropical country is no more so tropical. Someday, someone can wake at Rio de Janeiro and think that is at Norway, feeling the freezing winds on the face, looking a gray sky or, who knows, at Venice with the waters of a flood almost reaching the level of the window.
by L. Cabus

Chuva forte atinge Palmeira dos Índios e assusta moradores
IN Alagoas 24 Horas – published in 01/11/2011
Temporal que atingiu o Agreste pode se repetir no Sertão, alerta meteorologista.
IN Gazeta Web – publiseh in 01/12/2011