Sunday, September 15, 2024


MORE 😱 Strange Vampires

For three decades, people at Australia have been witnessing a strange phenomenon: the appearance of shadowy beings. They are known as the "Shadow People".

These "Shadow People" are usually described as ethereal silhouettes that appear human, with no discernible face and sometimes with glowing red eyes.

For thousands of years, we have heard countless stories about such shadowy beings around the world, but the occurrences in Australia are quite different from the more common cases.

In the late 1990s, The Shadow People began to appear more frequently at that country and became a popular topic of discussion among those who have experienced the apparitions.

Some claim to have seen them several times, while others claim to have seen them once. There are still some who say they have never seen them or not even  believe in them.

The phenomena of the Shadow People are almost the same as ghost sightings, but the difference is that there are no reports of the Shadow People having a defined human phisical strcture or wearing period clothing like ocurs with the ghosts.

Additionally, ghosts appear as white, gray, or even colored figures, while shadow people are just dark silhouettes that often try to communicate with humans.
Their manifestations are often described as rapid and disconcerting. Sometimes, this entities are seen as if they were solid and sometimes they disappear completely, passing through solid walls.

All people who have witnessed the experience have reported an intense feeling of fear associated with the presence of these inexplicable ghostly beings.

Animals such as dogs, cats, horses or even cattle also seem to react to such beings by showing fear and hostility.
Some people also claim that at night, shadowy figures are often seen standing at the foot of their bed, even in previously locked rooms, and then suddenly disappear into thin air.

There are many reports of patients suffering trauma or heart attacks after encounters with Shadow People.

Numerous paranormal researchers and psychologists have studied the phenomenon of the Shadow People to try to discover the nature of these mysterious occurrences, without success.


There are several theories to explain the apparitions. One of them is that perhaps the Shadows are interdimensional or extraterrestrial beings whose plane of existence, eventualy, overlaps with our dimension from time to time.

Another theory is that the Shadow People phenomenon belonga to a psychological sphere that is indirectly linked to a stressful modern lifestyle.

In most cases, the Shadows are seen out of the corner of the witness's eye, and for this reason, some researchers attribute the visions to Pareidolia, which would produce an interpretation of random light patterns that the mind understand like something already known. Or, they may be just optical illusions or, still, hallucinations that result of some mental illness.

Spiritual scholars interpret the phenomenon as a possible "echo" of spirits from past eras that somehow persist in the physical world for a long periods of time.

Theologians and occultists believe that Shadows may be demons that are intentionally created or transformed through negative psychic energy, black magic and other types of profane practices.

Meanwhile, exegetes (interpreters) of the Book of Revelations, the Christian Apocalypse, hypothesize that, in recent decades, the creatures of the abyss, released by the "angel of the abyss", Apolion, have been acting in the world in their essential occupation: terrorizing, influencing the behavior of the living or even "possessing" people (which would be demonic possession).

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Os estraños fenómenos de "Shadow People" en Australia
MRU, 14,2024 de marzo

Thursday, September 12, 2024


In 2019, authorities in Kemerovo were investigating the cause of the black snow that fell on three cities in Kuzbass, one of the world’s largest coal mining areas.

The cities of Prokopyevsk, Kiselyovsk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky, have a population of 2.6 million people.

Images shared by local residents show alarming scenes of a dark winter. One commented: “Is this what snow looks like in hell?” 

Others say there is beauty in the snowy desolate landscapes. Local media blamed the crisis on local coal processing plants.

The general director of the Prokopyevskaya plant, Anatoly Volkov, told Vesti-KUzbass TV channel that a filter had stopped working at his plant, causing coal dust to be released at air.

At the time, the deputy governor of the Kemerovo region, Andrei Panov, who is responsible for ecology, met with local environmentalists 😂 to discuss the issue. He suggested that the plant was not the only cause of the problem. 

Coal-fired boilers, car exhausts and other coal-fired plants were also to blame. 

On social media, residents also complained about other plants, claiming that there was a long-term lack of environmental protection in a region whose lifeblood is coal. 

'Without cleaning systems, all the garbage, dust and dirt, coal remains in the area. Our children and we are breathing this. It's a nightmare,' said one local resident. 

The phenomenon, however, is not unprecedented; quite the opposite. Toxic black snow is already common in the area and is not necessarily linked to a single source.

“It’s harder to find white snow than black snow during the winter”, Vladimir Slivyak, a member of the non-profit environmental action group, Ecodefense, told the Guardian.

“There’s a lot of coal dust in the air all the time. When the snow falls, it just becomes visible. You can’t see it the rest of the year, but it’s still there”.

Kuzbass (short for Kuznetsk Basin) is one of the world’s largest coal mines, covering more than 10,000 square miles (26,000 square kilometers).

A 2015 report, by Ecodefense, found that citizens of Kuzbass have an average life expectancy three to four years shorter than the Russian national average and are almost twice as likely to contract tuberculosis and mental disorders in childhood.


At Siberia, which would be the largest country in the world by size if it were a sovereign nation, bizarre environmental disasters are not uncommon.

In July 2018, a Siberian industrial city was drenched in a red “blood rain” when improperly stored industrial waste was dispersed into the environment by a storm.

Later, that month, a mysterious barrier of dust obscured the sun for 3 hours in Yakutia, a region that contains some of the coldest cities in the world.


Aerial view of Krasnoyarsk

At Krasnoyarsk, an industrial powerhouse more than 2,000 miles east of Moscow, these “black sky” alerts—officially called “unfavorable weather conditions” warnings—are common.

Between the first alert in 2012 and the end of 2023, Krasnoyarsk’s 1 million residents endured 460 of these smog-filled days.

More than two weeks have been under such an alert so far in 2024, with the latest occurring earlier this month (February 2024).

On smoggy days, residents are advised to keep their windows closed and avoid being outdoors.

“I’ve lived in Krasnoyarsk since I was born, and I’m generally used to life here. But lately, even I can’t stand it,” one Krasnoyarsk resident told The Moscow Times.

"I have developed a dry cough that does not respond to any treatment, and it comes and goes intermittently. And I do not smoke or drink", said the resident, who did not want to reveal her name due to the backlash she faces as a public activist.

In 2017, more than 1,000 people gone to the streets to protest the never-ending succession of dark skies.

Skovorodnikov-Erlikh, a borned of Krasnoyarsk who organized these rallies, became a leader of the Za Chistoe Nebo (“For Clear Skies”) movement.

“Around 2015 to 2017, it became more noticeable, especially in winter, how everything in our city is shrouded in chemical pollution”, he said.

“This led to the formation of our public movement because certified ecologists, so to speak, only gathered for round tables and talked, but did nothing. Authorities also only made promises".

Having been prejudiced by this environmental problem for decades, Krasnoyarsk is often classified as one of the most environmentally problematic cities in Russia. Official data indicate a "very high" level of air pollution with several toxic substances present.

The most days in January, independent monitoring of air quality, carried out by citizens recorded high levels of PM2.5 — fine particles produced by the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass — far exceeding the limits considered safe.

The fact is that the cause of the situation in the region is well known to everyone, authorities and the population, but the solution never arrives due to a lack of real interest from the political powers, closely linked to those who hold the economic power of local industries, who are not interested in investing in the modernization of facilities, which date back to the Soviet era.

Eerie black snow falls over Siberian region triggering acute pollution concerns from locals
SIBERIAN TIMES, 15 February 2019
Black snow falls from the sky in Siberia, and it's toxic
CBS NEWS, February 18, 2019
KORALOVA, Lana. Black Sky, Gray Snow: Decades of Air Pollution Leave Siberia's Krasnoyarsk Struggling to Breathe
THE MOSCOW TIMES, Feb 26, 2024


The Metsul meteorological observatory in Brazil has warned of the imminent arrival of black rain that could affect parts of Argentina, Uruguay and the national territory in the coming days, although the first contaminated rainfall has already begun to be observed in neighboring countries.

In Uruguay, this type of precipitation has already begun and users of the social network X have shared images of the black water.

At Argentina, at least 14 provinces, in the Northeast, Center and Cuyo regions, in the northwest of the country, are on alert for the arrival of these rains. Here are 10 of these provinces: Misiones, Corrientes, Formos, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Santa Fe and Tucumán.

The statement from the Argentine Ministry of Health indicates that "a smokescreen from the ongoing forest fires in Bolivia reached the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) today (11 SEPT 2024).

According to MetSul Meteorology (Brazil), this water is also known as soot rain. It is a material composed mainly by carbon, which originates from the incomplete burning of organic materials, such as fossil fuels (coal) and biomass (wood and agricultural waste).

When burned, these materials, instead of transforming pollution into carbon dioxide (Co₂) and water vapor, generate fine dark particles of carbon and other compounds.

Since this new formation is extremely small, with diameters on the scale of nanometers and micrometers, the particles remain in the air for long periods and can travel great distances.

July 16, 2023
Lechería-Puerto La CruzAnzoátegui, Venezuela

The phenomenon occurs when soot and other polluted compounds in the atmosphere mix with humidity and fall to Earth carryed by rain water.

MetSul Meteorologia also reported that this type of rain is indicative of high levels of pollution and is usually recorded in industrial areas, fires or where there is intense burning of fossil fuels.

When this substance reaches the ground, it contaminates forests and places where water accumulates. In addition, it leaves a layer of dirt on the surface, visible on buildings, vehicles and other structures.

The term black rain refers to similar events, such as those that occurred in Hiroshima after the explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945, when the rain accumulated dust and soot from the atmosphere.


Experts state that the so-called “black rain” does not pose a direct risk to health, but it may have contracted contracts for some people.

The National Meteorological Service of Argentina (SMN) has put 14 affected provinces on alert and the Ministry of Health has issued a series of recommendations in a press release. 

These measures are aimed at people with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, allergies or other risk conditions: 

Avoid smoking: this will increasing air pollution! 😱
Keep windows and vents closed.
Use the “ventilation” or “recirculation” mode on your air conditioning.
Reduce sources of indoor air pollution.
Place cloths or towels under doors and windows to prevent smoke from entering the home.
Do not light candles or fireplaces.
Be careful when driving due to poor visibility and low beams.
Wear masks that fit snugly to your face to reduce exposure to smoke and ash, especially for those who work outdoors.
Suspend outdoor activities such as walking and running.

Se registra lluvia negra en Brasil; saber qué es y los riesgos
SSC10, 11/09/2024
Alerta para chuva negra: o que é e quando chegará o fenômeno climático
SIN MORDAZA, 9 de setembro de 2024
¿Qué es la 'lluvia negra' que ha sorprendido en Uruguay y ya amenaza a Argentina?
ANTENA 3, 11SET2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024


SUPERNATURAL. HISTORY. The horror caused by World War I was something beyond the pain, agony and death of millions of soldiers from the armies in conflict.

Renowned researchers of acts and facts of that War assure that the battlefronts were also the scene of manifestations of supernatural phenomena recorded by the combatants. 

Examining the diaries of soldiers who fought between 1914 and 1918, whether killed in combat or surviving, the Canadian researcher, Tim Cook, discovered hundreds of cases impressive in the realism of the reports of experiences that - even those who experienced them, often could not say whether they were real or imaginary. 

Cook's collection, researched and prepared for the Journal of Military History - mentions spectral apparitions, strange sensations and perception of non-human presences that frequently haunted the trenches where the soldiers faced dramatic survival conditions. 

These apparitions and other phenomena gave rise to the term 'Trench Vampires'. 

In the ditches, the troops were surrounded by corpses that could not be buried immediately, pools of blood, mud and rats. 


In that true hell on Earth, many combatants wrote in their diaries that they witnessed inexplicable phenomenons: the corpses of their comrades, many mutilated by grenades, came back to life, got up, took up weapons and fought, only to succumb again shortly after.

These were Trench Vampires, but not only the undead were associated with vampirism on the battlefield. 

There are also frequent reports of ectoplasmic entities that appeared out of nowhere, unknown beings, maybe extraterrestrials, that descended from the skies in the most intense moments of the conflicts and even ventured there to influence or observe the course of events.

However, some of these 'entities' appear to be there to feed on something that is not visible, but that certainly was emanating from the blood and corpses. These were also Trench Vampires.

In addition, some soldiers began to have precognitions, alertnesses or visions in trance states during which they could foresee certain events related to imminent confrontations that, in fact, occurred a short time later.

These episodes refer to the idea and belief that the human world is secretly ruled by non-human creatures that feed themselves with negative emotions of Men and the blood of those who fell by violent death.


For some, these beings are the reptilians, for others, they are called Archons - who inhabit the planet's underground or, even, live in a dimension parallel to Earth's space and time.

These hidden rulers would, then, be the source of wars and all types of violence in order to have enough negative human energy that allows them to stay alive and vigorous.

ABOUT ARCHONS. Alex Collier, in his book "Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium" - explains that ...the Archons are mental-emotional parasites.

The negative energies emitted by the human masses literally function as food for the maintenance of the life and health of these Archons, being fundamental, including for the procreation of the species.

It is to obtain such energies in sufficient quantity capable of meeting their vital needs that the Archons are interested in promoting all kinds of horror in Humanity, including, among the atrocities, the fomentation of mega-wars, the World Wars.

At this point in the History of the present Humanity, promoting a Third World War is the final operation on this planet. With it, these extraterrestrials intend to obtain a fabulous amount of vital force through the complete and intensely painful annihilation of the human species.(CABUS, 2012)

ARANGUREN, Sebastián. En las trincheras vampiro, los muertos volvían al combate
CABUS, Lygia. Arcontes  ̶  A Ameaça Extraterrestre