Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Purussaurus brasiliensis, the largest alligator that ever existed, has been extinct for 8 million years. Its bite was 20 times more powerful than that of a great white shark and twice much strong as that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

According to Aline Ghilardi, paleontologist at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in an interview with the BBC in 2015, the animal needed to eat an average of 40 kg of food per day to sustain its body, which could exceed 12 meters in length.
From the Purussaurus to the giant sloth, fragments rescued by local communities, called riverside dwellers, help scientists from the Federal University of Acre to put together a puzzle about the past of Amazonian life.

AMAZONAS STATE. BRAZIL. Pieces a Purussaurus vertebrae, the largest alligator that ever walked the planet, were found under a lemon tree: at the feet of Gerimar do Nascimento, on the banks of the Purus River, in the south of the state of Amazonas.

The relic was on display on a cliff when it was spotted by Gerimar, while sailing in his boat during a routine route, which he always takes when he goes to  Boca do Acre, the nearest city.
"I saw that piece of bone and knew it wasn't from our time" says Geri, as he is known in the region. Photo: Nádia Pontes/DW


Carlos D'Apólito, a professor at the Center for Biological and Natural Sciences at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), who made a point of going to the community to retrieve the fossil, commented:

"There are three articulated vertebrae. It is not common to find them like this, one next to the other", says D'Apólito. "This can help science better understand the anatomy of the species, to understand in which part of the spinal column it would be".

The piece will be transported to the Paleontological Research Laboratory at UFAC, in Rio Branco (capital of the state of Acre), where it will be studied in detail and can help advance knowledge.

The name "Gerimar do Nascimento" will appear along with that part of the Purussaurus. This is one of the rare cases in which the identity of the person who found a fossil is known and documented, says Carlos D'Apólito, the researcher.

"There is a portion of the fieldwork that ends up being done by people who are not formally paleontologists, who remain invisible, and who sometimes do not even appear in the acknowledgements", says D'Apólito.


Near the site, a group of seven researchers is concentrating their search for traces of extinct life. They are part of the expedition led by D'Apólito and are surprised every time they turn the earth.

The dry season in the Amazon is the time when paleontologists leave their laboratories and go out to collect, with a good chance of finding fossils on the exposed banks.

The level of Purus river  during this season is well below average, say the boatmen who transported the team during the three days of fieldwork.

The searches are taking place near a strip of land claimed by the Apurinã indigenous ethnic group. 

Accustomed to seeing fossils there when the river is low, the natives believe that they are ancient bones dumped by a giant snake that devours animals and hides in the Purus. In Brazilian folklore, at many regions, this snake is called "Boitatá"

The planet was warmer and this Amazon region was a large wetland, with immense lakes that sheltered Purussaurus and other giants.

Veteran Alceu Ranzi, retired after working for more than thirty years at UFAC (Center for Biological and Natural Sciences at the Federal University of Acre), accompanies the group that brings together several generations of paleontologists dedicated to deciphering extinct species buried beneath the Amazon Rainforest.

With fossil fragments in hand, Ranzi imagines the scenario in which these animals lived together – or competed. "We are walking along the bottom of a large lake. There was a very rich fauna here: alligators, turtles, sloths, rodents, all giants", says Ranzi.

During the Miocene, dinosaurs had become extinct about 40 million years ago. Humans did not yet exist. 

Crocodiles, which shared the land with dinosaurs and are related to Purussaurus, adapted and survived, as did large mammals. The lush Amazon Rainforest probably did not yet exist.

PONTES, Nadia. Rios secos e ribeirinhos revelam fósseis de gigantes que viveram na Amazônia
G1/DW, SEPT102024
BENTES, Gabriel. Fóssil do maior jacaré que existiu no mundo é encontrado na Amazônia

Friday, August 23, 2024



Research from the 20th century led some scientists to consider and even believe that dinosaurs never became completely extinct. The most intelligent ones would have survived.

These would be, for example, the Velociraptors, extremely adaptable, whose race may have evolved after escaping the impact of an asteroid at the Yucatan region and the drastic climate change that followed.

The survivors may have developed a culture of advanced science and technology, including the construction of cosmic spacecraft more powerful than those of modern humans. They could have and still be exploring and colonizing other planets, creating extraterrestrial societies (off this world).

Among the Exobiologists who investigate contacts between humans and aliens, non-humans, there are those who believe that ETs are not, in fact, from another world, but rather - they are the original inhabitants of Earth.

This race has observed and manipulated Humanity in its evolution over millions of years. Its purpose is unknown. Only they, the Great Lords of the Earth, would know what future awaits the human species.

The supposed complete extinction of the dinosaurs is usually explained by the occurrence of a global catastrophe: the impact of a giant asteroid against the Earth, 65 million years ago, in the region of Yucatan Chicxtujub (present-day Mexico), which would have triggered what scientist Carl Segan called a nuclear winter: a dark scenario with the atmosphere shrouded in dust, subject to carbon storms, fires devastating entire forests.

The lack of food killed the herbivores and the absence of herbivores exterminated the carnivores. Collapse in the food chain. The end of the dinosaurs.

However, new data revealed that the collision in Yucatan actually occurred, 300 thousand years before the time previously admitted, which compromised the theory of the extinction of the dinosaurs and raised questions about other errors that were implicit in this theory.

Paleontologists began to question the complete disappearance of those species. After all, they predominated on the planet for 230 million years.

Some have suggested that the dinosaurs did not succumb quickly: the process of their decline until their definitive end would have lasted around 700.

However, it is a fact that in Nature there is no "definitive end", as the French chemist Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier (1743-1794) said in his Principle of Conservation of Matter: In Nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

Since the beginning of this Third Millennium, new evidence has outlined a completely new picture about dinosaurs: about their physiology, way of life and their supposed extinction.

Dinosaurs were much more agile than scientists had long supposed. Some developed rudimentary hands that would eventually allow them to handle various materials and make and use tools. Velociraptors, specifically, had an evolutionary brain and may have developed an unsuspected degree of intelligence.

All the necessary elements that would allow a dinosaur race to develop intelligence no less elevated than that of humans have been confirmed. If one of these species reached this level on the evolutionary scale, these individuals had a significant chance of surviving the catastrophe.


Having a conscious (self-aware) brain capable of thinking of strategic solutions to problems that arise during existence is an important step towards creating what is called culture, that is, it means being able to modify materials, the environment and one's own behavior to obtain some advantage, satisfy an interest, such as obtaining food or communicating with another individual of a similar species, for example.

However, to accomplish this feat, the brain needs to be in control of a physical architecture, an anatomy that favors such activities. It is necessary to have adaptable appendages, legs, feet, hands, arms, which can manipulate large and small objects with a certain degree of dexterity. 

Dolphins are intelligent but do not have manipulative appendages. Human beings have the appropriate appendages for the development of culture.

The Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, a dinosaur that inhabited the North American continent about 200 million years ago, was a small herbivore, but what it lacked in size it made up for with manipulative hands, very similar to human hands.

But the Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis and Velociraptors are not unique in their privileged anatomy. 

Paleontologist Dale Russell, who discovered Stenonychosaurus or Troodon while working for the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa - Canada, wrote in his book Dinosauroid: A Humanoid Dinosaur: the end of the Cretaceous, dinosaurs were on their way to becoming intellectual animals; and they would have succeeded if they had not suffered extinction. Stenonychosaurus had an opposable thumb, stood upright three meters tall and had binocular vision; all the elements of success that later [contributed to the evolution of primates] ...

In his book Evolutionary Bioparanoia, John McLoughin postulates the development of intelligent dinosaurs. Other researchers defend the same concept but argue that extinction occurred before those animals could erect notable cultural monuments.

However, some scientists admit that dinosaurs like the velociraptor had enough time and even the stimulus, with the catastrophe, to evolve. A concept that can be expressed as something like evolving precisely so as not to perish.

Thus, these animals whose species were situated between the reptile and the bird, since paleontologists find characteristics of both in fossil evidence, could have reached a level of intelligence that would have allowed them to create agricultural techniques, weapons, shelter from the elements and, perhaps, even towns and cities. 

Finally, they would have developed a language and possibly a form of writing.

And what's more, they had time, a lot of time. In tens of millions of years, they would have mastered different forms of energy and invented spacecraft for planetary and interplanetary use.

As they advanced in science and technology, they may have simply left Earth in the face of the possible discovery of a more pleasant orb. 

However, they did not abandon this planet completely. Perhaps they visit it sporadically and monitor the evolving life that was left behind; perhaps they are following the saga of the human species.


Another hypothesis about the whereabouts of these humanoid dinosaurs suggests that the survivors of the catastrophe took shelter underground. There they settled and maintained their civilization in the depths of the Earth.

In the same way, the oceans could also have served as a home for species of intelligent dinosaurs that found, in aquatic environments, spaces favorable to life and the development of their culture.

In both cases, these races would have reached a level of technological and scientific development much more advanced than that available to current Humanity. They would be capable of interplanetary travel. If so, UFOs would come from Earth itself, emerging from the unknown depths of this planet.

The Brotherhood of Babylon
Reptilians, according to David Icke's conception

The researcher of hidden reality, David Icke, author of more than 20 best-sellers on the subject, believes that a secret dome of humanoid reptiles or Reptilians, the Brotherhood of Babylon, has been manipulating and controlling Humanity for centuries with objectives that are still unknown.

The years of research and investigation by ufologists-exobiologists-exoethnologists have already built up a significant amount of knowledge about aliens (strangers), extraterrestrials or not, who visit Earth in vehicles of different sizes and shapes. The same is true of their occupants.

Today, experts distinguish around 80 races of non-humans, among which, however, only four stand out: the Greys, the Nordics (described as almost indistinguishable from humans, although very tall and always blond), the Insectoid Drones and the Reptilians.

Of these, the Reptilians are most frequently recognized by researchers as beings present in the History of Humanity, with records of their existence in legendary and mythological accounts.

(This is not accurate because it discards all the tradition that speaks of elves, goblins, fairies, angels, demons and other "magical" creatures that can be associated with the Greys, the Insectoid Drones and the Nordics).

The famous ufologist and theorist Jacques Vallee calls the supposed ETs, Messengers of Deception. Others label them as invaders, intruders, manipulators.

These are ideas that result from certain horrors attributed to aliens, such as the mutilation of cattle and the abduction of human beings who, after the experience, report having been subjected, on board spacecraft or in places they could not identify, to invasive and traumatic laboratory, clinical and/or surgical experiments, such as: artificial insemination (in the case of women), extraction of genetic material (both sexes), implantation of chips, which would be behavioral control devices.


However, there is no consensus on the evil of aliens. Many defend the idea that, among the different races, there are those who are united and act for the benefit of Humanity.

In their supposed contacts, these people generally point to Man himself as the mortal adversary of the survival of the current Civilization and warn against the harmful use of energy sources and against the predatory materialistic policy that has been postponing until a day that never comes the solutions to the most urgent social problems, the miseries that plague the world.


AIM, Terrence. Why Dinosaurs May Still Rule The Earth. 
IN BEFORE IT NEWS, published on 05/19/2012. Accessed on 05/23/2012.
[Translation, adaptation and complementary text by Lygia Cabus]