Saturday, September 7, 2024


SUPERNATURAL. HISTORY. The horror caused by World War I was something beyond the pain, agony and death of millions of soldiers from the armies in conflict.

Renowned researchers of acts and facts of that War assure that the battlefronts were also the scene of manifestations of supernatural phenomena recorded by the combatants. 

Examining the diaries of soldiers who fought between 1914 and 1918, whether killed in combat or surviving, the Canadian researcher, Tim Cook, discovered hundreds of cases impressive in the realism of the reports of experiences that - even those who experienced them, often could not say whether they were real or imaginary. 

Cook's collection, researched and prepared for the Journal of Military History - mentions spectral apparitions, strange sensations and perception of non-human presences that frequently haunted the trenches where the soldiers faced dramatic survival conditions. 

These apparitions and other phenomena gave rise to the term 'Trench Vampires'. 

In the ditches, the troops were surrounded by corpses that could not be buried immediately, pools of blood, mud and rats. 


In that true hell on Earth, many combatants wrote in their diaries that they witnessed inexplicable phenomenons: the corpses of their comrades, many mutilated by grenades, came back to life, got up, took up weapons and fought, only to succumb again shortly after.

These were Trench Vampires, but not only the undead were associated with vampirism on the battlefield. 

There are also frequent reports of ectoplasmic entities that appeared out of nowhere, unknown beings, maybe extraterrestrials, that descended from the skies in the most intense moments of the conflicts and even ventured there to influence or observe the course of events.

However, some of these 'entities' appear to be there to feed on something that is not visible, but that certainly was emanating from the blood and corpses. These were also Trench Vampires.

In addition, some soldiers began to have precognitions, alertnesses or visions in trance states during which they could foresee certain events related to imminent confrontations that, in fact, occurred a short time later.

These episodes refer to the idea and belief that the human world is secretly ruled by non-human creatures that feed themselves with negative emotions of Men and the blood of those who fell by violent death.


For some, these beings are the reptilians, for others, they are called Archons - who inhabit the planet's underground or, even, live in a dimension parallel to Earth's space and time.

These hidden rulers would, then, be the source of wars and all types of violence in order to have enough negative human energy that allows them to stay alive and vigorous.

ABOUT ARCHONS. Alex Collier, in his book "Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium" - explains that ...the Archons are mental-emotional parasites.

The negative energies emitted by the human masses literally function as food for the maintenance of the life and health of these Archons, being fundamental, including for the procreation of the species.

It is to obtain such energies in sufficient quantity capable of meeting their vital needs that the Archons are interested in promoting all kinds of horror in Humanity, including, among the atrocities, the fomentation of mega-wars, the World Wars.

At this point in the History of the present Humanity, promoting a Third World War is the final operation on this planet. With it, these extraterrestrials intend to obtain a fabulous amount of vital force through the complete and intensely painful annihilation of the human species.(CABUS, 2012)

ARANGUREN, Sebastián. En las trincheras vampiro, los muertos volvían al combate
CABUS, Lygia. Arcontes  ̶  A Ameaça Extraterrestre

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