Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BRAZIL ARCHAEOLOGY. Millenary rock engravings are found in rocks of the Hinterland of Pernambuco

IMAGES SOURCE: TV Grande Rio/ G1VIDEO on page

BRAZIL. NORTHEAST REGION. PERNAMBUCO state. In the district of Rajada, rural area of ​​the city of Petrolina - in Hinterland, near a  damn, at an area with rock formations,  were discovered  rock engravings dated between 7,000 to 12,000 years ago.

The curious rock formation of the archaeological site of Rajada  
(Pernambuco state, Brazil)

According to archaeologists from the Faculdade Estadual da Paraiba (State of Paraíba Faculty) and of the Institute of Geosciences from Federal University of Minas Gerais, the rocks - in themselves -  have over 600 million years.

The engravings have various formats, many geometric and in spirals. Some show everyday situations. The researcher Genivaldo Nascimento - warned the Federal Public Ministery  about the importance of the finding. Genivaldo reported that the major concern of scientists is the preservation of the site, which is completely exposed to vandalism. 

The mayor of Petrolina city, Julio Lossio, reported that measures to protect the site are being taken. We prepared a decree to take care of that area. We  also already we reported the discovery to the Ministry of Culture, which takes care of the archaeological finds and to the Federal Police, that has the assignment of protecting national archaeological sites.

FONTE: PEIXINHO, Juliane. Gravuras rupestres são encontradas em rochas no Sertão de PE.
G1, 29/03/2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

BRAZIL UFO FILES, 2011: Flying saucer explodes at São Paulo sky


Cinegrafista amador registra aparição de OVNI em Lençóis Paulista (SP) 
YOUTUBE, Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011

BRAZIL. SÃO PAULO state. ON February 2011. On a road in a stretch amid the cities of Bauru and Lençois Paulista, two guys have obtained the footage of a flying saucer doing strange maneuvers at sky. 

They were traveling on the runway when one of them noticed the object's movement between clouds and asked to his friend to stop the vehicle. He would wanted record the images. And did it.


The UFO made pirouettes and appeared to be about to make a forced landing Suddenly, occurred an explosion, visible and audible, in a vast área of the region.

Henry Barduco confirmed that posted the video but said that ignores the identity of the authors. He argues that has received the matter via email. 

At the time, the case appeared was theme of a reportage of the news program  RECORD SAO PAULO (Rede Record TV/). Witnesses said when the object fell on  the soil, the ground shook. The quake was proven by scientists and reached three cities in the state of São Paulo.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weird. Entities Plasma-Light are Filmed in Russia

Genrikh Silanov. The Photographs of an Invisible Reality


RUSSIA. ON 05 FEBRUARY 2014. In SYKTYVKAR city, capital of the Republic of Komi (federal unit of Russia) the security camera of a factory recorded a strange movement, a undentified thisn, a light form, a  entity - a light-plasmic being.

The anomaly was noticed by the official Panariva Tatiana (pictured below) who reported the fact to the news program TELE-3. The reportage remember that the broadcaster UFO sightings have been recorded in different locations of the city (Syktyvkar).

Tatiana Panariva, who reported the fact to the news program TELE-3



Even in Russia, on August 16, 2013, the city of Nizhny NOVOROGOD (Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, provincial or federal state), on 00:25 am - again, the security camera of a building recorded the appearance of other of these plasmic and luminous beings which seem to behave intelligently, as if  they were consciously hiding themselves from passersby, for example.

The security / doorman who monitored the cameras, when perceived the strange movement, activated the mode recording the images.



ON 03 MAY 2011, 1:40 am A IN THE CITY OF ARKHANGELSK (Arkhangelsk Oblast) - In  service dependencies of a shop, like a market, the security camera caught the frantic bustle of  one of these mysterious luminous beings, whose records of appearences are being, each time more - frequent along this post-modernity

Around the world, thanks to the spread of capturing images technologies, especially the surveillance devices, they are increasingly numerous .

The cameras,  and not only security cameras, but also those installed on personal computers, hundreds of millions of cameras in many portable mobile devices - the eyes of the cameras currently present, tireless, everywhere - and they have recorded phenomena that simply can have escaped to human perception or the ability of witnesses to can prove their experiences. Sightings or even interactions with these luminous beings.

They may exist since the most remote times, pre-history, pre-Humanity, very indented times, since... ever. Perhaps only now the science advance was able to create of this artificial vision which can to penetrate a dimension of an invisible reality to ordinary men's eyes.

Genrikh Silanov. The Photographs of an Invisible Reality

TEXT SOURCE: Seres Luminosos captados con Camaras de seguridad / beings of Light Security Cameras 
YOUTUBE/tercermilenio, Published on Mar 25, 201

Saturday, March 29, 2014

UPDATE. The mystery of the suicidal executives. Now, they are 12...

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see the previous reports

BWN 03/08/014
The Curse of Bankers: The Mystery of Eight Suicides

(+ INFO & updates) 

Kenneth Bellando. Young banker's suicide becomes twelfth in financial world this year. RT/USA, March 18, 2014

IMAGE: DAILY MAIL, 03/18/2014

RT/USA, 03/08/2014 
DAILY MAIL, 03/18/2014

ON MARCH 12, 2014. NY CITY/USA. One more investment banker  from  New York City is dead after allegedly jumping from his apartment building, continuing this so weird suicides  sequency and unexplained deaths that has descended upon the financial world.

The latest death occurred on March 12, when a 28-year-old financist, Kenneth Bellando, was found on the sidewalk outside on his apartment building, situated at Manhattan.

He threw himself from the sixth floor. Fatal fall. One more case among others. The 12º - the  twelfth dead - only this year (2014) - in similar circunstances to the previous episodes, a serial that already is turning in a terror's mysterious thriller. Yes, because, some deaths of the same kind occured also in 2013.

RT/USA, 03/08/2014 
DAILY MAIL, 03/18/2014

KENEALY, Meghan. Banker, 28, kills himself in ELEVENTH finance suicide this year.
DAILY MAIL, 03/18/2014
Young banker's suicide becomes twelfth in financial world this year.
RT/USA, March 18, 2014


  + INFO. Brazil is the largest Spirit nation of the world 

Mina "Margery" Crandon (1888–1941, more commonly known as Margery) is, perhaps, the most controversial medium in the history of Spiritualism. In her heyday, in the 1920’s, she spurred comments from some of the most noted Spiritualists and parapsychologists. n this photo, Ectoplasm is clearly seen emanating from Margery’s right ear.

About Spiritual Possession

Started by lisaloveslilia, Mar 25 2014

I am understanding that the members of this forum are from around the world.  I would like to hear, if possible, first hand accounts of this phenomena.  Or else I would like to hear your educated opinions of whether possession is possible or not. ... A coworker of mine, recently, told me a story about a fella he had known in his native country Yemen, [someone] that was showing all the "signs"...

Examples in my friend's tale...

1.  The "possessed" fella spoke English and never had before.
2.  He asked that a cigarette be placed on the window sill (unlit).  The cigarette allegedely ignited and this guy (across the room) blew smoke out of his mouth.
3.  The possessed fella loosened the lug nuts of a semi trailer truck with his bare hands and removed said tire and threw it across the yard.
4.  The possessed fella was acting out of sorts...particularly nasty and mean, when ,before he had never been.
5.  Flies swarmed around him and he smelled like rotting flesh.

The case you reports here seems to be a genuine case of possession or, in kardecist spiritist terms, mediunity, a case of  "to receive" a spirit, incorporate a one (spirit). In the context of this douctrine, there isn't demons bot, only human or humanoid spirits of disembodied spirits of individuals, units of beings endowed with self-conscience. Or be - there isn't possession without mediunity and this means a psychological open door.

The signs of behavior that are cited are indeed typical of a situation of possession:

1. Talk in unusual language or foreign language.

2. Desire for cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and other substances, drugs - that alter the state of consciousness well howcan occurs libido alterations.
An 'invasor spirit does not occupy the physical body, doesn't wears the meat but controls the possessed consciousness and its physical resources.

The 'magic of the lighted cigarette and the smoke being expelled by the medium/the possessed is possible because tehe possession don't consists, in fact that the invasor spirit enters in the body of someone but means, a bond, an involvement of auras. 

The involvement allows ignite the cigarette and expel the smoke that cannot be really a smoke, but a tiny cloud of ectoplasm.

3. Increased physical strength and violent senseless behavior, as a pure expression of hatred. Remember that spirits thatpractice possession are dominated by negative feelings and are suffering of mental disturbs which include hallucinations.
* The 'Physical Strength of those spirits does not come from muscle energy. It is a powerful development of psychokinesiscapacity. Be a troubled spirit does not imply having metaphysical faculties (or powers) anemic. 

In Nature there isn't a moral by deserving - in relation to the physical and metaphysical power of a spirit, a person, an individual. 

A spirit can be at the same time, dangerously disturbed and powerful in relation to spirits that, many times, are 'good persons butare also weak Egos, with their self-control (auto-possesion) in low development level - embodied or disembodied.

4. The smell of rotting flesh and the consequent result - the flies - is a strong sign of the presence - on-site - a disembodied in a low ethical level (or more than one) of Knowledge.  

Also according to the Kardecism (and other traditions) - many disembodied spirits remain attached to the consumption of earthly substances, food, especially meat and by extension, the blood -.beverages, cigarettes etc. - this attachment, this desires can be the hell of many spirits.

Because in their spiritual bodies they don't have tactile conditions for directly consume of their passions, to eat, to smoke, to drink, to make sex. 

They depends from the embodied to consume what they still can to consume. The essences, the smells, the emanations of objects and persons, tastes, smells, the physical sensations. 
Just as, according to tradition of Spiritist douctrine, the spiritual presence of the good, of the saints, is felt by the scent of flowers in a closed room (and no flowers, of course), unpleasant odors, especially blood and rotten meat are emited exalad by troubled spirits, tormented souls. 

Because they have the smell that they absorb at places that they frequent; places like cemeteries or, even - the deep of their own sepultures - yes, but also the animals's slaughter houses. 
  by Lygia Cabus 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Brazil. Anthropology. 3,500 years Skeletons found at Piauí state

Photo/UOL notícias: André Pessoa 
NEW YORK TIMES, 03/27/2014 
Discoveries Challenge Beliefs on Humans’ Arrival in the Americas 

BRAZIL. STATE OF PIAUÍ. ARCHAEOLOGY/ANTHROPOLOGY.  Researchers from the Museu do Homem Americano (Fumdham, Museum of American Man) found a cemetery with 12 human skeletons with approximately 3,500 years each one. The discovery  occured in one of about 800 archaeological sites of the Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara, distant 540 km from Teresina city, state capital.

The first discoveries were made in March,  2013-  when a team of archaeologists was preparing another 10 sites for visitation when they perceived the evidence of a skeleton: was boy and could to have about a year, when he was buried (photos).

The bodies were buried in simple graves and funerary urns, and most of the bones belong to children, according to archaeologist Tania Santana.

Photo/UOL notícias: André Pessoa

More precisely, the cemetery is located at a place known as 'Toca do Gongo, a place that - since the year of 1970 - already has a history of harboring ancient tombs. So far, there are seven skeletons found in 12 graves. 

While the boy's bones has being scrutinized, the other six exemplars, that still are in into urns - will be worked out in laboratory.

The discovery of this cemetery is important  because there are few records of graves at Serra da Capivara. This complicates the study of nations who demonstrably occupied the area along tens of thousands of year.

The new material collected will allow researchers to stablish comparative studies about the different cultures that lived in the park and by this way begin to identify and recognize them.

Material was found in the Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara. The archaeologist, Tanya Santana  said most of bones belong to children. Foto: Pedro Santiago/G1 

Beside the skeletons, also were found various lithic materials, rocks and minerals that may to have been used in various ways, which were collected and cataloged in the Fumdham's  laboratory.

The Parque Nacional da Capivara is an area which reachs the municipalities of Canto do Buriti, Coronel José Dias, São João do Piauí and, especially, the the territories around São Raimundo Nonato city.  

Since the 1970s, studies have confirmed that the man's presence in Serra da Capivara dates of 50,000 years, the oldest records discovered in America even now.

NEW YORK TIMES, 03/27/2014 
Discoveries Challenge Beliefs on Humans’ Arrival in the Americas 

SANTIAGO, Pedro. Arqueólogas acham ossada de criança de 3.500 anos no Piauí.
G1 PIAUÍ/BRASIL, 03/28/2014
NOTÍCIAS UOL, 04/03/2014