The C-130/KC 3803 is one of the largest transport aircraft of the world, a cargo plane. Scene of the crash.
INDIA-CONNECTION-FLIGHT MH370. MARCH 28, 2014. On Friday (28/03/14) morning, one of the new C-130 J Super Hercules aircraft of the Indian Air Force crashed 116 km west of Gwalior, near the village of Karauli - the Rajasthan-Madhya Pradesh border, shortly after taking off from Agra (city of the state of Uttar Pradesh).
All five militaries on board died. The C-130/KC 3803 is one of the largest transport aircraft in the country, a cargo plane and was on a training mission when the accident occurred.
It would be just another plane crash. However, in this particular case there is a coincidence ... curious. This aircraft, specifically, was used by India in efforts of search the missing flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines
The accident caused surprise among Air Force officers because that aircraft was in good technical condition and the cockpit didn't send no warning about any problems or distress signal before the fall, extremely sudden. In operation since 2010, the plane was sold to India - in a batch of six equals - by the United States.
Among the dead, the commander Prashant Joshi, an experienced military aeronaura, the second squadron commander 77 Veiled Vipers. Besides him, died: the copilot, commander Raji Nair; the reserve pilot and also a squadron commander; Kaushik Mishra; another squadron's pilot; Ashish Yadav, operating in navigation and the Warrant Officer KP Singh.
The Black Box of the C-130/KC 3803, the connectors on the device and the recorder card inside the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CRV) were recovered by the Indian Air Force ... but, this devices have suffered serious damages...
On Sunday morning - March 30 - all pieces were sent to the United States where will be submitted to expertise with the help of the manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, in order to extract and decode the data..
SINGH, Rahul. Five killed as IAF's Super Hercules plane crashes.
5 officers killed as IAF’s new showpiece Super Hercules crashes near Gwalior.
INDIA EXPRESS, 29/03/2014
Indian Air Force C-130 Crashes.
THE DIPLOMAT, 28/03/2014