Horizons of the End of World
by Lygia Cabus
Nibiru, this mysterious celestial body is a reality in the headlines and in the sphere of thought and of the worries for a crowd of people, a fever of curiosity, a nightmare for many persons, in all the world.

But its truth, the truth of its existence and what it represents remains uncertain of something of obscure. Something that moves between scientific knowledge and ancient mythology reborned in postmodernity, a cosmic legend.

For millennia, long before the writer and philologist of ancient and dead languages, ​​Zecharia Sitchin have resurrected his myth, every culture on Earth has been referring to it with a different name and understood its nature cosmological in different conceptions, sometimes as a planet, sometimes as a huge comet.

In fact, this mythical orb has more than a dozen names - by which it was mentioned and / or predicted in texts that belong to the literature of various schools of thought along the History of the Humanity.

Scientists call it Planet X or, even 10th Planet

For sumerians is Nibiru

Among babylonians, Marduk, The King of The Skies, The Great Celestial Body

Among Egyptians, Nteseru, Seth or Apep (Apophis)

For Mayans, star Baal, Celestial Quetzalcoalt or Tzolte ek

In biblical text appears as Ajenjo or, like in The Apocalipse (or Book of Revelations of John, the Apostle), Absinth

In the Kolbrin Bible or the called Copper Bible of Britain, The Destroyer

The Spiritists recognize in it the "Sucker Planet", purgatory, the purifier agent of the Humanity

In the culture of the nation of the north-american natives is The Blue-red star of the Kashina Masters

For Phoenicians, The Great Phoenix

The greeks called it Tiphon or, even - Nemesis, name of the  divinity of vengeance

In the chinese tradition it is Gung-Gung, the Great Dragon Black and Red

In the Ramallah prophecy, of the Qur'an prophecies ou Prophecies of Dead Sea it mentioned like the Death Messenger

The Gnostics called it Hercobulus

Also Nostradamus, in his prophecies, made references to this terrible visiting: it is the Great King of the Terror, The Monster, The Red Star, The New Celestial Body, for example. There are numerous quotes about this, like below:

When the sun to get completely eclipsed
the Monster will be saw in broad daylight
but the persons will understand another meaning
The providences will not be taken; nobody will predict it
(Nostradamus, cent. III, quatrain 34 Apud WEOR)

The Moon, due to the new celestial body,
It will go to approach itself of the Earth
and your disk will seem 11 times larger than the Sun,
causing high tides and floodings.
(Nostradamus, cent. IV, 30 - idem)


This variety of names for a mysterious celstial body that periodically approaches the Earth causing natural disasters, the antiquity of the references to this myth, indicates, at least, that there is some truth in this idea.

To proximity of this celestial body is atributed the force that triggers global catastrophes that were recorded in the chronicles of many ancient peoples. Among these, perhaps the best known are the stories of the Floods, Deluges, the World Destruction by the waters like: the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh and reproduction Hebrew, the Flood of Noah

In Anthropogenesis of the Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky, there are several passages that speak of these global disasters that change radically the face of the Earth by changing the configuration of the continents (of its emerged lands area) and wiping out entire civilizations.

The informations that teósofa reunites in his work are part of ancient traditions, coming from different cultures and nations on the planet. In one of these passages, Blavatsky, reproduces what she calls "stanzia" or Chapter II of Books Dzyan, speaking of a time long before the emergence of the human species:

The wheel whirled for thirty crores more. Rupas built; soft stones that stood hardened, hard stones that stood soft. The visible from the invisible ... Small lives ... She rejected all them, expulsing them of the surface of her body ...
(BLAVATSKY, 2001 - p 67)





Explaining this passage Blavatsky states: This part refers to the changes of tilt axis [earth] - and several of them already happened (ditto) ... Other authors refer to the same episode documented in records of antiquity:

Like other peoples of Middle America, the Mexicans also had the knowledge that several successive worlds had preceded ours. Each of them had collapsed because of cataclysm during which mankind perished. ...

It was this idea that dominated the myth of the "Four Suns" of their cosmogonic calendar, as well as the narratives of the Popol Vuh [of the Mayans]. 

According to the anthropologist Raphael Girad, this documentation [the Popol Vuh] is the earliest register of humanity. It is more ancient even that the Rig Veda and of the Zend Avesta ... [and] ... states that our planet has suffered several "Ends of world." (TARADE ¹, 2004 - p 207)

Papyrus Ipuwer

One of the scrolls of the Harris* papyrus - [Egypt] ... speaks of a cosmic cataclysm by water and fire during which, the south became north because the Earth suffered a invertion. The Papyrus Ipuwer ** [Ipuur or Papyrus Papyrus Leiden I 344, Egypt] indicates, as the papyrus Hermitage ***, this reversal of the poles ... (TARADE - 2004, p 214)
1. GUY TARADE  ̶  French ufologist and writer, born in 1930.

OVNI e as civilizações extraterrestres

* Anthony Charles Harris  ̶  1790-1869, collector of art and antiquity of Great Britain


** Found at Memphis  ̶  Egypt in 1820, now under the trusteeship of the National Archaeological Museum in Leiden, Netherlands.

*** Papyrus Hermitage is in the State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterbusg (ancient city of Leningrad) ̶ Russia

Considering that the geology proves the fact that the Earth has gone through several upheavals that for its inhabitants, men, plants, animals, seemed to be really a End of Everything, is inevitable admit that such phenomena were triggered by some factor.

Something caused and causes these telluric periodic revolutions. If the Earth's axis tilts necessarily extraterrestrial influence, this event must to be the effect of an extraterrestrial agent, external. Therefore, it is not absurd to suppose that a cosmic event is the catalyst of these devastating phenomena.

The cyclical approach of a celestial body of significant dimensions, from the point of view of gravitational force, whose passage occurs regularly, and beeing such passages interspersed with long periods of time, millennia  ̶  this would be more than enough to cause these mythicals "Ends of World".

It would not be necessary, nor even - a complete reversal of the poles (180°). A change in the magnitude of two digits would be enough to completely unbalance the current weather patterns causing disastrous natural events for all forms of life at the planet.


Despite all the speculations surrounding the arrival of the "Second Sun" a celestial body that could be the cause of the an End of Era, of this civilization, science, although he does not deny the advent of a planetary upheaval, also don't ensures that this event is a consequence of the approach of Nibiru or another celestial body known under any name.

However - there is a second hypothesis. The alteration or more specifically, the weakening of the magnetic field which permeates and surrounds earth. This change could indeed be the result of an approaching gigantic orb, but could also be caused by an unusual solar activity and also cyclical.

The geophysical Pieter Kotze, head of the geomagnetism group Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, (HMO, town of Hermanus - South Africa) and member of the International Association of geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) - head of research at current SANSA (South African National Space Agency - Smillie, January 2012), there almost a decade ...

... come registering the weakening of the protective magnetic field of the Earth. Scientists ... are not sure of why the magnetic field began to be wake. The hypotheses cogitate a interplanetary turbulence or even fluctuations in fluid dynamics ... in the core of the earth. This can be a casual or cyclical phenomenon. But Kotze says that has happened before.

It is speculated much about the cause of the weakening of the planet's magnetic field and the possibility of a pole shift. The compasses, that today, indicate the North, will go point to the South .. 

The rollback process - the normalization - will take hundreds of years, during which the Earth's magnetic poles will be numerous and the compasses will point ... for all intermediate poles [the equipaments of geographical orientation will loose the control] ...

The birds will lose their way ... The sharks will swim at random, frogs, turtles and salmon will fail to return to their spawning grounds, the polar auroras will shine [where today is the] equator ... 

[The time will seem mad] ... with the network of magnetic meridians suffering this interference, the direction and intensity of hurricanes, tornadoes and ... electrical storms will change. (JOSEPH, 2007 - p 61 a 65)

Apocalipse 2012: as Provas Científicas Sobre o Fim da Nossa Civilização


The psychic and paranormal American Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), reportedly under the inspiration of an archangel, Halaliel - predicted a pole shift and global warming. 

These facts are occurring and are - probably - responsible for the telluric, climatic and ecological phenomenons which have been occurring and occupy the headlines. Cayce prophesied in 1934:

In relation of the physical changes, I repeat: the Earth will suffer a rupture in the western portion of America. Almost the whole of Japan will sink into the sea. The Northern Europe will change in the blink of an eye. New land will appear off the east coast of America. 

At the Arctic, lands will rise and in the Antarctic volcanic eruptions will go occur in torrid regions and the poles will reverse. Places that today are cold, they will be semi-tropical regions, where will born mosses and ferns. (CAYCE. Readings 3976-15, 19 de janeiro de 1934 Apud JOSEPH, 2007)


The Brazilian physicist at the University of Maranhão, Fran de Aquino says the technology High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) may be used to cause earthquakes, cyclones, create shields of gravity and other physical prodigies. IMAGE: HAARP installations, Alaska.


RELATED LINK: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'.
HENDERSON, Barney. TELEGRAPH/UK, published in 21/05/2011.

The great Globe Destroyer, the electromagnetic fury of the Sun - or both, together, these two potential nightmares that threaten the existence of mankind, these two possible "agents of the End of the World", even it's be scary, this can not be considered "man's work". 

If the current civilization will be destroyed as a result of these phenomena, it must be recognized that tragedy will be an inevitable natural phenomenon.

The lamentations will be useless. The mankind will have to recognize the insignificance of their material reality, of their physical bodies, front of the magnitude of the dynamics of the Universe. 

Recognize that the universe can not and will not stop the necessary interaction of its forces due to the suffering it can cause to the inhabitants of this or that planet.

The hunters of blame, the conspiracists (who advocate the existence of a conspiracy, engineered by a elite leaders of evil, to end with two-thirds of the human race), those who postulate the excesses of science misused by a cruel strategy political-economic as responsible for the "end of the world", these - that don't conform themselves with a inevitable possible reality, they only can to protest to the Supreme Creator of All Things, God.

But while it is true that the Universe has its own rules and that sooner or later the earth and everything that lives in it will be destroyed anyway, there is at least a possibility that, indeed, human actions can be able to trigger the Apocalypse of current generation.

This possibility has a name: Super-weapons. Advanced military technology, or what has been called the Science Frontier ... 

Border between exist and not exist, between life and death. And this technology, which is a reality there, at least, a century also has a name, little known and mentioned even in textbooks common: eletrogravitational resonance - or scalar resonance.

This type of energy, eletrogravitational - transcends barriers like time and space and acts directly in the nuclei of atoms. It means that a weapon based on this technology can have its destructive power directed to any distance from the target in sight. 

Unfortunately, there are indications that this weapon exists - several of them, of different types, for different uses - and that have been and - are being used without the population of Earth to have any suspicion that this criminal activity is been practiced.

Its effects and causes, its disasters enter to the list of unexplained phenomenons, or poorly explained or are assigned to the forces of Nature. 

Because this energy - manipulated as a weapon, can cause since the fall of a military aircraft, a spacecraft or satellite, or the diversion and densification of a mass of cold air or hot, or even - imbalances of psychic or psychological nature in mass. Its applications are numerous, for good and for evil. 

The eletrogravitational energy, the scalar resonance is the force that keeps the universe in balance: atoms, persons, air, waters, celestial bodies.

In Symphony of Energy I, book entirely devoted to detailing the potential of this type of energy, writes the author, the researcher Salvatore Salvo:

If the Sun is significantly stimulated [with eletrogravitationais wave emissions ] within a day or two you will see a sharp increase in the number of sunspots ... 

If the stimulus is strong enough or sharp, the resonant response from the Sun could be catastrophic ... a gigantic eruption [able to] destroy our biosphere ... 

If the Earth-Moon system receive a sufficiently stimulus by scalar resonance, the result can be the ocurrence of extraordinary magnitude devastating earthquakes and seaquakes (tsunamis) with waves that could reach hundreds if not thousands of meters ... (DE SALVO, p 134) *

* SALVATORE DE SALVO  ̶  Born in 1929, Italian scientist and researcher in the areas of uflogia, psychotronic, radionics, etc. biological transmutations. Resident in São Paulo, Brazil since 1953. [http://www.mattron.com.br/biblioteca.htm] - portuguese.

HAARP web at the world

The technology of manipulation of the eletrogravitational energy has existed for decades. It is developed, for example, in the secret projects of the HAARP instalations ̶ High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, whose main research and operations center is located in Alaska. 

But the HAARP has branches worldwide. One of the pioneers of this tecnology is the famous and, and for many academics - the damned and bright scientist Nichola Tesla.

Therefore, because of this science that exists in the shadow of the Top Secret files, are not the ecological abuses well known or threats of war that are announced that threaten humanity.

Are the unannounced maneuvers that represent the true risk. The maneuvers whose consequences the herd of ordinary people will suffer with immense pain but whose causes, in fact, probably, they never will know.

Currently, there is no need or convenience - really - of frighten the political enemy with a threat of war. Any nation with enough technological potency, countries like United States, Russia, Israel, and even, those that are not fully declared like bellicose potencies, China, Iran, India, Pakistan, for example, already have the power to annihilate their enemies in silence.

The bombs, there many time, become obsolete devices. Today, you can destroy a whole nation acting at a distance. By the control of natural earthly and cosmic forces, driven these forces against to the enemy that can be wiped off the map by the occurrence of "natural" of an earthquake followed by a tsunami. However, to err is human.

The control that the owners of the World have on these forces is nonetheless to be a risk and can to cause unwanted side results. Probably are already causing. Worse, when one of these errors occurs is almost impossible to stop the disasters, what results in a domino effect. The witchcrafts are turning against the wizards.

But as this "backfire" is also predictable; since it is not only possible but highly probable, the sorcerers, seek protect themselves against their own actions, preparing to escape and hiding, because they want to survive as long as the rest of the world dies in the midst of the most terrible convulsions.

BLAVATSKY, H. P.. A Doutrina Secreta. Vol. III Antropogênese. São Paulo: Pensamento, 2001.
JOSEPH, Lawrence E. Apocalipse 2012: as Provas Científicas Sobre o Fim da Nossa Civilização. São Paulo: Pensamento, 2007.
IN GOOGLE BOOKS Portuguese [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=f7pPdm2gkBMC&dq=%22Apocalipse+2012%22+joseph&hl=pt-BR&source=gbs_navlinks_s]
DE SALVO, Salvatore. Sinfonia da Energética I. São Paulo: Casa Editorial Schimidt, 1992.
SMILLIE, Shaun. Solar flare causes a lot of anxiety but little else. THE STAR/Za-África do Sul, publicado em 25/01/2012. Acessado em 18/09/2012.
TARADE, Guy. OVNI e as civilizações extraterrestres. São Paulo: Hemus, 2004.
WEOR, Samael Aun. O Planeta Destruidor IN O Fim dos Tempos. IN GNOSIS ONLINE. Acessado em 16/09/2012. [http://www.gnosisonline.org/fim-dos-tempos/o-planeta-destruidor/]

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