Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Scientific name of Nibiru

NIBIRU. The apocalyptical headlines, both on natural disasters as about unimaginable atrocities - being perpetrated by people worldwide have has made rise the collective idea of the imminence of an end of the World. Many are speculating about what might be the determining cause of final disaster. On the Internet, multiply speculations: of religious arguments even astrophysicists.

The activities of the earthly crust and the earthquakes that are happening and, that already are been considered as an "anomalous wave" by many scholars, have provoked a frenetic search to discover the origin of this facts. Amid the causes that are been cogitated - one of the most suspicious agents, is the popular and now-famous Planet X or Nibiru which has even a scientific name defined: he is the celestial body 2003-UB-313.

In east-central Turkey, an earthquake that reached 6 degrees on Richter, propagated itself - hitting the southern of Greece. In Italy, the region of Emilia Roamagna, the earth still not stopped shaking. Amid all this, dead, injured, pain, homelessness.

The scientists, especially geologists and astrophysicists are on alert. Equipment are scrutinizing the underground and the cosmic space. Eyes fixed on Earth and sky.

In 1983, The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (Infrared Astronomical Satellite - IRAS), a joint project of the Space Agency, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration / USA) - NVIR (Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes or, in Dutch, Nederlands Instituut voor en Vliegtuigontwikkeling Ruimtevaart ) and SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council / UK) - during a mission that lasted ten months, discovered traces of infrared rays with origins at different points of the universe. 

None of them had the astrophysical conditions that would be necessary - (frequency, speed, distance, intensity) to define their procedence as being from Planet X or any other orb outside this solar system.

However, today - none scientist, denies - completly the possibility that ...there may be something out there... Some, are hazarding make few uncertain predictions: as to say that this something can not be bigger than the Moon or Pluto. But that must to be too far, no less than 6.4 billion miles from Earth. 

The astronomer / astrophysicist Gerald Neugebauer (Germany, 1932), of IRAS - says that there is no information about the constitution, size or trajectory of this something. Nobody actually knows what it is.

It is curious - and funny - the language of the scientists in their attempts cautious to not to compromise themselves. They say - if something like Nibiru is approaching, this can affect the Earth. Hell! As could to say the good and old Isaac (Newton): Matter attracts matter in the direct proportion to the masses and in the inverse proportion of the square of the distances

(Or would be better: Something attracts something in the direct proportion to the masses and in the inverse proportion of the square of the distances. This - already is obvious and a well known nature law! Will be that the scientists think that everyone fled of the school?

SOURCE: Terremoti - Pianeta X: scienza o fantascienza?
OGGI NOTIZIE/Italy, published in 20/06/2012.

Ghost - Woman in White Photographed in Brazilian Road

RONDONIA state. In the brazilian road BR 364, in the dawn of Tuesday (6/19/2012), between the cities of Porto Velho (state capital) and Jacy Parana - a group of young people photographed the ghostly specter of a woman wearing what looks like a wedding dress - white.

The ghost, that has no head, was sliding in the darkness, crossing the lane of the highway. Two photos of the apparition were posted of the social network Facebook on Tuesday morning.

SOURCE: BAZIK, Fabio. Fotos com suposto fantasma na BR 364 bomba no Facebook.
RONDONIA AO VIVO, published in 19/06/2012.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Right Information: About the cloud-mushroom and the yellow fog of China

CHINA. This blog published this morning: In the last weekend (june, 16 to 17 - 2012), a strong ray storm, appeared on the Beijing sky (The mushroom cloud over Beijing). Then, a giant cloud began to take form. 

A strange shape, similar to a fungus, of mushroom type, like what that is produced after a nuclear explosion. The panic spread among many of the people that were afraid the phenomenon could be the begin of something of worst but, how ever, officials said it was a natural phenomenon and did not pose any risk to the population. BUT...

This informaton is not correct. Later, the midia of the world informed with more precision what really is this cloud, when appeared, where and the circumstances.

What happened is documented. The cloud appeared in the sky but not in Beijing. This cloud is part of the phenomenon of the strange yellow fog that involved the city of Wuhan and seven other nearby cities, all located in Hubei province - in June, 11 (2012) scaring the population. 

The news of the yellow fog was published this Blog: The Yellow Fog of China. Therefore, the record of the cloud with a shape of a mushroom is an additional information on that subject.

And even - must be said that, if the region's population stood really worried, because - if the yellow fog raised fears of a serious outbreak of chemical pollution, the vision of the cloud was more terrifying, because he did persons think in a possibility of a nuclear explosion in the territory Chinese. Now, there is a video in our RUMBLE CHANEL.

And about the cause of the phenomenon, the fact is that this cause is still unknown by the government of China and all that is known - even now - are mere speculations.

And... NOT. This Blog is a serious channel of serious news. Here, the publisher do not hesitates to correct, to correct itself or complete information. We aren't here to write foolishness. And to think that a journalist, at Brazil does not need a college degree to work in impressed or electronic newspapers!

Nuvola a forma di fungo in Cina: esplosione chimica? [FOTO e VIDEO].
ECCO/Italy, published in 19/06/2012.

The Return of Nibiru

Nibiru visible - above the rising Sun


Horizons of the End of World

NIBIRU. Among the Russians, even scientists, many no longer deny the existence and approximation of Planeta X or Nibiru. And this approximation can be catastrophic. Worst, will be, in astrophysical terms - a catastrophic thing.

Nibiru in a Russian TV news. And this video was posted on Youtube in 06/09/2011. The Nibiru hypothesis may not be as absurd how many we may to desire.

Those who claim this fact allege that: there is a new orb in the sky, a red stain that, if previously - it only could be observed by astronomers and astrophysicists but, after May 1012, began to be notable to the naked eye.

This spot would be the mysterious Nibiru planet. The possibility of existence of this planet was only recognized by space agencies like NASA in 1982.

However, the Sumerian writings - traced in cuneiform, have postulated, for over 5000 years, this cosmic reality, which - that ancient civilization called "winged disk" and warns: its emergence in the sky is a sign of imminent catastrophic events.

The asteroid impacts on Earth have become a common thing, irrelevant. Humanity now is subject to a phenomenon much more serious. Nibiru will go pass so close that its strong gravitational influence, will cause significant environmental convulsions.

This maxim approximation is expected to take place in late 2012. The Earth's rotation will be affected, the magnetic poles - they will change - causing a new Ice Age as well as floods and the destruction of at least two thirds of all living beings on the surface of the globe.

For many theorists Hypothesis Reptilian, Nibiru is the planet of the gods of antiquity. Reptiles, whose presence in Mesopotamia the Sumerians was recorded. These beings that were described as having reptilian features will come from the sky.

For many theorists Hypothesis Reptilian, Nibiru is the planet of the gods of antiquity. Reptiles, whose presence in Mesopotamia the Sumerians was recorded. These beings that were described as having reptilian features, according the sumerians, will come from the sky, because they are cosmic travelers.

When their planet, Nibiru - arrives near the Earth, to each 3,600 years, they take the opportunity to visit this planet - because they have been here many times before, with the goal to exploited natural resources. 

Here, they created an hybrid race, through genetic experiments in which, using primate mammals gave origin to workers slaves, the human race. By this fact, they were called Gods by the ancient nations. This ideias are, for example, of reseachers as Zecharia Sitchin, that exposed this theory in numerous books.

The presence of Nibiru in the sky would be the realization of an ancient prophecy: the arising of the Second Sun, red. Coincidence or not, this event is mentioned in the Mayan calendar.

The academic denials on this Mayan "end of the world" have a logical sense. The world will not end, nor humanity will be completely wiped out. More specifically, what the Mayans knew and foresaw was the advent of the end of a cycle, the end of a certain Time, the end of this Age - only, and the beginning of a New Time, marked by the return of the "Gods".

The negative of scientists and government authorities have a motivation. Nothing can be done to stop the march of a planet. The confirmation of an event like this can only result in hysteria, panic and actions desperate that are absolutely useless. There is no escape or shelter able to save over 6 billion people. Few will survive, either in spacecrafts or as ancient people can have made: taking shelter in the undergrounds, some of them because nor all places, caves and undergrounds of the world are, really, insurance.

And - please, do not stay in panic nor leave your life to back, running, making stocks and looking for a cave or a bunker. It will not help in nothing. It will only perturb your soul. Think, everyone dies ... a day. The question is not if but when and how. Let's meditate...


Horizons of the End of World

SOURCE: Nibiru 2012: El Planeta X se acerca a la Tierra y ya es visible a simple vista.
EL INTRANSIGENTE/Argentina, publisged in 18/06/2012.

The mushroom cloud over Beijing

CHINA. In the last weekend (june, 16  to 17 - 2012), a strong ray storm, appeared on the Beijing sky. Then, a giant cloud began to take form. A strange shape, similar to a fungus, of mushroom type, like what that is produced after a nuclear explosion. 

The panic spread among many of the people that were afraid the phenomenon could be the begin of something of worst but, how ever, officials said it was a natural phenomenon and did not pose any risk to the population.

SOURCE: Una nube gigante con forma de hongo cubre Pekín.
ANTENA-3/Spain, published in 18/06/2012.

Monday, June 18, 2012

BRAZIL. Archaeologists Find Human Occupation Dated in More of 7.000 years

BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul state. In the micro-region of Três Lagoas and neighborhoods of the Parana River, archaeologists from the Museu da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (Museum of Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul), Emilia Mariki Kashimoto and Gilson Rodolfo Martinez, found evident traces of human occupation dated in more of 7.000 years.

Três Lagoas city, located in the micro-region of Três Lagoas

In the study Arqueologia e Paleoambiente do Rio Paraná (Archaeology and palaeoenvironment of the Parana River, 2009) - researchers found objects that confirm the human presence and an established culture at the region there are 11,000 years. 

Possibly, in the archaeological period called Pleistocene - or the Ice Age - prehistoric communities inhabiting the region subsisted of fishing and gathering of forest resources.

Only in Três Lagoas, there are 70 archaeological sites where scientists work since 1993. But, not only the Paleolithic tools were unburied, were found more recent artifacts too, like ceramics which were dated at 1.200 years.

FONTE: Sítios arqueológicos revelam que passado humano do Estado ultrapassa 11 mil anos.
CORREIO DO ESTADO, published in 25/05/2012.