Showing posts with label Rondonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rondonia. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2016


UFO. BRAZIL. RONDONIA. COLORADO DO OESTE city. April 16, 2016. In the afternoon - around eighteen hours. It was a sunset when a fireball crossed the sky of Colorado, a small city of Rondonia state - Brazil. The sighting was filmed by the journalist Neirimar Coradini from Vilhena city (RO).

Strangely, the night before - 15 April, 2016 - at the same region, other persons at an extensive area of so called 'Zona da Mata and Cone Sul, still at Rondônia and even at Mato Grosso state, also observed a cosmic ocurrence during a long time lapse that begun at the twilight between 17:30 and could be seen  around the 22 hours of that night. 

A photograph of the fireball at Rondônia. APRIL 16, 2016

In comments of the one article about the matter, readers given their testimonials of sightings of this event in other cities of the region and even from other brazilian state. The fireball was seen at Boa Esperança city, Vale do Paraíso and at Mato Grosso state.

One more time, the event seems to be a fireball  that could be sight at some cities like Alta Floresta, Pimenta Bueno, Cacoal,Ji-Parana and even Rolim de Moura.

There were who saw the phenomenon while was working, in farm. Other said has seen the fireball while was driving, on the road.

Some reportages about the matter highlight the fact that the brazilian phenomenon, that ocurred at northwest and center west of the country could be related, in some way - with the earthquake at Ecuador in the night of 16 April, 2016 and that generated hundreds of replications. 

There are records of apparition of an alien light at the sky before the seism.

Another remarkable fact is that, on April 15, 2016, one more sight happened at Rondonia state, in Colorado do Oeste, city, when a man took a photograph of an UFO. In middle of the day the object crossed the sky above a street. The register of this sighting is HERE:

APRIL 15, 2016 
OVNI em formato de cometa aparece no céu de Colorado
“Bola de fogo” que passou pelo céu chama atenção em Vilhena
YOUTUBE. Objeto voador nos céus de Colorado do Oeste
Diario do Conesul CH Published on April 16, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016

UFO photographed Flying over Rondonia state's small city

BRAZIL. UFO. RONDONIA. ROLIM DE MOURA city. April 15, 2016. This photo was obtained by a dweller of Rolim de Moura city, Rondonia state. 

Although, in that moment, the author didn't perceiveid the object at the scene, in the city, other persons whose were at that place, confirm the sighting. They also saw the spaceship crossing the sky, quickly, desappearing amid the clouds. 

The author of the photos sended the material to local media, newspapers online from Rondonia state.


SOURCE: Ovni sobrevoando o centro da cidade de Rolim de Moura
VIP'S-RO, 2016 APRIL, 2016

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Huge paleo-burrows discovered at Amazonia

+ UPDATE. 08AUGUST2015 VIDEO BRAZIL. Rondonia Paleo-burrows

BRAZIL. AMAZON REGION. RONDONIA state. A team from the Mineral Resources Research Company (CPRM) - led by geologist Amilcar Adamy, found - at the region of Ponta do Abunã , the first paleotoca (paleo-burrows, of extinct animals) located at Brazilian Amazon region.

Ponta do Abunã is situated the border of Rondônia with the brazilian state of Acre and Bolivia. The structure of the tunnels drawn attention for its circular modeling, their large spaces. The length of the tunnels still could not be determined.

Ground sloth, Megatherium

Well kept, with no major obstacles to the movement of people, the paleotoca has claw marks that indicate that the place was excavated by big animals from the South American Pleistocene megafauna, possibly a giant sloth (Giant sloth, Megatherium), extinct for about 10,000 years.

Ponta do Abunã. In medium, the tunnels have widths of four meters and heights of 2 meters. The extensions explored until now  often reach 200 meters.

Paleo-burrow in Boqueirão do Leão, Rio Grande  do Sul state

At Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul is the state with the largest number of identified paleo-burrows. More than a thousand., according to data from Paleotocas Project, which brings together researchers from UFRS and Unesp, these paleotocas are unique in South America.

In Morro Grande, Santa Catarina state - have been identified tunnels with 150 meters length and about 1.5 meters in diameter distributed over 4 floors. The site is on a hill and has at least eight exits.

CARVALHO, Cleide. Caverna escavada por mamíferos gigantes é descoberta na Amazônia
O GLOBO, 31.07.2015
CPRM descobre túnel de animais extintos na região de Rondônia e Amazônia
CPRM/BR, 31.07.2015
BUCHMANN, Francisco Sekiguchi. CARON, Felipe. LOPES, Renato Pereira. ICNOFÓSSEIS

Friday, August 16, 2013

BRAZIL - The Mirrors of Heaven of Rondonia

RONDONIA/BRAZIL. There around 100 km from Alta Floresta do Oeste cit (this, located distant 540 km Porto Velho (North region of Brazil), capital of Rondonia state, in a place called "cachoeira pequena" of rio Consuelo (small watterfall of Consuelo river), the brazilian independent researcher Joaquim Cunha Silva discovered a structure that is being called Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi (Sacred cerimonial altar of Paititi).

IMAGE FROM: Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi
YOUTUBE/Joaquim Cunha da Silva.

Posted em 25/JULY/2013

The found, that already was notified to the governamental authorities, shown to be an archaeological complex that includes, more than the Altar, residencial buildings, vast areas of planting, prepared, as agricultural terraces, funerary space and an enigmatic stone colossus, an elevation topographic with pyramidal form on top of which stands a figure zoomorphic which some identify as a giant condor. The native South Americans of western Amazon region call this place Huaca del Condor (below).

Since 2009, Joaquim Cunha Silva performs incursions in the region in search of geoglyphs and other cultural connections between the extreme northern Brazil and the peoples of the interior and the west coast of the continent, like the Andean and Arawak (Andinos and Aruaques).  

The discovery of Paititi's Altar is, in deed, an important evidence of the close relations among the south-americans nations in a wide territory of this part of the continent, situated below Equator line. 

Those kind of cavities on the rocks were found before in many countries of spanish Latin America, like Peru and Colombia - being the first, famous for its tradition to be the cradle of a great and mysterious civilization. According the Italian-Peruvian physicist and historical researcher Enrico Mattievich* :

The altar of Rondonia, with circular depressions dug into a huge stone slab, is very old and can be up to thousands of years... Several other stone altars were found ... I think these altars or "Mirror of Heaven" are related with the Kernos,  huge circular stone with 34 circular depressions found in the Palace of Malia, Crete, dedicated to the cult of fertility.

* ENRICO MATTIEVICH. Born in 1938 in the Italian city of Fiume, now Rijeka - Croatia. In 1949 he emigrated to Peru with her parents. He began his higher studies in Physics and Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, where he was Professor of Experimental Physics. PhD in Physics, Brazilian Center for Physics Research, 1974. Researcher of Applied Physics in Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Archaeology in the Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro - UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Author of Journey to the Mythological Inferno” - America’s Discovery by the Ancient Greeks - ROGEM PRESS, 2010.

CUNHA DA SILVA, Joaquim. Localizado em Rondônia Brasil o Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ghost - Woman in White Photographed in Brazilian Road

RONDONIA state. In the brazilian road BR 364, in the dawn of Tuesday (6/19/2012), between the cities of Porto Velho (state capital) and Jacy Parana - a group of young people photographed the ghostly specter of a woman wearing what looks like a wedding dress - white.

The ghost, that has no head, was sliding in the darkness, crossing the lane of the highway. Two photos of the apparition were posted of the social network Facebook on Tuesday morning.

SOURCE: BAZIK, Fabio. Fotos com suposto fantasma na BR 364 bomba no Facebook.
RONDONIA AO VIVO, published in 19/06/2012.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazil: two-headed calf

RONDÔNIA – In rural zone of the town of Monte Negro, at Wednesday, December 15, a calf female was born with two heads. The animal has also, proportionately, four eyes, two mouths and four ears. It can move the heads but it can not stand up because of the weight of the heads. The bicephalous calf is fed with baby bottles and uses its two mouths with syncronicity.

SOURCE: MONTE NEGRO – Bezerra de duas cabeças nasce em fazenda.
IN Rondônia Ao Vivo – published in 12/17/2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Extravagancies of nature: The mangos of the Hells

RONDÔNIA – At Pimenta Bueno city, hinterland of Rondonia state, north region of Brazil, the harvest of mangos in which fruits sprouted with fancy shapes has been calling the atention of the inhabitants.

They appeared at the backyard of a house. Evoking something of evil, the mangos have developed a kind of horn. The most of the fruits has a only one horn but some mangos have two diabolical horns. They are perfect objects to adorn the tables anti-Christmas of the Hells.

SOURCE: Mangas com 'chifres' viram atração em município no interior de Rondônia
IN Globo Amazônia – published in 11/24/2010