Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Miracle of the Cross of Blessed Water

ARGENTINA. Saturday, May 18, 2012. In the church of Carmo de Villa Carlos Paz, municipality of the province of Cordoba (or Cordova, Argentina, not must be confused with Códova, Spain), a newborn, Octavio Angelo Arnoldt Bay or Angelito - was baptized by Pastor Mario Barnabe.

The religious ceremony was recorded in photos. In the moments in which the images were taken, among the photographer, family and friends present in the event, nobody observed nothing different in the scenes.

But late on Monday (May 19), the baby's parents, Gaston and Gabriela, looking the photos, saw, with surprise, that the holy water which the priest poured over the head of the child, in a fleeting moment that was captured through the lens of camera, had assumed the shape of a cross.

The boy, who has been called "Angel" or "Angelito," was born on December 26, premature, with only six months, weighing 1.100 kg, in the Sanatorium Allende (Cordoba) after a problematic pregnancy that threatened the life of the infant and mother.

The Meaning of extreme unction

After birth, the state's health care nasciturno inspired a stringent care. In the first few weeks he received the holy water, a christian catholic providence, to aid to save the baby or, in case of death, for that he would not die pagan.

This procedure is an extreme unction that, contrary to popular belief, isn't a final blessing given to those who are condemned to certain death, isn't the end of hope, instead, is an affirmation of hope. The extreme blessing aims to rescue the health, the life that fades, avoid death, if this is the Will of God.

The boy resisted and - in February 22, was discharged from the hospital. This fact was then already regarded as a miracle. Now, with the record of the cross of holy water in the photography, the idea of ​​the miracle, of a prodigy of faith acting in the life of Angelito became a certainty for the family.

SOURCE: Milagro: se formó una cruz con el agua bendita con la que bautizaron a un niño.
26-NOTÍCIAS/Argentina, published in 25/05/2012.

Child mutilated in Satanic Ritual to "avoid" the End of the World

The house: the crime scene. 
The end of the world is the fear of the end of the world.

MEXICO. It happened in San Agustin Atlapulco (city of the metropolitan area of Mexico City, the capital of the country), in the colony of Nezahualcóyotl founded 25 years ago by immigrants from Oxaca, Puebla and Guerrero. 

In a house, located on a street in the neighborhood Graciano Sanchez, in Monday (5/21/2012), a group of ten people, including four children, were fasting and "praying" waiting for the end of the world.

They believed in the supposed imminence of a devastating earthquake, that would go happen in 28th day (this month) at 1 o'clock pm. An earthquake able to exterminate all life on Earth. Pretended religious authorities were leading the cult. A satanic cult.

The candles were lit. Among the instructions that were determined everyone should pray with eyes closed. But a child, Ferdinand - stood tired of mantain his eyes closed. And opened them. (And, it seems, he was not alone). 

His mother, identified as Carmen, 23, perceived the disobedience (means that she also was with her eyes opened) and ordered sternly: Close your eyes! The boy refused: I will not close. Then she sentenced that eyes of the boy would be gouged out.

And were. With an aid of one of her sisters, this mother pulled the child's eyes with her own hands. A teenager of 17 years (identified as Maciel), uncle of Ferdinand, and his girlfriend, Ruth, horrified by what was happening, the two ran out of the house screaming: They are killing my nephew! They are plucking his eyes!

The neighbors heard the screams. A man called the police. Some people invaded the residence to rescue the boy. They found him in the arms of mother. She was hysterical with the child in her arms, bloody and unconscious. Inside the house, there was no religious images.

But in front of the house, on top of the gate, there is hanging a pentagram, a symbol that the ignorant, like these fanatics, believe be a an element of evocations of black magic.

The prosecutor, Jesus Acevedo Isaac Romano, who initiated the investigation, confirmed the presence of the ten persons and identified the children - which have between 9 months, 8, 5 and 17 years of age. The mother of Ferdinand, Carmen, and the aunt of the boy, Lizbeth, were indicted along with the others members of the sect.

The woman, Carmen, when was questioned, in the police station, was calm. Not asked by his son and not showed none remorse. The neighbors, that stood horrified. They said that the persons of the neighbor family, during more of twenty years, they appeared to be normals.

Isaac Romano also said that preliminary investigation found that the family really belongs to a cult and, about the reason for the mutilation of the child, the fanatics claimed that it was necessary avoid end of the world. Only four of the eight prisoners were brought to testify. The others were in psychotic state, being submited to psychiatric and psychological avaliations. 

FERNANDEZ, Emilio and MONTAÑO, Teresa. Orando esperaban el “fin de los tiempos”.
EL UNIVERSAL/Mexico, published in 25/05/2012.
HUERTA, Jose. Sacrifican ojos de niño en rito para “salvar al mundo”.
EL UNIVERSAL, published in 25/05/2012.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Strange Light at Chile Sky


CHILE. May 21, 2012. This strange pillar of light descended from the sky over the mountains on the Chilean coast in the region of Cerro San Cristobal. But certainly the academic experts will say that it is only an optical phenomenon caused by refraction of sunlight into contact with atmospheric elements.

SOURCE: Curioso fenómeno en el atardecer del 21 de mayo en Santiago: columna de luz desciende del cielo. 
BIOBIOChile, published in 21/05/2012.

Benjamin Solari, The Artist-Prophet Abducted & The Terrible Prophecy For 2012 Olympics

ARGENTINA & UK.  The Argentine artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini (1898-1974), throughout his life, amassed two remarkable vocations: painting and the gift of prophecy. Often, he reunites the two abilities, writing texts in the same pages of his the prophetic drawings.

His name gained notoriety through the internet because of its mystical predictions about events that, when held, impacted public opinion. The most significant examples are: the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001, yhe Tsunami in Japan followed by radiation leak from the Fukushima Plant, and, in his country, the two presidencies of Cristina Kirchner in Argentina.

Now, is circulating on the web, a video with an analysis of a psychographic that the artist drawn in 1972. According to the interpreters, the central theme is the 2012 Olympics, which will be held in London in July this year. The text says:

Fire, famine, pestilence, death and justice are echoing in the world and the justice is coming to the world, especially to the world that does not listen and do not see. The darkness of the dragon seemed sleeping is approaching.

The terror will come from the "oso" (bear) that was disguised as love and brotherhood. Will come the humble Democrat who never been and with it comes poverty, the homeless, the lack of a refuge and all the explosions of lawlessness. Do not delay - will come the darkness, (and soon) then - will come the light, after the raising of the Southern and the Cross.

But the relationship with the Olympics is not in the text, but in the drawing. Ali, a hidden figure wearing a long tunic seems to hold a torch (which resembles the Olympic torch) under a bell. The bell has been identified as the bell of 17 tons that the organization of the games announced that will use in the opening ceremony of the event.

The design also contains the representation of a coiled serpent, which is being related to the tower, called Olympic Orbic, design of the architect Anish Kapoor to be one of the symbols of the games. The central figure of the drawing of Parravecini has a form identical to the perimeter of the Olympic Park where the games will be realized.

The dragon has been understood as a reference to China and the humble democrat, has been associated with President Barak Obama whose place of birth, shrouded in controversy and obscurity, is speculated as being, in true, the Kenia, Africa, which lies to the south in its geographic relation with the United States and Europe.

But the "South" can also:

1. be a reference to the southern United States, which has a past marked by the struggles of the slave for the freedom in American history involving the secret society of slaverers and Arianists, the Ku Kux-Clan. The Ku Kux Klan (or its ideology) can also be associated with the "dragon that seemed to be asleep" (instead of China) since it has, as one of its symbols, a variation of the swastika and a pattern uniform that consists of a white robe. 

2. be a reference to the Arab countries or people and / or Muslim communities, also located in their countries situated south of Europe and in which the typical chotes are tunics. 

3. be a reference to members of the Catholic Church or Christians in general, the robe and the hairs, tonsured, seem to resemble a figure of a Western monk.

Finally - the cross, the robe and the sickle, symbol of death, which appears in the drawing, these symbols may, for all these associations, be an indication of possible danger related to ethnic conflict, xenophobia and religious confrontations. 

And even - traditionally, el oso, in the western vocabulary of prophecies, means bear, that the western interpreters generally understand as a symbol of Russia.

However not can rule out other meanings of the word. OSO also refers to a location of Washington, where is located the Jim Creek Naval Radio Station, which is a facility of the U.S. Navy.

EL OSO is also a town in Spain, located in Avila, whose name is due to a granite sculpture that stands in the doorway of the local parish church and represents, for some, a bear, for others a boar (which leads it to a symbol of Germany). It's an antique. is about 1.250 years old and their provenance is unknown.


Backing to Benjamin,the prophet, he also would had reportedly been abducted by aliens. The ufologist, parapsychologist and historian Fabio Zerpa, argentine historian (b. 1928) wrote a book about it. Title: Benjamin Solari Parravicini, the Nostradamus of America. According Zerpa, the artist, himself, told about the episode that happened when he was at the center of Buenos Aires, sitting on a bench Avenue July 9.

So two people arrived near of him. They were strangers. Their eyes were whitish. Suddenly a great light enveloped them and he found himself transported to a circular room where there were illuminated panels and a tubular structure.

Ali, Benjamin received a telepathic message. One of the aliens told him: You must spread the love. The Universe is harmony. His conduct is aggressive. We have many elected and we'll meet again. Thereafter, the artist found himself, again on the bench. Three hours had passed.

FONTE: Juegos Olímpicos 2012: La terrible profecía de Benjamín Solari Parravicini.
EL INTRANSIGENTE/Argentina, publicado em 24/05/2012
Benjamin Solari Parravicini. IN WIKIPEDIA/Spanish, accessed in 24/05/2012.
Translations, researchs and text: Lygia Cabus

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Magos de Tollán - A Mayan village at Spain

According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 ends a cycle of 5125 years. In the north of Cordoba, Spain - a group of people founded a village where they live according to the sacred accounts of the Mayans.

SPAIN. Charbonier is a small town north of Cordoba, where the the hot sun makes of any shadow, a blessing. There are three miles from Charbonier, traversing the road San Marcos Sierras on a barren landscape, there, is located the village "Magos de Tollán" - where live a population of few persons: Thirteen women, men and children, nine dogs and a female gray cat. Wizards Tollán is a Mayan village. Its inhabitants consider the place as a Promised Land.

Faced with a wooden gate, a house with hammocks on the door, a mill and a round pool where some children play. Around the house, plants with thorns. A woman, about fifty years old, welcomes visitors with a smile fixed on his face, as if it had been frozen for some kind of magic. She wears long pants, a purple shirt and a crystal applied between the eyebrows. She explains: It is to mark the third eye. I don't use it all time. She presents herself as Seed but his real name is Gladys Mabel.

Beside the gate, near a bell tower, there is a poster. It is written: Aldea Magos de Tollan (Village Magi of Tollán). Another poster warns, in this place is not permited to smoke, consume alcohol or eat meat.

Another woman comes out of a house made of adobe. Her name is Betty. His white hair indicate that she has a certain age. She says she is a grandmother. It is 77 years and is in the village there is three months. It shows the path that leads to a kitchen.

The kitchen, also built of adobe, clay, is a building haxagonal. It is a community space and is decorated with flags, Buddha statues, Mayan calendars. The stove is wood burning. On a counter, jars of peanuts, carrots, beets and other vegetables. And flies, many flies.

In the village, the names are not changed at random by a criterion of personal preference. A supervisor uses a compass to set the name Mayan Mayan inhabitants. The compass consists of three rotating discs. 

The reporter who made this matter has been subjected to evaluation and was determined that his name is Mayan Galactic Caminante del Cielo Rojo (Walker Galactic Purple Heaven). In this village, supposedly Mayan, know the name of a person is as vital as know your blood type. Thus, some are called: Eagle, Monkey, Warrior of the Night, Mirrors etc...

The community, which was founded by a couple who lived in Cordoba trabalhando with accounting, formally identified only as Claudia and Rodolfo, lives in their own time and has a motto: time belongs to whoever owns her own mind. They decided to adopt the Mayan calendar and leave the city life, their confort, their behavior patterns.

The Mayan year has thirteen months of 28 days each (is a lunar calendar). Each day has its energy, its color of regency and a specific goal. The names of the weekdays are also different. A Monday can be the day of the Galactic Blue Monkey.

The days are subject to patterns of tendencies, called Wavespell and cycles of thirteen days are subjected to a seal or a galactic signature, a sign astronomical. These post-moderns mayans believe they are living in harmony with the natural cycles of Earth. For them, time is art.

The Magos de Tollán believe that the official Western calendar, with its irregular number of days, produces neuroses and compulsions consumerist. The founders of the village were inspired by the ideas of an American son of mexicans, Jose Arguelles, who began spreading his doctrine in 1987. 

Called the Law of Time, this doctrine is based in following the prophecies of Quetzacioalt. He declared himself the reincarnation of Pakal Votan and called himself Valum Votan. Arguelles died on March 23, 2011.

Claudia (one of the founders of the village) explains: We live in a civilization that disconnected us from the cycles of nature. For us, 2012 is the recovery of our galactic consciousness. It is the beginning of a new civilization, a telepathic civilization. We are - the precursors of human beings of the next cycle.

The couple (Claudia and Rodolfo) decided to change its life three years ago (in 2009) when she met the theory of Arguelles. Then live in the city became unbearable. She bought the land of 22 hectares in the middle of nowhere and moved into place with little luggage. They had no water or electricity. Today they have a community bathhouse. Feces and urine are used as fertilizer. All the resources are measured and controlled. Everything is recycled.

However, isolation is not absolute. The Mayas of Spain go to the town of Charbonier often. The children attend public schools. The leaders want that education be - also, an activity of the community but it is not still possible.


The "Magos de Tollán" meditate in the White Hour. There are no clocks in the community. The "White Hour" is determined by the color of the sun at dawn. They wake to the sound of the murmur of a pink color shell. The shell sends the call to the four cardinal points. The same signal indicates the hour of meals, the hours of work, the hours of walk in the trails, that is also a type of meditation.

A special place was prepared for a special meditation. It's called Ceremonial of the "White Hour". The land was cleared and leveled. On the floor is a large star made ​​of stones. The "new mayans" arrive in silence and bring blankets. They sit facing the mountain in the lotus position.


The community welcomes visitors. However, the "Magos de Tollán" claim that these visitors are attracted by a telepathic energy that is only perceived by the people who are prepared to receive teachings.

The visitors learn to use the Mayan calendar, natural building techniques and participate of sessions of sauna. The experience lasts 13 days. The courses and workshops have their price, which can vary from 100 pesos (Argentina, 25 euros or 32 dolares in may, 2012) to 700 pesos (176 euros or 222 dólares in may, 2012). This is one of the livelihoods of the village.

Those who can not pay are asked to leave something in exchange. Those who decide to stay are installed in tents. Gradually, they can build their own houses of clay. But, appears that these are few, many few - considering that, in three years, only 13 persons are living there.


The "Magos de Tollán" believe that dramatic events are bound to happen. They are the inevitable changes that will finalize a time for that a new time begin to the human race. A Time better. They believe they are fulfilling a planetary destiny, marked on the Mayan calendar, disregarding all predictions of the present civilization and without none commitment with the clocks of postmodern humanity.

SOURCE: ALIVERTI, Sol. Los magos de la nueva era.
LA VOZ-CIUDADX/Spain, published in 22/05/2012.

The Pioneers of the Photos of Ghosts

The photographs of ghosts began to appear in the nineteenth century, an especially important historical moment for the development and popularization of the  kardecist Spiritism.

William H. Mumler (1832-1884) was the first to  who was Credited the register of a paranormal picture. He left his job at a jewelry store to devote himself - full-time,  to the activity of do photo shoots for people who wanted to have some contact with dead relatives. He charged $ 30 per image when the normal price of a common photo was 10 times minor, more or least. 

Later in the early twentieth century, another man, William Hope (1863-1933) left his carpenter workshop to become a professional photographer of ghosts. He became famous and was much sought after by people bereaved by the loss of loved ones that had been dead in the First World War.

The recognition of his work resulted in the creation of a group called the Crewe Circle of Spiritists, who performed seances with the goal of make contact with dead people, and on these occasions, many images of ghosts have been captured.

Fotos de fantamas reales.
EL INTRANSIGENTE/Argentina, published in 14/05/2012
Fotos de fantasmas que resultaron "ser reales".
ARGENTINOS-24, published in 12/05/2012