Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2024


A strange, shadowy humanoid figure was seen and photographed by residents  at city's sky. 

The silhouette, which appeared in the hights around 6:30 pm, in local time, was witnessed and recorded by several people who published the photographs on their social networks. 

Science says... the usual, paredoilia, optical illusion...
03 Jan 2024
Aparece extraña figura en el cielo de Nuevo Leóm y es comparado com un jinete del Apocalipisis

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Mexico. City of Guanajuato. A video that was uploaded to TikTok left the platform's users surprised and some scared because in the recording they captured a strange figure in the middle of Christmas Eve mass.

This editorial identified the city of the incident by searching the image of the account holder for that application.

The young woman who shared the video claims that when reviewing the cameras she identified the figure as the former sacristan of the church who died some time ago.

December 25, 2023
Extraña figura aparece en plena misa durante la víspera de Navidad: VIDEO

Friday, May 20, 2016

Plasma-light Entity Photographed in Mexican Road


On 10 May 2016, around 2 pm, the Secretario del Ayuntamiento Swimmers (scrivener of prefecture) - Israel Guerrero, shared on your Facebook account, the image of a extremely strange light formation.

The sighting happened on the road. Guerrero was not alone in the car - driven, in that occasion, by the Regidor de Educación y Cultura Sport (City Secretary), Gustavo Duarte de la Cruz. The image was recorded with a mobile multimedia communication device - a smartphone.

At that moment, the intention was take a photograph a formation of three big agaves, typical plants of the region (which can be seen  at right of the luminous body).

It was to be a photo of landscape but for a split second he saw something shiny in the frame. Duarte asked to return to the place. 

There was nothing there but the record was made. The vision of the bright entity appeared in the photograph. Israel Guerrero said that  was the first time he saw something like this and commented:

'The universe is infinite and I think we don't have the knowledge of all the beings that exist in the world. I do not know what it was, could be something common but I believe in ghosts, anything is possible. I can not prove but I can not rule out possibilities.

MEZA, Monica. Objeto extraño se le aparece a funcionario
PERIODICO LA VOZ/MÉXICO, 12 de Maio de 2016

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cenotes - The sacred Wells of the Mayans

MEXICO/GUATEMALA. In Yucatan, in underground caves there are many wells called cenotes. In this places someone can fell the surviving of a mystic aura that crossed 14,000 years of history of the Maya. 

Considered sacred places, in these caves and waters are made millenar rituals. These caves are also sacred to archaeologists.

Even today, these places are protected, not only by the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) as well, by the descendants of that mysterious people who - until today, performs ceremonies in these caves and cenotes where they make offerings to ancient deities and entities: the Lords of the waters and of the fields. 


A cenote located in Belize, country at the northeastern coast of Central America

The cenotes, of different sizes, are formations like wells. They are natural pools, fountains. The term "cenote" -  is a  word  compound of three ideias - TS - ono - OT

Together, this concepts refer,  among the mayans , to natural water fountains, wells. Cenotes are cavities of limestone rocks - more or less deep. How were formed during periods of low sea level - in many cenotes, the water is salty.CENOTES.

This is a video of researchers in one of the pools of Belize. The images show a diver approaching a crater. He disappears into a cloud of sand that rises from the depths of the waters. When the video reaches about 3 min and 40 s, appears the rescue of part of a huge human femur.

BELIZE. Diver 'VANISHES' in Portal to Maya Underworld 
YOUTUBE. Jul 6, 2010. National Geographic CHANEL.

For the ancient Maya, the underground caves that contain cenotes were inhabited by gods. The spanish catholic religious - Fray Diego de Landa, who was archbishop of the Archdiocese of Yucatán between 1572 and 1579 - claimed that the gods of the underworld have inhabited these caves.  

Even archaeologists must respect the traditions to study these sites. Are released to enter only after going through a ceremony conducted by a wise man, a priest. The ritual includes the reciting of  prayers and spells (from mayan tradition) - during all the night. In the morning, is made ​​the sacrifice of an animal, usually a turkey or a chicken. 

These priests do not allow to any person enter the cenotes. According to their beliefs, the gods, owners of these caves and wells - they can punish, severely,  the violation of their property. Who dares enter the lakes without the ceremonies and permissions may get sick, or worse, may be captured and disappear, can be abduced - forever, into  the waters's mysteries.

FONTE: FERRER, Almudena.Arqueólogos estudian la historia Maya en cavernas sagradas cubiertas de agua.
LA GRAN EPOCA, publicado em 14/06/2012.

The Cenote's Angel

September 8, 2013
BRAZIL. Indigenous ghost photographed on banks of Tapirape river 

MEXICO, Cancun Quintana Roo. SATURDAY, August 3, 2013. A woman enjoys a bathing in a very special place: in the Kin-Ha cenote*, located 18 km - in the central highway Vallarta-Leona Vicario.

A photographer captures the moment and nothing is too much appeared in that moment. However, after revealing the image appeared the plasmic and bright figure of a humanoid behind the bather. *

* Wells - lakes, located in underground caverns considered sacred in the context of the culture of pre-Columbian peoples of Central America, especially among the Maya people, especially among the Maya people, in the past and also in the present .

September 8, 2013
BRAZIL. Indigenous ghost photographed on banks of Tapirape river 

SOURCE: Nunca vi la extraña imagen con la cámara: En la foto aparece a figura ángel en un cenote.
SIPSE, em 06/08/2014

Thursday, October 3, 2013

YUCATAN FIREBALL - Ufo sightings Over the Mountain After Fall

MEXICO. In the region of the pueblo Ichmul,  Chikindzonot city (an area known as pueblos Maia) - on September 22 (2013), an object fell from the sky in flames scaring the population, causing a blackout, calling the attention of the authorities and researchers.

The episode, characterized by unusual details, is far from over and is having an equally strange development. Since the occurrence, there are also rumors that UFOs have been seen in the same area, flying in the vicinities of the  mountain, where the fireball fell.


SEPTEMBER, 27 - 2013. Maria Luiza Cid, jornalista mexicana, âncora de uma programa de televisão em seu país, publicou em seu WEBSITE  uma reportagem exclusiva sobre o assunto.

A resident of the pueblo Maya X-Querol, Nazario Cohuo Pech, told to Maria Luiza Cid reportage that, still on Monday, an image - a photography - of one of the UFOs, among those have been observed, prowling the Maya region - had been obtained, by a worker from the construction and expansion of the road Ichmul-Chiquindzonot, of Yucatán - using a smartphone.

Cohuo Pech talks more: That thing, we saw here in X-Querol since Sunday night and was flying about the town. Many saw it and many say that it stood stoped on the lines of high-voltage electricity. Some say that they steal energy.

Nazario Cohuo Pech also said that was reported, on Monday, to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), that have been ocurring oscilations  in electricity and eventually were without light. 

Then, the parastatal's staff went to check and found that the power lines that provide electricity to villages were broken. The CFE workers, they comment with surprising naturality, that those objects or UFOs often steal electricity.

CID, Ana Luiza. Cae objeto en Ichmul, zona maya.
ANA LUIZA CID/Investigacion OVNI en Mexico, 27/09/2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fireball of Yucatan causes nausea and headache in rescuers

YUCATAN FIREBALL Experts have arrive to Ichmul to analyze 'UFO fragments, Oct/03/2013 NEWS TODAY

Place of the Fall. Eight men who rescued the fragments of the Yucatan Fireball felt nausea and headaches.

MEXICO. The fragments of unidentified object that, on Sunday night (september 22) lit up the nightly sky falling with a great noise, in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) - besides causing a blackout in the region, because it struck power cables of CFE (Comision federal de Electricidad) - a posteriori (after), caused unease in the men who went to the crash site in order to investigate the occurrence.

Among them, Juan Coyoc Chí, Juan Alfredo Moo Pool. Cecilio Couoh Heredia, municipal police officer in Ichmul also went to the local. 

Still in those Sunday night, the group went up the mountain in search of the object. On Monday morning - September 23 - they found the fragments there  300 meters from a small maya village located near the city of Ichmul - scattered around the perimeter of 10 meters.

Cecilio Couoh Heredia reported: Still was hot. We do not know what actually went down but we are almost certain that that thing is not a meteorite.  

Coyoc Chí Juan and Juan Alfredo Moo also commented that, arriving in place of the impact, they saw that large chunks of the material was consumed in the heat but without burn anything around you.

In Ichmul area, people are still scared. Fear that the object has brought some kind of bacteria or virus. This possibility is being considered because - according to witnesses - after the fall of the fireball, a strange odor, unpleasant, was felt in the region.

Some people, like the commissioner Cecilio Cohuo Heredia (quoted above), who came into direct contact with the fragments, complained of malaise, nausea and headache.

However, the Fireball can become something positive. The Police Department has determined that Ichmul has custody of the fragments and these may only be removed from the town with special authorization. Some come in these pieces commercial potential: its public display can stimulate tourism, warming the poor economy of the place.

YUCATAN FIREBALL Experts have arrive to Ichmul to analyze 'UFO fragments, Oct/03/2013 NEWS TODAY

MOO GONGORA, Miguel Angelo. Más testigos de un fenómeno.
Explosión de enorme bola de fuego provoca Apagón en Yucatán, México 
INDAGADORES, sep/30/2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weird fireball falls from the sky at Yucatan



Experts have arrive in Ichmul to analyze 'UFO fragments, Oct/03/2013 NEWS TODAY

Fireball of Yucatan causes nausea and headache in rescuers , Oct/01/2013
The Yucatan Fireball in TV

MEXICO. September, 22 - 2013. SUNDAY, 8:30 pm. At Ichmul, Chikindzonot city, south of Yucatan peninsula - Merida's state, in a poor community where live some remnants of mayas, the fall of a fireball that came from the sky, scared and still is scaring the dwellers of the place.

The locals were waiting to see a show of small circus in the center of the community, when he suddenly, all saw an object in flames falling in high speed.

The vision was much bright. The persons stood  fascinated  the glow when it began to decrease, about to touch the soil.

When it happened, was like a pyrotechnics blast. At this moment occurred an electric blackout  and, in the zone of the fall, was observed a twinkling blue luminosity.

The municipal commissioner, Floro Koyoc Pech said that, ...during the fall of the object, a loud roar was heard by entire population and, immediately, all could observe, in the bush, a beam of light that remained shining until about 2:00 am

People stood frightened because feared that the fire could reach to town, and later, they began to despair because the light that was fading and, suddenly, began to grow again.

One of the young of the community told that the dogs barked all the time. The strong shine of the object could be observed at the neighboring towns, like Saban, Quintana Roo, San Francisco, Peto Chikindzonot. 


On the first hours of Monday [september 23, 2013], some people went into the forest to try to find the object that caused the blackout, and great was their surprise when they found strange fragments, of diferent sizes,  almost buried in the ground.

In its fall, the strange object crashed with two power lines, damaging them. Despite to be a sturdy material, even thus, parts of the cables were melted and broken into several pieces.

Even with some fear, the some persons resolved to rescue fragments of the object and carried them to the municipal police station There, the material will stay waiting some authority that could examine it and determine their origin. 

Curious,  policemen tried  fit the pieces, trying to give some sense to these objects but, what they obtained with their efforts, is very strange. The fragments form a humanoid figure, what have caused wonder and comotion among locals and foreigners.     

The researcher of the Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida, Eddie Salazar Gamboa said the object are meteorite fragments or debris (human trash) attracted by the gravity of Earth and warned that direct contact with them may be dangerous to humans. 

In an interview, Salazar Gamboa commented that this type of meteorites, usually, fall at the poles or in oceans and in some cases, on land.

The researcher explained that, usually, these pieces of cosmic rock have a hole in the center, which is result of the incandescence generated by friction, when the bolide enters in earth atmosphere. These fragments, he said, help to fertilize the soil where they are deposited.

Salazar Gamboa emphasized those facts should not cause alarm among the population, as it is proven that daily fall, in average, amid ten or more tons of these fragments on our planet.

However, urged people don't must have contact with these objects because they may contain radioactive material and, eventually, can cause certain types of cancer.




Fireball of Yucatan causes nausea and headache in rescuers , Oct/01/2013
The Yucatan Fireball in TV

SOURCE: CABRERA, Eduardo (text and photos). Bola de fuego que cayó del cielo atemoriza a mayas de Yucatán.

Friday, September 20, 2013


research, footages and photographs with references

HUMANOIDS. MEXICO. The belief in the clandestine presence, at Earth, of individuals belonging to non-human races, the theoric universe of humanoids who use incomprehensible energies and technologies of transportation and communication, these are ideas that, currently, occupy their own and vast cultural niche - covering since the emergence of new sciences - although, by many called false sciences - even a significative space  the fancy of popular imagery in global ambit.

The creatures sighted, filmed, photographed at different times and countries, these beings that some scholars point out, in the Middle Ages, have been identified as demons, elves, fairies - contemporaneously, are most often associated, in general terms, to the called ETs. 

By certain way it was established in a simplification: these strangers are extraterrestrial. 

However, behind the generic label "alien" exist numerous beings already cataloged, physically very different, inspiring some other theories that go beyond the exogenous hypothesis: of the creature that comes out of the space.

Currently, there are and coexist numerous other hypotheses that, a priori, have admited that not all humanoid aliens images that have been caught by the cameras of the world are necessarily of creatures  other planets. Among the alternative hypotheses are:

- the hypothesis of The Intraterrestrials, a civilization, some Race or, even, Races of humanoids, underground's inhabitants. Among these Races could be included the reptilians, much known because often, they have appeared in the midia - be in the ufologic news, be in fiction works of cinema and TV .

- The humanoids from other existential dimensions, that come from parallel universes, of other time slots; of the future, for example.

- The humanoids that are earthly entities but belong to other vibrational tracks of Reality, understood under different ways along the time: nature spirits, elementals, genies, like fairies, goblins and demons of Middle Age, for example. Among few other hypothesis. 

The  image records of these humanoid beings are much rarer than the records of UFOs. Although these sightings and alien sightings, as well as UFO sightings occur around the world, in some countries there is a tradition rooted, more documents or a greater zeal in relation to records. It is the case of Russia, for example.

In Latin America, some years ago,  the number of recorded images of these aliens has increased at Mexico and Argentina. In both countries, ufology and exobiology arouse great interest among scholars, academics and amateurs from different areas of science, as well as among the general public and in the midia.    

UFOs and their alleged occupants are always in the headlines at America of Hispanic language, as happened recently (late 2012), with the strange luminous and cylindrical object - that was filmed, in different days, entering and leaving of the volcano Popocatepetl's crater in midlle of a furious eruption.


In fact, at Mexico, there are an ufologic traditions which, currently, is upgraded and mixed with the old animist beliefs that linked the geological phenomena of volcanism - in the region - with gods.

Legends that talk of  UFOs,  always near the volcanoes and of the huge volcanic mountains because in these places, an advanced Race of
intraterrestrials humanoids work in the extraction of energetic raw material.      

Moreover, even according the traditions, many of these volcanoes and mountains have gates to another world, to another humanity,  where live the  underground Breeds of mythological Hollow Earth.

The humanoids are seen with some frequency and have been photographed and filmed in the woods surrounding volcanoes and other mountains.

While researchers examine the images and cogitate between earthlings or not, many residents of small towns and villages - where these sightings occurred where records were made - those people, simplest, understand these creatures as old acquaintances of the local culture: magical beings, guardians of nature, of trees, of the great rocks, as the Peña de Lobos, of volcanoes, as the Popocatepetl.

with references

BELOW - ALAMO, state of Sonora. September 29, 2002, during the a rural party, another blatant of an alien presence. (IMAGES: MAUSSAN, 2005 - Part 2 in 14 minutes and 33 sec.)

BELOW: CLOSE on creature, 13 min e 20 seg..

BELOW - ALAMO, SONORA state. SEPTEMBER 29, 2002. During a same rural party, a one more time, a humanoid is suprised by the camera. (IMAGES: MAUSSAN, 2005)

BELOW - SAMAHIL CITY, state YUCATAN. JULY, 2003. Photo taken by a teenager, a girl,14 year old (in 2003). In the city, witnesses ensure, in video interviews, that several of these beings were seen in the area for a few months that year.  (MAUSSAN, 2005 - Parte 2 )

BELOW: CITY OF JUAREZ, CHIHUAHUA state. MAY 2004. (MAUSSAN, 2005 - Parte 2) the record sent to the researcher - in condition of anonymity - by the young man who appears on photo who claimed: he feared being ridiculed.


2006. In the frames below, the creature appears in the video presented by Jaime Maussan (nearly 6 minutes long), near the Lake Azteca (in the region of the namesake Reserve). The reportage was realized in 2006 by Gilda Estrada and Sergio Garcia, investigators of paranormal phenomena.

The reporters investigators were called by the nearby residents who reported sightings of a small humanoid being who was saw moving with difficulty, dragging itself on the ground as if injured. Arriving on the scene of events, the journalists were surprised by finding the scene, that was recorded on video.

Gilda Estrada also said in a interview about the episode, that staying in the place was almost impossible due to a strong and unpleasant odor of sulfur, which seemed to emanate from humanoid. 

Judging that the creature was dead, Estrada and her partner, Sergio Garcia - decided to return to the city to get some suitable material for the rescue of the body (a container, gloves, and plastics) and, by this way,  avoid direct contact with the unknown organism and thus any microbiological contamination between species (human-alien).  

However, when they returned to the site, already was night the body was gone what raises two possibilities: the humanoid was alive and managed to escape, left the place; or, dead or not, someone, perhaps other of its race - rescued the mate.

BELOW - PEÑA DE LOBOS (Environmental Reserve) 
MEXICO state,  2011

Del programa GET2 México (GET=Guía Extraterrestre). Se rumora a partir de una fotografía de un ser gris en Peña de Lobos, que ellos viven en los bosques de la zona, desde hace mucho tiempo atrás, cuando cayó un objeto desconocido.

Photograph of a gray humanoid in Peña de Lobos. In the region the folk says that these beings have lived in the woods for many generations. They have appeared after an unidentified flying object crashed in the area. The incident is so ancient, happened there is so much time  that its narrative has already been incorporated into the collection of local legends.

Traditional scenario of paranormal events, Peña de Lobos is one of countless postcards of Mexico fantastic face. 

It is a place of many stories: between legends and rumors, there is a body of beliefs more or less folkloric that includes from magical beings, transdimensional, guardians of the groves until the most recent characters from the popular imagination, the strange, alien humanoids: intraterrestrials, like many think - or extraterrestrials and their bright aircrafts crossing the sky around the summits of the mountains.

In a video (posted in internet on AUGUST 3, 2013) on the Channel of WEB-TV INFINITE - the host of the program Reality Point Zero, Adrian Moscoso Pacheco says he was searched by the producer of a radio program about paranormal and ufology, Carlos Javier Contreras - from the municipality of Jilotzingo.

Was Contreras who has shown the photo - of the creature, the Peña de Lobos's Gray - to Moscoso Pacheco. This, resolved to investigate the matter on the spot, the forest of Reserva Ambiental da Peña (Stone of Wolves environmental reserve).

According to Contreras, in the video that was posted on the Internet in August 2013, the displayed photo would have been obtained many years before, by a tourist, in 2011.

José Luis Silva, there 30 years owner of a complex of huts in the Reserve, appeared in the reportage and showed and the original photograph to journalists (6 minutes and 32 seconds of the video). He also claimed to have witnessed the sighting and described the creature and its movements . The being had fled when he realized he was being photographed (or observed). 

Historias a fondo: Peña de Lobos - mayo 18, 2012
MAUSSAN, Jaime. XCon 2005 - Jaime Maussan and 15 Years of UFO and Alien Sightings in Mexico Pt 1.
YOUTUBE, Published on Jul 6, 2012 
.............................. .   XCon 2005 - Jaime Maussan and 15 Years of UFO and Alien Sightings in Mexico Pt 2.
YOUTUBE, Published on Jul 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MEXICO MYSTERY. The Strange Humanoids of Popocatepetl's Groves

popocatepetl, humanoids, research

JANUARY, 2012. Grove in the vicinity of the volcano Popocatepetl: strange humanoids. IMAGE: Antonio Cisneros.  []

September 20, 2013 
research, footages and photographs with references 

Experienced mountaineers who, for years, have explored the secrets of that mountain, claim to have seen on the slopes, in the crevices and cliffs of the crater, humanoid beings measuring over two meters high, moving on foot, without using any protective clothing even being there to over 4000 meters above sea level.

The well-known climber, Guillermo Vidalles, aka Huracán Vidales, reported that, on more than one occasion rescue operations in that mountain, for example, saw humanoid creatures measuring two meters to two meters tall. They were very thin and climbed up to the crater of the volcano with a superhuman speed.

His footprints are very large, the part corresponding to heel leaves a hole, something that resembles a claw which apparently serves them - like a propussive support - in these dislocations impressive through the snow and ice. Vidalles said: Were not human. Once, we saw one of these individuals climb up the glacier in 10 minutes, a stretch that we [humans] linger about 3-4 hours to go. They have an amazing agility.

These images, of humanoids creatures transiting nearby of Popocatepetl, were made between days 25, 27 and 28 October 2011.

The icy slopes and summit of Popocatepetl volcan are, therefore, according to numerous testimonies, the scene of extraordinary events: sightings, dizzying maneuvers UFOs,  apparitions of humanoid creatures (strange beings).

The area where these sightings occur - and many were filmed and photographed in the past decades - in the past, at this place, There were a quarry and a mine sulfur. Some residents of local villages and communities believe that the guts of Popocatepetl hide secrets of these bizarre entities.

Nobody know, exactally what they are or from where they came but , is believed that they are technologically advanced enough to have incomprehensible and bright flying vehicles whose presence and aerial evolutions have become common in the vicinity of the volcano.

Many researchers and laymen, cogitate that these creatures, aliens or intraterrestrials, are similar to the human specie. About what they are making in a so hostile environment as than the crater of a active volcan, this is a mystery.

They can be exploring mineral in the veins of the mountain or, perhaps, beyond the depths of the smoking crater of Popocatepetl, can exist a secret complex of  buildings and infrastructure of a  Base Operations from humanoid origin but which nature and purpose are unknown.

September 20, 2013 
research, footages and photographs with references 


YOUTUBE. Published on Dec 8, 2012.
DÍAZ VARGAS, Yohanan. El Popo, lugar de extraterrestres.
MAUSSAN, Jaime. XCon 2005 - Jaime Maussan and 15 Years of UFO and Alien Sightings in Mexico Pt 1.
YOUTUBE, Published on Jul 6, 2012
...............................  XCon 2005 - Jaime Maussan and 15 Years of UFO and Alien Sightings in Mexico Pt 2.
YOUTUBE, Published on Jul 6, 2012
SONG, Tam Kim. Geography Primer 1, p 67. SINGAPORE: Panpac Education Pte Ltd., 2008.
IN []
Acessado em 23/08/2013.