Saturday, May 19, 2012

😱 Strange Vampires. The Silent Invasors of Argentina

corrected text

ARGENTINA. With the voice of the little girl who was many years ago, a woman, a medical, evokes the memory of a trauma that stays hidden in the deepest level of your mind. The memory a remembrance that was recovered through hypnotic regression.

During the session, there is no doubt she's facing someone with an different anthropometry (an appearence) from an ordinary human being: it has many large eyes, wide eyes and appeared many times at his home when she was a child. They were unpleasant situations, frightening, but over all - they were real.

Parapsychologist, Liliana Flota, that search the supernatural, has accompanied these case among many, that were attributed to the visitors of dormitories (visitors of bedrooms) that are so called of this form because the bedrooms are the places where they appear more often, creatures whose origin can be extraterrestrial or a parallel dimension to this, where inhabits the earthly Humanity.

L. Flota studies these cases since the 1990s, when a series of similar episodes began to be reported in the district of Villa Devoto. She believes that the appearance of these beings is associated with ... a search for energy resources, which the source, for them - is the blood of humans.

Throughout its investigations, the researcher could, finally, to define a specific area where the attacks happened: the region at region of Florida, Olives and Martinez, north of Buenos Aires (Argentina). 

Visitors appear in bedrooms, almost ever, at night - when they find their victims alone. Then, they extract the blood without presence of witnesses.

They are the Silent Invaders. In addition to preferring the isolation of the rooms, the creatures also choose their victims by ethnicities and gender as well: white women are theirs targets.

As proof of his predatory action, leave marks and injuries on the bodies, indicating that these people suffered, indeed, some type of clinical and/or surgical intervention, what is confirmed also by tests that indicate a significant loss of calcium, iron and magnesium.


Another remarkable detail is that a high percentage of patients visited are of the same group and blood factor, Type O - HR positive and, in many cases, more than one member, of the same family, suffered the aggression.

The investigator, also  tried to discover if the extraction of the blood or the contact with these strange imply any change in the DNA of the persons addressed. Something like a possible genetic mutation. A previous mutation, of the own victim, that can be a factor of selection,as the blood type appears to be or a mutation acquired after the victim contact with the creatures.

Flota concluded that ... The houses where the episodes occurred are located in massive electromagnetic fields which are detectable in the persons who was attacked too. In these houses, still - the clocks showed irregularities, desregulations as if time had passed by some kind of alteration.

FONTE: Los dormitorios convocan la visita de extraños seres
DIÁRIO POPULAR/Argentina, published in 19/05/2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ghost - The Woman in White of Casa Rosada

. In Buenos Aires (country capital), the "Casa Rosada" seat of the presidency of Argentina, a tourist during a visit on tour, filming the surroundings of the mansion, captured the ghostly image of a woman dressed in white.

Similar picture was obtained by the same man in another historical site, the Metropolitan Cathedral, near the mausoleum of General San Martin (1778-1850, hero of Argentine independence).

Some believe that the spectrum is Evita Peron (María Eva Duarte de Peron, known as Evita, from 1919 to 1952), the charismatic wife of dictator Juan Domingo Peron (1895-1974), herself, an actuating person in the politica of country. 

Others ponder what can be another woman: Encarnación Ezcurra (1795-1838, above), also political activist, wife of Juan Manuel Rosas (politician, 1793-1877).

Experts (in ghosts) examined the images and concluded that the clothing of the ghost indicates that the woman could have lived in the first half of the nineteenth century. 

They also remember that the "Casa Rosada" was, in the past, a military installation, Fort Buenos Aires, the scene of significant historical events, such as battles and looting involving Argentinians against colonizers englishes and frenches.

Officials of "Casa Rosada" said that this ghost has been seen many times on the balconies and corridors of the building. But, as always, skeptics argue that the video is a hoax elaborated in computer .

SOURCE: Filman a una mujer fantasma en la Casa Rosada
La Noticia, published in 11/05/2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Evil in The Nighclub

ARGENTINA. In the city of Oberá, in a local nightclub, a place full of young people on a night that had like one of its attractions a show of stripers, someone took a picture. 

As usual in such cases, in the moment, nothing abnormal was perceived in the environment. This picture was posted on Facebook and - months later, someone noticed the traces of a malign face in the smoky atmosphere of the place.

The image is causing commotion and controversy. Some people claim that, in this same nightclub, were taken other photographs, in which, similar apparitions were reveled.

Kardecists Spiritists say that environments saturated with heady substances toxic and / or hallucinogenic and - also - places where there are many people taken by emotions of sexual excitation and unbridled euphoria, for example, these places attract spirits who sympathize with this atmosphere.

They are evil spirits, disembodied beings that are slaved to the worst vices of the animal that exists in each person, true demons that gather in legions, reinforcing trends of fall in all type of excesses that destroy the human dignity.

SOURCE: Conmoción en Oberá por imagen diabólica que se ve en un boliche.
Territorio Digital, published in 12/05/2012


The Ghost of the Hospital

IMAGE: AGENCIA FE, published em 10/05/2012.

ARGENTINA. In Rosario, a city of the province of Santa Fe, in the Clemente Alvarez Emergency Hospital, two employees, nurses, doctors and cleaning staff - or be, numerous persons saw a wheel chair moving by itself in different corridors and different occasions.

One of the employees - identified as Diego - took a photo of the chair and, the captured image, revealed a ghostly human form seated on there. The photo, published on Facebook, is causing astonishment and controversy among Internauts

SOURCE: ¿Una mujer fantasma en el Hospital Clemente Álvarez? 
EL Litoral, published in 14/05/2012


Sunday, May 13, 2012

When the Nazis were in Brazil

A wooden cross with the Nazi swastika marks the tomb of the German Joseph Greiner on a shore in Rio Jari, near the waterfall of Santo Antonio. This is a hidden history - almost unknown - The route of Nazism in Amapa... 

AMAPA state. In the mid 1930's, a German expedition, led by German Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel, entered the Jari River with the supposed purpose of realize a scientific research...


To assist in the operation and make less unconfortable the stay in a hostile environment, full of snakes, predators, mosquitoes and other agents of tropical diseases, were recruited indigenous of Aparai tribe and - even - around of 30 woodsmen, experient jungle guides. Otto had a servant even to install his sleep hammock (for sleep)... 

Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel and his assistants returned to Europe in 1937 taking hundreds of boxes containing furs, skulls, bones, teeth, feathers and bodies preserved in alcohol, materials destinated to the museums of natural sciences in Germany... 

But it wasn't only in the Amazon that the Nazism left the mark of their presence at Brazil. At states of south and southeast of the country are also found traces of the degenerated swastika symbol - a fact that which still surprise many Brazilians. However, this reality is well known to historians...

In SÃO PAULO (state), in the rural area of "Campina do Monte Alegre" city, in the farm "Cruzeiro do Sul", there are more than 20 years, were discovered bricks and old photographs of animals marked with the cursed cross... 

SANTA CATARINA. Blumenau is a city in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, south of the country. It was founded by German immigrants in September 1950...

Despite being a chapter of history that Blumenau, wants to forget, there is evidence of the involvement of the population with nazist ideology, as photographs showing parades of supporters in wich the swastika appears prominently. READ MORE

Friday, May 4, 2012

The astonishing technologies of the Bosnia pyramids

Pyramid of the Sun, Bosnia.
The mysterious emission of a energy beam.

BOSNIA. The pyramids of Bosnia were discovered in 2005 by anthropologist of the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr.sci. Semir Sam Osmanagich.

Curious formations near the town of Visoko, 20 km northwest of the capital, Sarajevo, the pyramids were perceived by the researcher while he was observing two hills that had too regular format.

Triangular with the angles of your quadrilateral base oriented to the cardinal points, they were in fact two pyramids hidden by vegetation. Were called Pyramids of the Sun and Moon.

They were the first pyramids discovered in Europe, confirming the fact that these constructions exist in all the world. Excavations carried out until 2011 revealed other three pyramids, that was called pyramids of the Dragon, of Mother Earth and of Love. Thus arose the Bosnian Valley of Pyramids which also houses a complex of tombs, many ceramic sculptures and a huge underground labyrinth with more than 10 km long.

These astonishing pyramids of Bosnia - today, are recognized as the edifications of this type more ancient and largest - in the entire planet. The Pyramid of the Sun, with its 220 meters high, exceeds the Great Pyramid of Egypt, which measures 147 meters (height).

Its orientation to the North is accurate with an error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds. Its antiquity goes beyond 12,000 years old. Its rectangular concrete blocks have unique properties confirmed by scientific institutions of Bosnia, but also from France and Italy: extreme hardness and low water absorption (about 1%), much higher durability than the similar material of nowadays.

The pave of terrace of the pyramid of the moon, according to an analysis conducted by the Institute of Physics and Technology of Silesia, Poland - using the radiocarbon method, has been dated at 10.500 years.


 K-2, sculpture of ceramic. Found in the underground labyrinth
of the Valley of the Pyramids of Bosnia. Structure therapeutic.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun keeps his mysterious functions in activity. A team of physicists has detected an energy beam that protrudes through the top of the pyramid. The radius of the beam (which, therefore, is circular) is 4.5 meters and its frequency is 28kHz.

The beam is continuous in its direction, up, and its intensity increases as it gains height, ie, moving away from the pyramid. The phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. Everything indicates that the pyramid builders of the Sun of Bosnia, they created a perpetual motion machine, and this energy machine is working.

There are three underground chambers where it is located a small blue lake. This enviroment has a level of ionization that is 43 times major than the average concentration of normal in similar environments. It means that these cameras are true "healing rooms".

In 2011, was discovered through detection that the electromagnetism inside the tunnel is equal to zero. There, doesn't exist radiation or radioactivity in relevant technical levels of earthly or cosmic origin.

The ceramic sculptures found there are not merely decorative. They are positioned on the flows of water and amid them of a mode that convert negative energy into positive. They are, therefore, not an art gallery but rather converters of energy polarities.

All this makes the underground maze be, amazingly, a one of the most safer and healthiest places in the world, capable of bringing about the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

The interdisciplinary research that investigating the pyramids discovered in Bosnia, in six years, produced results that never were achieved in two centuries of research on the pyramids of Egypt. They are revelations about the physical, and spiritual energy of these enigmatic structures: the pyramids. These discoveries, without precedents, are revolutionizing completely the Science of the Pyramids.

Published IN November, 2011. 
Text adaptation: L. Cabus