Friday, January 7, 2011

Amazon, archaeological findings of a unknown history

Among the artefacts there are pots and dishes.
Photo: Andina (Official news agency of Peru)

PERUVIAN AMAZON – 140 archaeological objects objects like stone and axes diferent tools used in textil industry were found at peruvian Amazon at last months of 2010. The artefacts were discovered at High Amazon region, north of Peru. The findings are being dated about 1,200 years old. The existence of this kind of stuff indicates that, the ancient inhabitants of the rain forest had developed a culture of produtive.

The artefacts were rescued by the Instituto de Investigação da Amazônia Peruana – IIAP (Peruvian Amazon Research Institute ). According to archaeologist Santiago Rivas, the finding was revealed after a landslide caused by heavy rains in the region. The occurence brought to the light some of the material. A local resident, noting the possible importance of the pieces, reported the fact to some researchers that were there, rightly to investigating the area in search of an archaeological site.

Besides the stone axes, pots, dishes, a sculpture of a human being and others fragments were discovered. These relics are a further clue to unveil the mystery surrounding the existence of very old civilizations, which can have lived in Americas in an epoch of forgotten times.

SOURCE: Expedição na selva encontra 140 peças arqueológicas na Amazônia peruana.
IN Globo Amazônia – published in 12/31/2010.

School closed for cause of a haunting

D'Jambi – traditional ritual, but payment is even in euro

ÁFRICA, São Tomé and Príncipe – At final of the last year (2010) throughout the month of December, the Guadalupe Secondary School was closed due to disturbances caused by a haunting. Guadalupe is located for 12 km from the capital, the Sao Tome city.

The soul in torment has attacked 14 students in addition to employees. The classes became impractical. Para resolver o problema, pais de alunos querem contratar um feiticeiro porém não têm dinheiro para os honorários do bruxo. O ritual encomendado, chamado "Jambi", custa 15 milhões de "dobras" ou cerca de 610 euros.

D'Jambi is a magic ritual connected to mysticism, whose goal is to heal the sick and soothe the spirits of antepassados. This ritual is performed by a master healer and his assistant. It is a kind of white magic mixed with Christianism in order to heal people or places that are bewitched and evil eye cases in general.

SOURCE: Escola de São Tomé fechada há quatro semanas por causa de «mau espírito»
IN Diário IOL – published in 12/25/2010

Thursday, January 6, 2011

UFOs, earthquakes and mutilators

Photo: Deivyson Teixeira

CEARÁ – At Sobral city, district of Barracho, in a place called Desterro, since october, 2010, strange phenomenons have been happened. Tens of domestic animais have been found, along the last months, deads and mutilated. At the same period, the local population has registered sightings of lights at the sky at many other places of the region.

Numerous localities are suffering with the ocurrences: in places like Espinhos e Pizunha, at Cruz city more of forty animals suffered mutilations in only one night. Lambs, goats and even a donkey, all them had their eyes surgically stripped. In some cases the tongue is removed too. At Bela Cruz city the the same happened and, in a weekend, 17 lambs were sacrificed.

At Sobral city, UFO researchers are linking the mutilation and also earthquakes that have been occurred at the area with the activities of UFOs.

SOURCE: FAHEINE, Rita. Sobral – Animais encontrados sem olhos e língua; população suspeita de extraterrestres
IN O Povo – published in 12/18/2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazil: two-headed calf

RONDÔNIA – In rural zone of the town of Monte Negro, at Wednesday, December 15, a calf female was born with two heads. The animal has also, proportionately, four eyes, two mouths and four ears. It can move the heads but it can not stand up because of the weight of the heads. The bicephalous calf is fed with baby bottles and uses its two mouths with syncronicity.

SOURCE: MONTE NEGRO – Bezerra de duas cabeças nasce em fazenda.
IN Rondônia Ao Vivo – published in 12/17/2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brazilian Haunted Highways – Marechal Rondon, SP-300

SÃO PAULO – In this world of modernity, since the mid-twentieth century, the list of the places haunted traditionaly, this list was expanded. In the past, ruins, graveyards, abandoned houses, for example, were places of refuge for lost souls. 

Trapped spirits to their earthly woes remain linked to the places where they experienced their last moments of life interrupted, in general, by violent death.

With the advent of new ways to die, as car accidents on highways, the transit routes they also became, in some cases, places, cursed by ghostly apparitions. 

Today, almost all networks of motorways, as well as local roads and even rustic trails, have their hauntings in certain stretches. Brazil, of course, also has their hauntings of road.

Here are some examples: At Marechal Rondon highway (SP-300) a ghost bride appears to travelers. The apparition is a young woman. She uses a beautiful wedding dress, white, embroidery, with veils and gloves. The bride appears waving to motorists, asking them to stop. She seems desesperate.

According to local legend, the ghost bride appears dressed to marry for a reason. She died victim of an accident during the trip by car between the cities of São Paulo state, Bauru and Pirajuí, where the cerimony would be realized. 

On the same road, still in the state of Sao Paulo, the stretch between the cities of Bauru and Jundiai alo has a haunting. The apparition of a black woman accompanied by a blond child who appears to have two years old. 

Elsewhere of the same highway the specter of a cop seems to be stuck in some situation, He appears from nothing and remains unmoved, vigilant, even under strong storms.

SOURCE: BELTRAMIM, Luiz. Mistérios vagam pelos caminhos da região.
IN JCNET published in 12/02/2010 05/12/2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Treasures of Peruvian Amazon

The artefact appears to be a silver shield or pectoral plate.
Photo: Agência Andina/Divulgação.

Peruvian Amazon In the district of Cajaruro, department of the Amazonas (state), Peru – objects made of stell and stone were found for forest guards. Among these, a shield of silver ornated with stylized forms. The artefact is in a good state of conservation.

The finding shows that in the Peruvian Amazon, cultures developed themselves for beyond of the neolithic stage. These peoples knew and worked using industry techniques for produce utilities of metal and jewelry. At the same region was found a city of the Incas. However, the constructions, are covered by vegetation and it's necessary a acurate exam by the archeologists.

SOURCE: Achado na Amazônia peruana indica que índios conheciam ourivesaria
IN Globo Amazônia published in 12/16/2010,,MUL1635812-16052,00-ACHADO+NA+AMAZONIA+PERUANA+INDICA+QUE+INDIOS+CONHECIAM+OURIVESARIA.html