Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Strange Apparition In The Rain Forest

Porto Velho ─ Rondônia: A video posted in Youtube this month [october, 6 2009] shows two guys at Porto Velho Rondonia state capital. they were enjoying themselves in a stream [a igarapé]. A third boy, who was recording the scene saw something pass behind his mates, between the trees. This something appears twice on the images. This something appears twice on the images. At first, only the filmaker saw the thing moving in the bush; a second time, an another guy perceived the moving too. Scared, he gone out running and screaming. What was that? A shadow, an animal, a being enchanted forest? Nobody will ever know.

Source: FANTASMA? - Jovens próximos de igarapé registram em vídeo "algo" estranho atrás deles
In Rondonia ao Vivo ─ published 10/07/2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Killer Bees

Mato Grosso do Sul ─ Sunday, october 04 [2009], on the road, km 080. Near Rochedo town, at sunset, a swarm of bees caused a car accident. A man died. The insects entered through de car's window. The driver lost the direction control and flipped the vehicle. At the time of the disaster a group of ten motorcyclists that passed there stoped to help victims. As motorcyclists were wearing helmets, gloves and jackets made of leather, they managed to remove the occupants of the car.

When police arrives, the driver, still alive, was covered with bees. Later on, he succumbed to injuries and died. The bees were angry. Without protection against insects, the police could not even get near the car. They returned to Rochedo town to wear appropriate clothing. The situation was resolved only with the arrival of the Fire Department.

Source: Abelhas entram por janela de carro e causam acidente e morte no Mato Grosso do Sul
In O Globo ─ publicado em 05/10/2009
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Goiânia [State of Goiás - capital] At Baliza, city on the border between the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás another case of furious bees resulted in the deaths of two people. José Antonio Dias dos Santos, 43 years and the boy Elves Felipe Vicente, 5 years, were with friends attending a picnic on the banks of the Araguaia river when the swarm attacked. Another six people were bitten. According Aragaças's fireman Khenyo Barbosa, who participated in the rescue of victims, Elves e Felipe jumped into the river trying to escape bees.

Unfortunately, dragged through the water, they drowned, the man and boy. The victims's corpses were rescued at about 18h30pm and taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute (IML ─ Instituto Médico Legal) of Aragarças. The other six people attacked were taken to the São Lucas Hospital, at the city of Toxixoréu, Mato Grosso.

Source: GUANDELINE, Leonardo. Homem e menino de 5 anos morrem afogados ao fugir de ataque de abelhas no Rio Araguaia, em Goiás
In O Globo ─ publicado em 05/10/2009
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mystery in Recordings: Chico Xavier, The Movie

Recordings of the Chico Xavier ─ The Movie, were marked by a supernatural atmosphere. Chico Xavier [1910-2002] was a spirit medium known and most prestigious in Brazil and in the world. Xavier psycographed more than 40 books and his name is a reference in the Spiritualism literature in portuguese language. Renata Imbriani, actress of the film, adept of Alan Kardec's spiritism, tells that, in certains scenes, the medium was really close to the protagonist, the actor Nelson Xavier.

I was waiting for my turn to go on stage and Nelson was recording. Suddenly, I saw an open door. A strong light went out through the opening. It was Chico. He supported the right arm of the Nelson and was all the time energizing him. The amazing thing is that when he touches the Nelson, he, Nelson, seemed to take the features of Chico ─ said Miss Imbriani. In another scene, which reproduced a spiritualist meeting, an extra, a woman, incorporated an entity. The director, Daniel Filho, remember: We stopped filming and waited the lady reset, back to herself.

The actor Nelson Xavier, himself commented: I felt his presence all the time. He was the single personage that I asked to do, and today, I believe in everything he said and lived. Every time I think of him I am very touched. The movie should be released on April 2, 2010, when Chico would have completed 100 years of life.

Source: DE PAULA, Patricia. Mistérios durante as gravações do filme sobre a vida de Chico Xavier
In Extra-Globo Online ─ publicado em 27/09/2009

Paranormal Phenomena Scare Families in Belém

Mrs. Gonçalves: Ghosts messed up the house. Reprimand solves the problem.

PARÁ ─ Month of may, 2009. Belém town, Pará state capital. In Icoaraci neighborhood, Batista family lives in fear. All mattresses of all beds in the house burned at the same time. They were ten people. Lived at Juvencio Sarmento street, during three years they tried resist the nightmare.

Rita Batista tells: The strange things begin at night. We were returning from church when a fire apperead. The objects burned fast, suddenly extinguished but the fire reappeared elsewhere. We spent the night trying to extinguish the flames everywhere. At about six in the morning we put all the furniture in front of the house. A guard came and said everything was burning. We lost eight mattresses that day, and all the clothes.

The phenomena began to repeat. Were at least four months during which the fire appeared 'from nowhere'. The neighbor, Raimundo Nonato, witnessed the events: The fire burned up the bricks of the house. three priests of Marituba were called to resolve the case. It did not help. Unlike this, one of the priests felt sick and fainted. Tired of the ghost of fire, the family relocated, changed address.

However, the phenomenon has not ceased completely and occasionally, the spontaneous fire comes back. This may mean, in terms of diagnosis, that the phenomenon is not due to action of a common spirit. Probably, this is a poltergeist, an complex entity that does not bind to places; but connected to people.

Novena against rain of stones

At Para state, yet, other similar phenomena have been recorded, like at Mãe do Rio [River's Mother] district with Santos' family. In the house of Leda Maria de Souza Santos [67 years in 2009], stones flew from one side to another when her husband, Edvaldo or daughter, Emily, were around. The solution was religious. Leda invited some missionaries to visit the house and promoted novena [prayers] sessions at home. There were nine nights. Stones stopped bother and not returned.

Pensioner faced ghost

In the same district, Mãe do Rio, pensioner Alzira de Melo Gonçalves [76 years, 2009] lived a similar situation: One day we wake up with things all over the floor, including money: We believe that a thief had entered, but took nothing. That thief spreads all and not steal anything?

It was only the beginning. Stones seemed hit the walls and roof. Bottles fell off the table and voices were heard. One day, Mrs. Gonçalves was visiting a friend leaving her three children at home. Not long after, the three appeared breathless and frightened saying that visagens [ghosts] were doing a carnival in the house.

Determined, Mrs. Gonçalves returned home ready to have a serious talk with ghosts: from live to dead! She said: I'm talking with you. I don't know you but I want you stop it now. I do not deserve it. If is the devil, is good that you know: I'm not afraid because I'm with God. And if it is to kill me, can kill me, but let my children out of it. After that, she had no problems anymore.

Source: CARDOSO, Octavio. Fenômenos paranormais assustam famílias em Belém
In Diario do Para ─ published in 27/september/2009

Mulungu UFO

CEARÁ ─ In the small town of Mulungu, Guritiba location ─ Maciço of Baturité, farmers and peasants reported the sighting of a UFO. The spacecraft has landing at a banana plantation. The plants were burned and suffered a cut evenly. The phenomenon would have reached a radius of approximately thirty meters. Ufology experts of the Associação dos Ufólogos Independentes do Brasil [Association of Independent Brazil Ufologists] visited the site and ensure: the region was, in fact, visited by a flying saucer. According to the report of these researchers, these episodes occur in the region every ten years.

The people were very scared and called the TV Jangadeiro's team to record what happened. There are reports of curious who visited the place of the supposed landing of the spacecraft and suffered physical injuries there. A wound appeared on the forehead of a man and a woman contracted a strange allergy in the form of red spots, having gone to the site. The local resident Carlos Eudes de Souza Miguel, watching the movements in the sky, called, by phone, the radio broadcaster Tony Siqueira who went immediately to the site Guritiba. There, they took pictures of the luminous object in the night of Mulungu.

População de Mulungu no Ceará assustada com suposto ovni
In Vooz Noticias ─ published in 28/september/2009
Portal Ufo

White Candle, Blue Wax

Piauí, BR ─ In Morada do Sol district, east zone of Teresina town, Piauí states's capital, a family was astonished with a phenomenon that no have explanation, yet. The white candle, lit during the prayers of a novena dedicated to Our Lady of Immaculate Conception was melting in blue color. The family's neighbor, entrepreneur Mr. Lenilson Souza, consider that the case is paranormal: The color of the wax is the same color of the Santa's robe. The candles' box buyed by the family will be send to the manu-facturer. The candles should be submited to technical inspection.

Source: Vela branca derrete cera azul: Família crê em milagre
In Cidade Verde ─ published in 03/september/2009