Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Strange Case of the Cyclopes Lambs of Argentina

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ARGENTINA. Strange May. Strange place: in May 31 (2012), the newspaper El Liberal published the news of the birth of a sheep mutant. 

The episode occured at the Argentine province of Santiago del Estero. In a small field, at south of the province, at the town of El Fuerte, which located close to Sumampa, the capital of Quebrachos department, Santiago del Estero, the animal came into the world with a cut on his forehead, only one eye and without nose.

The case is very similar to another occurred in the same region in 2011, at the city of Taco Pozo, province of Chaco, bordering north-northeast with Santiago del Estero, where two of these ovine mammals were also born with the same mutation. As is common with such anomalies, these litters were not able to survive and died in short time. They are the cyclops lambs of Argentina. Coincidences ...

SOURCE: Nació una oveja con un solo ojo en el sur de Santiago del Estero.
EL LIBERAL/Argentina, published in 31/05/2012.

UFO in Santiago del Estero

Photos: Rodrigo Dorado

ARGENTINA. During the evening of Saturday, about 19 pm, May 2, 2012, in Santiago del Estero, the reporter from the Daily Panorama, Rodrigo Dorado, captured in the sky of the city, a strange light that revolved moving in circles, next to the moon. 

The phenomenon was witnessed by numerous other people and commented on social networks in Argentina and other countries.

The object looked like a star and was moving at speed incomum. O reporter took several pictures which, when analyzed in digital zoom, revealed that the flying object is, really, not identifiable.

SOURCE: Un extraño objeto sobrevoló el cielo de Santiago.
DIARIO PANORAMA, publiblished in 03/06/2012.

Deaths of Animals: Conspiracy theorists accuse HAARP

Crustaceans. Beach of Peru covered with dead shrimps.

WORLD. The most recent and significant case is ongoing: dolphins, pelicans and other seabirds and, more recently, crustaceans, continue (May / June, 2012) to appear dead in large numbers on the beaches of Peru.

In its explanations to the midia, the scientific community offers little more than speculation, assumptions, which non-confirmation, after the time that the experts have had to investigate, becomes very suspicious occurrences. Rumors about the causes of the ecological disaster spread and even non-human aliens have already been held accountable.

In its explanations to the midia, the scientific community offers little more than speculation,assumptions and the non-confirmation, after the time that the experts have had to investigate, turns more suspicious the occurrences. Rumors about the causes of the ecological disaster are numerous and, even aliens non-humans, already are being blamed.
held accountable 

However, this kind of animal mortalities are in headlines there are at least two years. There is not how denies that the phenomenon has assumed global dimensions. 

Among the informations circulating in newspapers, alternative magazines and blogs - and even in prestigious publications by their tradition of service for decades, a hypothesis has been, each time more pointed as the cause of these deaths: unknown and secret activities of an institution that exists shrouded in mystery: HAARP (which officially is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program).

HAARP, a long name for a badly explained facility, officially funded by the Air Force and Navy North American with the assistance of the Alaska University, because this Research Center is located in the state of Alaska.

The HAARP, which is a network of 180 antennas, began to be mounted in 1993. But today, the facilities of HAARP are not limited to Alaska. At Worldwide, there are centers of the HAARP, includ Brazil and Peru.

This structure causes controversy even before its installation. Many scientists, environmentalists and peace activists - claim, or worse - denounce that the HAARP hides a war purpose with the use of very advanced technologies. Some say that this network of antennas is a geophysical weapon. This hypothesis was supported, for example, by russian president, Vladimir Putin, in 2002.

Earlier, in 1999, European Parliament declared that the HAARP is a device able to manipulate the environment in terms of climate and geology. Wasbeen manifested, still - the fear of this manipulation come to be used in humans.

While animals are still dying en masse and government spokesmen offer only promises of analyzes, negative laboratory results and hypotheses, such as heating water, but without compromising with statements, newspapers such as El Tiempo - Colombia, as publish headlines like this explicit, for example: El animales MARINOS HAARP continues to kill.

While animals are still dying en masse and governments spokesmen offer only promises of analyzes, negative laboratory results and hypotheses, such as the heating of waters but without compromise with the true, newspapers such as El Tiempo - Colombia, are publishing explicit headlines like this, for example: HAARP continues to kill marine animals.

EL TIEMPO-ALTERNATIVAEXTRATERRESTRE/Colômbia, published in 13/05/2012.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Barbie Project - An Alien Operation to Control the World

Dakota Rose or Kota Ki

WORLD. Two Girls. They appeared on the Internet a few months ago and were causing a great impact. In a day or two of exposition they became known worldwide. 

They are "human barbies" that surprise by their appearance is so perfect and captivating that seems to have been made ​​in a workshop dolls or robots. In Asian countries, especially, the girls became truely, a fever.

Kiki Kanibal. Take it easy. She doesn't has demon eyes. The girl eyes are closed and her eyelids, painted of black.  Pay attention.

However, according some ufologists and exobiologists, the "barbies", Dakota Rose or Dakota Koti or - Kota Koti, and her supposed sister, Kirsten Ostrenga or Kiki Kanibal, whose origin or place of residence is still somewhat doubtful, are part of an operation engineered by aliens or non-human beings.

The goal, obscure, is to promote the mental control of crowds of young people through mass hypnosis with the use of subliminal messages.

This is the view, for example, naturalist Scott Batiste. For Batiste, the purpose of this operation is to take the control of the planet without opposition, without resistance, with the full consent of the population.

This is the view, for example, of the naturalist Scott Batiste. For Batiste, the purpose of this operation is take the control of the planet without opposition, without resistance, with the full consent of the population.

Ostrenga and Dakota, presumably Russian, are human who were abducted by non-human scientists. It's Barbie Projecy that must produce practical results even this year (2012).

Ostrenga and Dakota, that can be russians or not, are human who were abducted by non-human scientists. It's what is being called Barbie Project, that must produce practical results even this year.

According to Batiste, the fluency of the two girls fluency in English language was obtained artificially, in the laboratory, a necessary condition for universal acceptance of their messages. Batiste added that while they are residing somewhere in the United States, they do not yet have north-american citizenship.

Well, according the conspiracist, nor the north-american president is really a north-american and not exactly a human being but, a reptilian agent. What persons can do? To wait to see.

Kota Koti, Kiki Kannibal y una operación extraterrestre.
NEOCLUB PRESS-MILENIUM, published in 10/03/2012.

One more case. The Unexplained Cannibal Epidemic

 by Lygia Cabus

WORLD. The cannibal Miami is in the headlines. The world was stunned with the naked man who, on Saturday, May 26 (2012) devoured the nose and eyes of another, the homeless - Ronald Poppo, at a public thoroughfare, in the light of day with the testimony of the street security camera. The attack only was stoped by radical action of the police, who killed the attacker.

The reason or cause of crime, characterized by the horror, has provoked speculation of all kinds. The most widespread explanation is that the cannibal - identified as Ruby Eugene, 31, was under the influence of a new synthetic hallucinogenic drug that is being called "bath salts" or, as is known in Portugal - "miau-miau". The mefadrona appeared in Europe for the first time in 2007. The killer girlfriend believes that man, coincidentally, a Haitian, acted controlled by a voodoo spell.

Amid this whirlwind of terror and uncertainty, the puerto-rican researcher of paranormal phenomena and ufologist, Reinaldo Rios, claims that the cannibal was probably a zombie. He explains: They (the police) believe that the man was suffering from a psychosis caused by the use of cocaine, but he growled when a policeman approached him. This behavior is typical of a zombie.

Rios continues: The zombies are not typical of Haiti as most people think. The researcher said he interviewed a former military man, retired with honors that would have revealed: in experiments with drug users, scientists inject a chemical substance in a "test subject" causing an effect that can be considered as creating a zombie.

For Rios, the official explanation that the crime ocurred under the effect of psychosis caused by cocaine use is a smokescreen to divert public attention to the real catalytic element of the attack: ...because this drug was created to be used as a chemical weapon. The "test subjects" are monitored by a chip implanted in their brains but, this horrible thing seems has escaped the control of government laboratories.


The case of Miami is still unclear and other macabre episode of cannibalism was released on Friday, May 1 (2012). It happened - well, in the United States, in Maryland, the University of Morgan. The victim, born in the African country of Ghana, is the student Kujoe Agyei-Kodie, 37 years.

The case of Miami is still unclear and other macabre episode of cannibalism was released on Friday, May 1 (2012). It happened - also at the United States, in Maryland, in the University of Morgan. The victim, born in the African country of Ghana, is the student Kujoe Agyei-Kodie, 37 years.

He had been missing since the 25th of May (2012). Now his horrible fate was discovered. Kodie was murdered by his roommate, Alexander Kinyua who confessed to the crime and gave details: he drew after killing the heart and brain of the victim and ate these organs. The rest of the body was thrown in the trash. Not yet known whether this further cannibal was under the effect of drugs.

He had been missing since the 25th of May (2012). Now his horrible fate was discovered. Kodie was murdered by his roommate, Alexander Kinyua who confessed to the crime and gave details: after kill, he extracted the heart and brain of the victim and ate these organs. The rest of the body was thrown in the trash. Not yet known whether this further cannibal was under the effect of drugs.

It does not need to be an anthropologist, psychologist, ufologist, psychic or a prophet to realize that something very unusual is happening across the planet. Between April and May, two other cases of cannibalism were recorded: in Brazil, members of a sect, were practicing ritual sacrifices.They ate part of the human flesh of their victims and the rest, processed in pastries and other snacks, they sold in city bars​​.

At China, a man did the same thing, selling meals made of human flesh, but without claiming any connection with satanic cults or not. And - yet, a case occurred in 2008, at Canada, returned to the headlines reminding that the attacker, stabbed and ate part of the viscera of a man in a bus, in front of several people. The killer said that heard voices and believed that his victim was an alien, an extraterrestrial.

No. Nobody needs prophets to see the end, the end of humanity in the essence of beings who no more are human. 

Now, who fears of an extraterrestrial threat? I'm sad... and afraid.

'Canibal de Miami' estaria sob efeito de droga "miau-miau.
Diário de Notícias/Pt, published in 29/05/2012.
Caníbal de Miami sería un zombi, asegura ufólogo.
NEOCLUB-MILENIUM, published in 31/05/2012.
Norte-americano mata colega de quarto, come-lhe o coração e parte do cérebro.
PtT Jornal/Pt, published in 01/06/2012.

The Extraterrestrial Mystery of Sinaloa

MEXICO. On January 4, 2012, in the region of Sierra Madre, in Mexican state of Sinaloa, the fall of a meteorite sparked new speculations about the possible activity of extraterrestrial entities among scholars in the area of ufology and exobiology.

The interest is due to the fact that the fall of the meteorite in Sinaloa is considered an extraordinary event. With this case, already are three records in 138 years, what experts consider excessive coincidence statistical in the scientific point of view. 

Astrophysicists tried to locate the object within its possibiliades. The crash localization, besides being difficult to access because of the hostile topography, is a place used by Mexican traffickers for cultivation of marijuana.

The director of the Centro de Ciências de Sinaloa (Science Center of Sinaloa), Labastia Rocio, said ... people say they saw the meteor break up into several parts. The technicians who flew over the area saw two flames.

In 1874, at the town of Bacubirito - located in the state, there was the fall of a meteor of 20 tons. In 1994, another, smaller, fell in Sierra Madre. The frequency of these occurrences in the region has intrigued scientists, who investigate the possibility of existence of a magnetic field that propitiates these events in the area.

The archaeologist Bernardo Ortiz also highlights the discovery of numerous petroglyphs in Sinaloa - ornamented with images that can be associated to extraterrestrials.

In recent years, the inhabitants of Sinaloa have reported frequent sightings of UFOs and other phenomena of suspect nature. Ortiz believes that the paintings attributed to pre-Columbian cultures may be related to the presence of extraterrestrials from the most ancient times.

Another archaeologist Joel Santos Ramirez, said yhat these paintings, usually, found on banks of rivers and streams, are timeless abstractions of reality. The drawings are anthropomorphic, zoomorphic or geometric forms - and represent solar phenomena using lines, dots and spirals.

SOURCE: Los extraterrestres y el misterio de Sinaloa.
NEOCLUB PRESS-MILENIUM/Mexico, publicado em 10/01/2012.