Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Naked Alienigena of Nuevo Laredo wasn't real but it is really magical

The "alienigena" during the creation 
Creacion de Extraterrestre Grabado 2015
JJPD Producciones CH, Published on Jul 21, 2015


I COMMITTED A MISTAKE - AND NOW, I'M CORRECTING. There few days, this blog published a reportage about the sighting and footage of a supposed alienigena, that was naked, a supposed humanoid filmed on a roof of a ranch at the outskirts of  Nuevo Laredo city - Tamaulipas state - Mexico.

The video was released by the local journal of Nuevo Laredo,  EL MAÑANA like a true footage made for an amateur.

What happens was that EL MAÑANA did copy and used the film found in the YouTube and invented a history about the personage. Something very wrong in the sphere of the journalism.

The Slender creature after the creation stay ready
Creacion de Extraterrestre Grabado 2015
JJPD Producciones CH, Published on Jul 21, 2015

The fact is: the video was produced by the talent of a young guy - Jose Joaquim Perez - that has the hability of creates fantastic realities with brain and fingers working in a computer. 

He is the owner of the YouTube channel JJPD Producciones and, when he watched the video without his credits, he stood very angry, with reason.

But, all has a good side. The JJPD Producciones released - now - the full footage revealing all the genial process of creation of that images that caused the big polemic. Almost a fight!

This blog wants that JJPD Producciones makes much more works like the Alienigena on the Roof, a CGI Creation - joking with our imagination, fascinating for us, surprising us with more of its magic.  Be sure to visit JJPD Producciones channel, it promises great funny, creepy, happy moments full of exciting sensations.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


MARS. 2015. A lone woman on top of a cliff. The Venus of Mars (as this editor, now -  baptizes the figure). 

The image captured by the rover Curiosity was 'discovered, analyzed and its peculiarities were recently released by the website staff Area 51 Zone & UFOS (written in French language).

Even considering the classical explanation of pareidolia - or see what you're used to seeing or a cognitive adaptation effect of a meaningless vision for the observer - this register has many specific features that can not be ignored or considered mere optical illusion.

The figure is as clear as it could be after the rapprochement - the zoom - applied to a panoramic vision. It is a human or humanoid silhouette with female appearance.

It seems even wear a long dress, has long hair and part of the bust is naked. However, the Venus of Mars, even lonely at that moment does not seem to be a Homeless. Not so far behind her, one can also distinguish a structure similar to a dwelling.

The 'building looks like ruined, desolate. In it can be distinguished a ceiling, columns and two identical doors, placed side by side displaying a Gothic romantic style   in the oval shape of the top of the gantry. It could even be a double gate.


It can not ignore the ethereal aspect of the woman. In fact, if it were an earthly picture some would say the Martian Venus is a ghost who inhabits
ruins of her  mansion in the deserted landscape.

CRETE. Also remarkable is the similarity between the Martian lonely and some representations of the ancient women of Crete, the called Minoan civilization which history is full of mysteries.

These representations are found in frescoes and statues of that nation. Perhaps the best known of these images be the statue called the goddess of snakes.

The page of NASA and specific URL of the photo or where the photo was published  was out of network until deadline of this edition, what prevents us to check the date of registration.

However, being a page marked with the letters "msl" - which means Mars Science Laboratory, is possible know with sure that the photo was taken by Curiosity vehicle.

Une femme étrange marche sur mars ?
AREA ZONE 51 & UFOS dimanche 21 juin 2015/BELGICA (língua francesa)
Mars Science Laboratory
WIKIPEDIA, 21.07.2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Holy Spirit. A dove of light on head of Pope Francisco

A photograph among many those were taken along the travel of Pope Francis in Paraguay, one of them draws attention. 

In the image, a dove that looks like a being made of supernatural light. Resting on the head of the Pontiff, the 'entity seems came from heaven in  a huge beam of light energy.

PARAGUAY. The Pope Francisco visit to Paraguay was a historic event. He arrived on Friday, July 10 -  and ended his agenda in the country on the afternoon of sunday, July 12, 2015. This is the second visit of a Pope to  Paraguay in the History of the country.

The Bishop of Rome attended a dozen events in public and private visits. He met civil and religious authorities (the Catholic Church), the diplomatic corps, representatives of different sectors of civil society, young people and residents of the poorer areas of the capital (city of Asuncion).

But the image that stays from this passage of the 'Pontifex at Paraguay is the supernatural picture of a bright dove - that seems come from heaven wrapped in a huge dense luminous fog - on the head of Francisco.

The PrimiciasYa newspaper (from Argentina) talked the phenomenon with parapsychologist Alexander Morgan who commented: It is the light of the Holy Spirit descending upon the Pope. It is a dove on his head. He is protected by the Lord ...

But, always will exist those who will speculate something different and with some reason. What light is that? Optical phenomenon explored by midia? Holy Spirit? Wonders of the apocalyptic Antichrist?

La extraña y mística foto del Papa Francisco en su visita a Paraguay: la palabra de un especialista
PRYMICIAS-YA/ARGENTINA, 13.07.2015 @primiciasyacom
Espírito Santo. A Pomba de Luz que Pousou no Papa Francisco
SOFÄ DA SALA, 14.July.2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

UFO at Krasnodar

RUSSIA. KRASNODAR CITY. The video was made on the night between 30 and 31 May 2015. The luminous sphere in the sky could be the Moon but that night there was no full moon in Krasnodar. It was the moon crescent, not visible in the footage. The next full moon at that local should  appear on June 2.

* Moon phases for Krasnodar, Russia in 2015
[ russia / krasnodar? year = 2015]

But even that the bright orb could delude someone for a few minutes, the idea of a full moon would soon be discarded when the object began to move slowly, moving away from the earth, diminishing in size until suddenly, in a quickly movement, in  high speed, disappeared in the sky in a fraction of second.

The headlines that reported this sighting - note the reference below - insisted on highlighting the hypothesis that ... the moon is a spaceship piloted by aliens ... or ... Video proof that the moon is a giant alien spacecraft.  Although the possibility exists, in fact - this is not the case.

The midia that refer to UFO Krasnodar like a proof of the artificiality of the moon on that particular night, they know, very well - that the orb never could be confused with the Moon at the appropriate stage.

The headlines mention theory of the moon-spacecraft for ...mere sensationalism. It is not enough be an UFO, it has be an UFO disguised of Moon.

This video PROVES that the moon is a spaceship piloted by aliens
METRO/UK 10.06.2015
This UFO Video ‘Proves’ The Moon Is A Giant Alien Spacecraft
YAHOO/UKNEWS, 09.06.2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Matamatá, the Jurassic turtle from Brazilian Amazon

PHOTO. Edson Souza

BRAZIL. ACRE state. On Monday, May 11 (2015), the graphic designer Edson Souza, 34 - on a farm near the town of Xapuri, 188 km far from the state capital, Rio Branco, was fishing with net in a local pond - when captured a strange turtle . The animal has a Jurassic aspect. It is a saury-turtle.

The biologist Moisés Barbosa identified the turtle. It is known as "Matamatá" and - despite the exotic appearance, it is a cataloged animal. Its scientific name is Chelus fribriatus, a typical reptile from  Amazon region. 

Live in areas of flooded forest and dams, especially at environment where water is dark, standing water, places where there the forest is preserved. It feeds, mainly - eating fishes.

The Matamatá has a carapace full of irregular ripples of rough appearance. Barbosa explained these strange features of Chelus fimbriatus: It is a prehistoric animal that inhabits the planet since between 250 and 300 million years.

It is one of the oldest specimens, which has not modified itself much over the ages. It has a large and wide neck. full of flexible fins. 

In water, these fins have an undulating movement what makes them seem algae. This acts as a camouflage allowing fish approach, potential preys for this ancient monster.

'Parece um dinossauro', diz jovem que pescou tartaruga exótica no AC
OLHAR DIRETO/BR, 14.May.2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Understand why Brazilians want the "president" Dilma Rousseff in jail

The content of this page was removed by the editor and archived in a specific Web Archive due to the current political situation in Brazil. 

We, the Brazilian people and, mainly, journalists, are prohibited from commenting, criticizing or publicizing publicly, whether on the internet or in even in private spaces, any content that displeases established authorities.

Publications against the establishment, even if substantiated, documented and proven, here, IN communist BRAZIL, can mean from losing a page, channel, social network to imprisonment without due legal process. 

A simple conversation in a cafe, recorded on the cell phone of some swine spirit, could land an innocent person in prison by direct order of the supreme courts that currently govern the country, at the request of any friend of the king. Furthermore, lawyers here have also lost their prerogatives recently. We're sorry.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pombero, the perverted and demoniac elf from Paraguay attacks family

Above and below: Illustrations represent the popular figure of Pombero



PARAGUAI. Colonia de Santa Clara. Liberación district (city), departamento de San Pedro (or San Pedro state) - The insolit case occurred at the home of a humble family, residing in the neighborhood of Santa Clara, city Liberación. There, a woman was raped numerous times by a mythical being - the Pombero

The "Pombero" - is a mythological creature of Guarani culture origin - corresponding to the idea of a South American demoniac elf, very popular not only in Paraguay but also in northeastern Argentina.

It is described and represented as a robust humanoid, short stature, short arms and its body is covered of dark hair. Its huge mouth is endowed with long big teeth, long, very white.

The woman claims that the mythical "Pombero" raped her without she could perceive the fact. Or, she was unconscious when the attacks occurred. She became pregnant and gave birth to a strange creature who died seven hours after birth. According to the victim, on more than one occasion, she woke up naked in his bed.

The victim, identified as Rosalia Suarez, 24, mother of three, said that stood pregnant as a result of the clandestine action of the Pombero. But, she didn't feel anything. During pregnancy, she had no symptoms and your mentrual period remained regular. She just felt an uncomfortable pain in the belly.

On Sunday - day April 5, 2015 - when we finally decided to look for a hospital, before leaving home, went into labor and gave birth to a black baby. It was a strange being.

It was born alive but died seven hours later. The family gave a "Christian burial" to the creature, in the backyard of the home where they prayed "for the soul" of unknown nature of the entity.

Rosalia also reported that has been persecuted by the Pombero for about a year. Again and again, woke up naked in his bed and, worse, once - the same happened to his daughter.

Rosalia's husband, Pablo Villanueva, said that on the night of the birth of the 'hybrid' - he had a chance to see, hidden, lurking below the woodwork structure of the attached barn to the house, the shadowy figure of the monster that everyone belives to be, indeed, the Pombero. 




Duende violó y embarazó a humilde paraguaya
CRONICA/Argentina, 09/April/2015

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Brazil. Workers Party shows its truly face: Comunist and violent

We're sorry. The editors self-censored here, on December 26, 2023. In Brazil, it is currently prohibited to criticize or make any accusations against politicians in power and complaints have retroactive value, with investigations initiated directly by the country's higher judiciary, with no right to defense. This editorial cannot pay lawyers who, incidentally, also lost prerogatives such as access to the files, for example. This page has been archived on another server.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The mysterious pyramid of Bolivian Amazon

BOLIVIA. Bolivian Amazon. Hidden in a clearing in the forest, in the Bolivian Amazon, archaeologists discovered an amazing, circular - a three levels structure. Its base, having 180 meters of diameter and its height stands up around 14 meters. It is a pyramid.

The pyramid is located in the vicinity of the city of Mairana (province of Florida, Santa Cruz department), near 'el Fuerte de Samaipata.

According to the coordinator of the team, that consists in six Bolivian archaeologists  from the Archaeological Proyecto de la Gobernación Santa Cruz, Danilo Drakit, the building has at least 2000 years old.

With base diameter measuring 180 meters and a height around 14 meters, the building also has five entries. The main entrance is faces south.

As in other cases of colossal and mysterious pre-Columbian ruins, the material used to build the pyramid of the Bolivian forest, does not belong to the region and the pottery found on the site belongs to an Amazonian culture dating back 2000 years. (One criterion for determine the age of the pyramid).

Drakit commented: This is not a pyramid made of stone. It is a small hill that was crafted, modeled and structured with retaining walls to be a staggered circular pyramid. So far, this is a unique building in Bolivia.

He added that at the end of 2015 much of the pyramid will be visible, with the completion of the excavation. The topography where lies the city of Marana (reference to pyramid location) is characterized by mountains surrounding valleys and plains.

Descubren misteriosa pirámide circular en la Amazonia de Bolivia

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

BRAZIL. Bloody Militancy. Artist suffers threat of death on the internet because speaks what thinks

The content of this page was removed by the editor and archived in a specific Web Archive due to the current political situation in Brazil. 

We, the Brazilian people and, mainly, journalists, are prohibited from commenting, criticizing or publicizing publicly, whether on the internet or in even in private spaces, any content that displeases established authorities.

Publications against the establishment, even if substantiated, documented and proven, here, IN communist BRAZIL, can mean from losing a page, channel, social network to imprisonment without due legal process. 

A simple conversation in a cafe, recorded on the cell phone of some swine spirit, could land an innocent person in prison by direct order of the supreme courts that currently govern the country, at the request of any friend of the king. Furthermore, lawyers here have also lost their prerogatives recently. We're sorry.