Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Mystery of the Magnetic Imbalance of the Sun & The Conspiracy of the End of a World

  by Lygia Cabus

In the Hinode satellite image were observed in 2008 areas of  negative polarity  that, in 2011,  decreased  remarkably.  Image: JAXA / Hinode

HELIOPHYSICS. Every 11 years or so, the Sun's magnetic field reverses itself completely: the north pole goes south and the south pole, goes to the north. It's like a magnet that slowly changes its polarity.

But the Sun is not a magnet and this is a complex process, which causes are not known for astrophysics today. But scientists are already able to map the magnetic fields of the Sun. They can study the phenomenon and know when the next change will occur.

For example, this reversal coincides with a period of intense solar activity, that are solar storms. These periods are called "solar maximum".

Recently, what means, at least the last two or three years, the team's Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, in Huntsvillie - Alabama, headed by Jonathan Cirtain, noted that the magnetic north polarity of the Sun seems to have fallen to a intensity nearly zero. However, at the south pole, only even more recently, the magnetic field only started to decrease.

Cirtain defines what is happening as an imbalance between the north and south poles: The solar north is already undergoing a transition, in a complete disagreement with the south pole and we don't understand how or why. Moreover, the changes observed in the North Pole are advanced in relation to scientific forecasts. This moment of the cycle, the revertion - was expected to happen only in 2013.

These facts make think about the image of the Sun that is circulating on the Internet, showing and saying that one or more unidentified flying objects are in the vicinity of the sun. No one knows what it is but it is speculated that such objects are pulling energy of the star, like a vehicle, capturing energy.

The two informations together (the imbalance of the magnetic field and the presence of a UFO near the star), allow to suppose that this magnetic asymmetry of the sun is not a natural phenomenon. It can be being caused by an exogenous element (not the Sun itself) - interference of intelligent beings whose goal may be very different from a simple stop to fill the fuel tank.

END OF A WORLD. The image (above) is from March 2012. While some so-called conspiracionists or conspiracy theorists call the object, in the picture, Death Star, scientists say it is just a filament, an extension of the Sun. But, the conspiracists (that are researchers but not academics or, even being academics, are unconsidered like serious academics), they have more than one line of thought about this facts.

About this image (above), for example, some see it like a celestial body. These, immediately identifie this object with Nibiru, the Planet X or Hercóbulos. Others come and show various objects, as can be, in fact, observing the videos and photos - and claim that these UFOs are acting on the Sun with the aim of provoking phenomena on Earth. Catastrophic phenomena such as the tsunamis and earthquakes of the recent years.

These latter, align themselves with the thought that believes in the existence of a dome or secret council, formed by extraterrestrials that control the evolution of mankind for millennia, or a hybrid society, composed by extraterrestrials humanoids individuals and earthlings human.

According to the planning of this suposed council (like think some of conspiracists or researchers non-academics), it is time to purge the planet, to eliminate the problems that global civilization is not able to solve; but, rather, created such problems and multiplies them each day.

The superpopulation, especially of the miserables, is at the root of all these problems. Therefore, the most urgent action is exterminate all excess this population that is hindering the progress of humanity. And the most pratical way of do it is killing them in mass.

The using of the sun as a catalyst for promote ecological disasters that result in mass mortalities is not the only resource that is being used. Other ills, including disease never before seen, degenerative corruption of human nature by means of new drugs, deadly, and other providences are also on the agenda called extermination.

The using of the sun as a catalyst for promote ecological disasters that result in mass mortalities is not the only resource that is being used. Other ills, including diseases never before seen, degenerative corruption of human nature by introducing of new drugs in the societies, deadly drugs and other providences are also on the agenda of the extermination.

All this can seem a fantasy, literary fiction or thing of cinema but, unfortunately, the headlines of newspapers, combine too much with these ideas. Moreover, in more than one case, the reveries of the books and the fiction of the movies, as the Jules Verne tales, for example, did not take long to become an astounding reality. Let's meditate ... And... as the authorities say: Let's try to avoid the panic.

FONTE: ABOUT Sun's magnetic field reverses: La extraña asimetría magnética que el Sol está experimentando.
NOTÍCIAS DE LA CIENCIA, publicado em 30/05/2012.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Afghanistan: The mysterious Faintings of Girls

AFGHANISTAN. In recent weeks, hundreds of girls have suffered fainting or dizziness at least, during the period of the day in which they are at school. In the last of these incidents, that occurred in a school situated in Takhar province, north of the country, 80 students, between 8 and 18 years, fainted or felt unwell.

The authorities, who have not yet know the cause of the phenomenon, present controversial versions. The spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry, Sediq Seddiqi attributed the problem to ... a toxic gas expelled through an aerosol ... that could be being used, intentionally, criminally, in the classrooms. Other government sources, however, provide other informations.

The spokesman of Takhar province, for example, Mustafa Rasuli, speculates that the cause of incidents is contaminated water but also raised the idea that can be occuring a psychological effect: ...with the divulgation of the first cases, the mental pressure has multiplied the occurrences.

Another hypothesis speculates that Islamic militants, the Taliban movement's radical Muslims are behind the mystery. However, representatives of the rebels published messages denying any involvement with the faintings. 

The denial did not convinced the agent of Human Rights Watch (HRW) in Afghanistan, Haether Barr, which highlights the fact that the fundamentalists continue to oppose the education of women. In 2011, the Taliban openly attacked girls' schools.

According to Barr: Half of Afghan girls and young women still not are attending school. Last month five similar cases occurred in different schools. About the psychological element argued by some authorities, Barr said that this only reflects the atmosphere of fear still surrounding the girls and their families.

By request of the Afghan government, NATO's mission has carried out several laboratory tests. The spokesman, Jimmie Cummings, said that in the material collected for testing, from students in Khost, there were no traces of poisonous or toxic organic compounds. He added: It seems unlikely that any such substance be the cause of the symptoms described.

Two weeks ago, a hundred girls fell ill. The most serious episode happened two weeks ago, when hundreds of children at a school in the eastern province of Khost got sick or fainted. The authorities considered the case as poisoning. Thus, the mistery continues.

SOURCE: El misterioso caso de cientos de niñas que se desmayan en la escuela.
HERALDO/Spain, published in 29/05/2012.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Supernatural Shadow

ARGENTINA. In the province (not to confuse with the city) of Buenos Aires, the security camera of the parking lot of a supermarket in the city of Chivilcoy recorded a strange phenomenon. The appearance of a black mist that impressed the functionaries that were monitoring the place.

The strange shadow that resembles the ethereal form of demons that appear in the television series Supernatural, moves in the yard in broad daylight.

SOURCE: Filmaron un supuesto fantasma en Chivilcoy.
EL TRIBUNO, publishe in 25/05/2012.

46 Years in the Belly of the Mother - The Parturition of the Stone Baby

Zahra. Fled from hospital with fear of parturition.

In MAROCCO, Aboitalib Zahra, 75, after remains "pregnant" by 46 years, finally gave birth to a son of stone. It all began in 1965 when Zahra felt the pain of childbirth. 

She was taken to a hospital, but after seeing a woman dying on the operating table during a caesarean section, she fled. She returned to her small village in the vicinity of Casa Blanca.

The pains were disappearing, the baby stopped moving and Zahra began to consider the baby in her womb as a "asleep baby" that, according to popular belief, are babies that live inside the belly of themother to protect her honor (of her, the mother) ...

Recently, already elderly, Zahra came back to feel pain and this time, treated at a hospital, doctors performed an ultrasound and found that the "asleep baby" - in true, was a case of entropic pregnancy.

What most surprised the doctors is that woman continued living with the dead fetus in her body as if it were just another organ. After a surgery that lasted nearly five hours, a calcified baby was removed.

Babies of stone, that are called lithopedions, are an extremely rare phenomenon according with medical records. The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine informs that only 290 of these cases were reported in all the world.

SOURCE: Mujer dio a luz a un “bebé de piedra” luego de estar 46 años embarazada.
PUBLIMETRO/CHILE, published in 24/05/2012

Two Suns... and Something More in The Skies of Brazil & in All the World

search: Lygia Cabus

BRAZIL. While academic experts (who are those who fear ridicule or to have their seriousness questioned) keep saying that the phenomenon of sightings of two suns is just an optical illusion, the second sun continues appearing in different places in the world. Brazil is no exception. 

This record was made on April 24, 2012, in Santa Catarina at 16:30 pm 

SAO PAULO. 11/05/2012, 4:57 pm. Photo: Fernando Ciocchetti. IN SEGUNDO SOL. 

AMAZONAS, Manaus - capital of state. 16/03/2012. 
Photo: Josiane Oliveira. IN SEGUNDO SOL. 

In fact, this strange phenomenon is something other than two suns. In many of the videos that have been posted on the Internet, is possible to anyone, see that something more is happening in the sky. In some films, there seems to be more than one object brighter than the second sun. Often, a small sphere appears moving quickly in the same sequence, as a spaceship, accompanying the mysterious orb that has sharing the sky with king star.


BRAZIL, Santa Catarina state

On Sunday morning (06/05/2012), a resident of the Road Mildau in the city of Pirabeiraba filmed a strange phenomenon in the sky. 

Sydney Gill, 39, was walking through the center of the city when he saw a huge beam of light that appeared to be a fire column the in the sky. 

At the same weekend the Civil Defense of Joinville (a one of the largest city of the state) confirmed that there were at least nine earthquakes in the region of Pirabeiraba, the northern area of Joinville, between the 21 hours of Saturday and Sunday morning.

Morador do Distrito de Pirabeiraba, Norte de SC, registra fenômeno estranho no céu.
HORA DE SANTA CATARINA, published in 06/05/2012.