Monday, May 28, 2012

46 Years in the Belly of the Mother - The Parturition of the Stone Baby

Zahra. Fled from hospital with fear of parturition.

In MAROCCO, Aboitalib Zahra, 75, after remains "pregnant" by 46 years, finally gave birth to a son of stone. It all began in 1965 when Zahra felt the pain of childbirth. 

She was taken to a hospital, but after seeing a woman dying on the operating table during a caesarean section, she fled. She returned to her small village in the vicinity of Casa Blanca.

The pains were disappearing, the baby stopped moving and Zahra began to consider the baby in her womb as a "asleep baby" that, according to popular belief, are babies that live inside the belly of themother to protect her honor (of her, the mother) ...

Recently, already elderly, Zahra came back to feel pain and this time, treated at a hospital, doctors performed an ultrasound and found that the "asleep baby" - in true, was a case of entropic pregnancy.

What most surprised the doctors is that woman continued living with the dead fetus in her body as if it were just another organ. After a surgery that lasted nearly five hours, a calcified baby was removed.

Babies of stone, that are called lithopedions, are an extremely rare phenomenon according with medical records. The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine informs that only 290 of these cases were reported in all the world.

SOURCE: Mujer dio a luz a un “bebé de piedra” luego de estar 46 años embarazada.
PUBLIMETRO/CHILE, published in 24/05/2012

Two Suns... and Something More in The Skies of Brazil & in All the World

search: Lygia Cabus

BRAZIL. While academic experts (who are those who fear ridicule or to have their seriousness questioned) keep saying that the phenomenon of sightings of two suns is just an optical illusion, the second sun continues appearing in different places in the world. Brazil is no exception. 

This record was made on April 24, 2012, in Santa Catarina at 16:30 pm 

SAO PAULO. 11/05/2012, 4:57 pm. Photo: Fernando Ciocchetti. IN SEGUNDO SOL. 

AMAZONAS, Manaus - capital of state. 16/03/2012. 
Photo: Josiane Oliveira. IN SEGUNDO SOL. 

In fact, this strange phenomenon is something other than two suns. In many of the videos that have been posted on the Internet, is possible to anyone, see that something more is happening in the sky. In some films, there seems to be more than one object brighter than the second sun. Often, a small sphere appears moving quickly in the same sequence, as a spaceship, accompanying the mysterious orb that has sharing the sky with king star.


BRAZIL, Santa Catarina state

On Sunday morning (06/05/2012), a resident of the Road Mildau in the city of Pirabeiraba filmed a strange phenomenon in the sky. 

Sydney Gill, 39, was walking through the center of the city when he saw a huge beam of light that appeared to be a fire column the in the sky. 

At the same weekend the Civil Defense of Joinville (a one of the largest city of the state) confirmed that there were at least nine earthquakes in the region of Pirabeiraba, the northern area of Joinville, between the 21 hours of Saturday and Sunday morning.

Morador do Distrito de Pirabeiraba, Norte de SC, registra fenômeno estranho no céu.
HORA DE SANTA CATARINA, published in 06/05/2012.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

👽 An Alien at Amazonas

BRAZIL WEIRD NEWS. In 2011, november 7, the newspaper EL Heraldo/Hn, published: "Turistas británicos aseguran haber capturado a un extraterrestre en Brasil" (British tourists claim to have captured (in images) an alien in Brazil.

It happened at a region in the vicinity of Manaus city, capital of Amazonas state. Two British tourists that were on tour in Manaus, Brazil, say they have captured, with their camera, an alien. The video has caused a stir on the Internet.

The images show a strange creature beside a tree and what is even stranger, there was a ball of a blue light that appears to be floating few meters behind him.

The creature not made any moves during recording and this detail arose suspicions that the scene is a fake. But this is not accurate. At one point of the footage, for a moment, the strange being, made a moviment , flexing his back. 

The intention of the tourists, according themselves, was to make a footage of a native youngs group and nobody noticed the alien until see the images obtained.
Michael Cohen

The video has been tested and been certified as authentic by the researcher Michael Cohen that after checking the tape with the help of his team, Cohen concluded that the recording was not altered at any time. 

The rain forest of Brazil is known for other cases involving aliens that weren't even investigated by the government. Many believe that this place is very attractive to the aliens for their great diversity of plants and animals.

Turistas británicos aseguran haber capturado a un extraterrestre en Brasil.
EL HERALDO/Hn, published in 11/11/2012
Michael Cohen

Two suns in the UK sky

UK. This is posted in You Tube. Was filmed in may, 12 of 2012. At UK, two suns divided the space in the sky. The sun of every day, surrounded in clouds, appeared to be accompanied by another orb, of which emanates a red very bright light. One more of the heavenly mysteries that become more frequent and, increasingly, are registered by the cameras of this Third Millennium AD.

Almost always, numerous people who consider this kind of image mere photographic trick though, the Time of the two suns was predicted by many prophets and, today, researchers from emerging sciences such as archeology and history of the extraterrestrial are not suprise with this phenomenon.

As the precursor of these studies, the philologist of ancient languages​​, Zecharia Sitchin (expert in cuneiform, form of writing, Ancient Mesopotamia), many scholars and other stakeholders believe that the phenomenon of two suns are confirmation of the cyclic rapprochement of Nibiru, the mysterious planet which supposedly in the remote past, promoted the development of human species and the colonization of Earth.

Video: date of posting - 12/05/2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Miracle of the Cross of Blessed Water

ARGENTINA. Saturday, May 18, 2012. In the church of Carmo de Villa Carlos Paz, municipality of the province of Cordoba (or Cordova, Argentina, not must be confused with Códova, Spain), a newborn, Octavio Angelo Arnoldt Bay or Angelito - was baptized by Pastor Mario Barnabe.

The religious ceremony was recorded in photos. In the moments in which the images were taken, among the photographer, family and friends present in the event, nobody observed nothing different in the scenes.

But late on Monday (May 19), the baby's parents, Gaston and Gabriela, looking the photos, saw, with surprise, that the holy water which the priest poured over the head of the child, in a fleeting moment that was captured through the lens of camera, had assumed the shape of a cross.

The boy, who has been called "Angel" or "Angelito," was born on December 26, premature, with only six months, weighing 1.100 kg, in the Sanatorium Allende (Cordoba) after a problematic pregnancy that threatened the life of the infant and mother.

The Meaning of extreme unction

After birth, the state's health care nasciturno inspired a stringent care. In the first few weeks he received the holy water, a christian catholic providence, to aid to save the baby or, in case of death, for that he would not die pagan.

This procedure is an extreme unction that, contrary to popular belief, isn't a final blessing given to those who are condemned to certain death, isn't the end of hope, instead, is an affirmation of hope. The extreme blessing aims to rescue the health, the life that fades, avoid death, if this is the Will of God.

The boy resisted and - in February 22, was discharged from the hospital. This fact was then already regarded as a miracle. Now, with the record of the cross of holy water in the photography, the idea of ​​the miracle, of a prodigy of faith acting in the life of Angelito became a certainty for the family.

SOURCE: Milagro: se formó una cruz con el agua bendita con la que bautizaron a un niño.
26-NOTÍCIAS/Argentina, published in 25/05/2012.