Thursday, September 12, 2024


The Metsul meteorological observatory in Brazil has warned of the imminent arrival of black rain that could affect parts of Argentina, Uruguay and the national territory in the coming days, although the first contaminated rainfall has already begun to be observed in neighboring countries.

In Uruguay, this type of precipitation has already begun and users of the social network X have shared images of the black water.

At Argentina, at least 14 provinces, in the Northeast, Center and Cuyo regions, in the northwest of the country, are on alert for the arrival of these rains. Here are 10 of these provinces: Misiones, Corrientes, Formos, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Santa Fe and Tucumán.

The statement from the Argentine Ministry of Health indicates that "a smokescreen from the ongoing forest fires in Bolivia reached the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) today (11 SEPT 2024).

According to MetSul Meteorology (Brazil), this water is also known as soot rain. It is a material composed mainly by carbon, which originates from the incomplete burning of organic materials, such as fossil fuels (coal) and biomass (wood and agricultural waste).

When burned, these materials, instead of transforming pollution into carbon dioxide (Co₂) and water vapor, generate fine dark particles of carbon and other compounds.

Since this new formation is extremely small, with diameters on the scale of nanometers and micrometers, the particles remain in the air for long periods and can travel great distances.

July 16, 2023
Lechería-Puerto La CruzAnzoátegui, Venezuela

The phenomenon occurs when soot and other polluted compounds in the atmosphere mix with humidity and fall to Earth carryed by rain water.

MetSul Meteorologia also reported that this type of rain is indicative of high levels of pollution and is usually recorded in industrial areas, fires or where there is intense burning of fossil fuels.

When this substance reaches the ground, it contaminates forests and places where water accumulates. In addition, it leaves a layer of dirt on the surface, visible on buildings, vehicles and other structures.

The term black rain refers to similar events, such as those that occurred in Hiroshima after the explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945, when the rain accumulated dust and soot from the atmosphere.


Experts state that the so-called “black rain” does not pose a direct risk to health, but it may have contracted contracts for some people.

The National Meteorological Service of Argentina (SMN) has put 14 affected provinces on alert and the Ministry of Health has issued a series of recommendations in a press release. 

These measures are aimed at people with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, allergies or other risk conditions: 

Avoid smoking: this will increasing air pollution! 😱
Keep windows and vents closed.
Use the “ventilation” or “recirculation” mode on your air conditioning.
Reduce sources of indoor air pollution.
Place cloths or towels under doors and windows to prevent smoke from entering the home.
Do not light candles or fireplaces.
Be careful when driving due to poor visibility and low beams.
Wear masks that fit snugly to your face to reduce exposure to smoke and ash, especially for those who work outdoors.
Suspend outdoor activities such as walking and running.

Se registra lluvia negra en Brasil; saber qué es y los riesgos
SSC10, 11/09/2024
Alerta para chuva negra: o que é e quando chegará o fenômeno climático
SIN MORDAZA, 9 de setembro de 2024
¿Qué es la 'lluvia negra' que ha sorprendido en Uruguay y ya amenaza a Argentina?
ANTENA 3, 11SET2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024


SUPERNATURAL. HISTORY. The horror caused by World War I was something beyond the pain, agony and death of millions of soldiers from the armies in conflict.

Renowned researchers of acts and facts of that War assure that the battlefronts were also the scene of manifestations of supernatural phenomena recorded by the combatants. 

Examining the diaries of soldiers who fought between 1914 and 1918, whether killed in combat or surviving, the Canadian researcher, Tim Cook, discovered hundreds of cases impressive in the realism of the reports of experiences that - even those who experienced them, often could not say whether they were real or imaginary. 

Cook's collection, researched and prepared for the Journal of Military History - mentions spectral apparitions, strange sensations and perception of non-human presences that frequently haunted the trenches where the soldiers faced dramatic survival conditions. 

These apparitions and other phenomena gave rise to the term 'Trench Vampires'. 

In the ditches, the troops were surrounded by corpses that could not be buried immediately, pools of blood, mud and rats. 


In that true hell on Earth, many combatants wrote in their diaries that they witnessed inexplicable phenomenons: the corpses of their comrades, many mutilated by grenades, came back to life, got up, took up weapons and fought, only to succumb again shortly after.

These were Trench Vampires, but not only the undead were associated with vampirism on the battlefield. 

There are also frequent reports of ectoplasmic entities that appeared out of nowhere, unknown beings, maybe extraterrestrials, that descended from the skies in the most intense moments of the conflicts and even ventured there to influence or observe the course of events.

However, some of these 'entities' appear to be there to feed on something that is not visible, but that certainly was emanating from the blood and corpses. These were also Trench Vampires.

In addition, some soldiers began to have precognitions, alertnesses or visions in trance states during which they could foresee certain events related to imminent confrontations that, in fact, occurred a short time later.

These episodes refer to the idea and belief that the human world is secretly ruled by non-human creatures that feed themselves with negative emotions of Men and the blood of those who fell by violent death.


For some, these beings are the reptilians, for others, they are called Archons - who inhabit the planet's underground or, even, live in a dimension parallel to Earth's space and time.

These hidden rulers would, then, be the source of wars and all types of violence in order to have enough negative human energy that allows them to stay alive and vigorous.

ABOUT ARCHONS. Alex Collier, in his book "Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium" - explains that ...the Archons are mental-emotional parasites.

The negative energies emitted by the human masses literally function as food for the maintenance of the life and health of these Archons, being fundamental, including for the procreation of the species.

It is to obtain such energies in sufficient quantity capable of meeting their vital needs that the Archons are interested in promoting all kinds of horror in Humanity, including, among the atrocities, the fomentation of mega-wars, the World Wars.

At this point in the History of the present Humanity, promoting a Third World War is the final operation on this planet. With it, these extraterrestrials intend to obtain a fabulous amount of vital force through the complete and intensely painful annihilation of the human species.(CABUS, 2012)

ARANGUREN, Sebastián. En las trincheras vampiro, los muertos volvían al combate
CABUS, Lygia. Arcontes  ̶  A Ameaça Extraterrestre

Sunday, August 25, 2024


by @LygiaCabus

Brazil is the largest Spiritist nation at the world. Is the country of the world with the major number of adepts of this religion in its numerous strands of thought and different practices. 

Imported from France, the spiritist school of Alan Kardec grew quickly at brazilian lands and  minds incorporating elements of the local culture.

In this country, always conducive to different aspects of the process of mixing of ethnicities and customs, the Spiritualism is divided in two conceptions of the Beyond's World: the popular and scholarly. 

They differ among them in theology e liturgies. These two ways can be distinguished considering their culture, their aesthetic, folklore, and even their ethical aspects.

There's the Orthodox Spiritism, a classical conception, based, essentially, in the teachings of Alan Kardec. 

The other is a syncretic conception. It is compound of africans, European, indigenous elements and the more exotic ideas, of most recent origin. It's a tipical Brazil conception but, has its similars, among religions of Mexico and Caribe. 

This last configuration, regarded as a syncretic solution, instructs the religous thinking of the afro-brazilian cults. They are: the Candomblé, the Umbanda and the Quimbanda. At this universe inhabit saints, angels, spirits, africans gods. A pantheon of entities.

The Preto Velho, a social archetype, became an entity, a kind of spirit model or spiritual manifestation. It is independent of the ethnicity of the person incorporated: the person who receives the spirit, also called "horse".

Just as there is the Human Geography, exists a Spiritist Geography, too. The Spiritual World also have its archetypes. These archetypes are configured, according its cultural enviroment. They represent human types which are inspired in the real life.

By this way, afro-brazilian local cults are visited for popular entities that have their behavior, their manner of to be, defined in a folk personage. 

Personages that are related to a complex whole of social factors. However, all of them, the human types, are portraits of the economic dynamic of the place, the region.

The "Terreiros" are the spaces where the rituals adepts make their practices of afro-brasilians religious ceremonies. 

These places are, generally, large sheds or large squares but, can be small poor houses, too, or an apartment in middle of a metropolis.

These squares and instalations, are frequented by the spirits of mestizos known as "The Caboclo", "The Cabocla", "Preto Velho", "Maria Mulambo" (Rags's Mary) etc.. 

This human type is understood as the result of miscegenation between the natives of Brazil, amerabas, with white Europeans, portugueses, frenchs, spanishs, dutchs and black Africans. 

So, are common too, especially in Umbanda and Quimbanda, figures like the "Caciques" [leaders], "Pajés" ─ shamans, healers and indigenous warriors. 

At the squares and sheds of the Umbanda and the Kimbanda (Quimbanda) also appear the traditionals "Black oldmen" and "black Moms". These, many times, preent themselves as spirits of former slaves.

The archetypes quoted above belong to the historical period of Brazil-Cologne and to the first decades of the Brazil-Empire, when the land left to be cologne and obtained the political condition of Portugal United-Kingdom, (1815).

(Zé Pelintra)
In the Spiritist sessions, reunions, of the afro-Brazilians cults, with the evolution of customs, appeared other entities profiles, reflections of the emergence of new social roles. They are urban types because they are inhabitants the urban landscape. 

The trickster knows all about the more suspect zone of the city but is also a friend of the sofisticated ambients where the money changes quickly between the handbags. He has much pessoal charm and many surprises into his hat. Often, he plays a guitar and sings with a good voice.

[something like crazy dove or, 
more appropriately crazy chicken]
Some of tipical entities are female spirits, souls of those that have been women. The most famous these female archetypals are the Pomba-gira and M aria Mulambo (Rags's Mary). 

These entities were young women that suffered a tragic death.The Pomba-gira profile is, generaly, scandalous. 

They were women that missed the way on the life. She is the woman seduced and abandonned that lost her honor. 

She was left alone, often, in pregnant state. The society rejects these women. Their place is the streets, where they search a man to pay their bread of each day.

For the lost women, the unique place are the alleys of bad fame, where it can drown consciousness in the bottom of the glasses, in the poor's drinks, in drugs, in the frenetic dance and without none sense. In still others cases, the Pomba-gira were a young women who had an unhappy a life in a suffocating marriage. 

All of them died in a state of inconformism.Many women were abandoned by their families. Many women succumbed to poverty, hunger, weakness. Many women were dead by weak  lungs: tuberculosis.

For all we know about tormented souls, these women and men, had suffering lives as slaves in a dead past, the painfull memory of the humiliated native on his land, from Africa to colonies, even still inAfrica, beggining by Africa, all of these spirits have motivation to remain in this planet haunting the esoteric reunions. 

They are trapped and irresistibly attracted by their affections and disaffected cultivated in this world. 

The supposed powers of the Pombas-giras are searched for men and women to who don't know how to process and to control their emotions, even as like the disembodied entities that claim the right to remain at this world because they suffered here.

Their goals are: 
1. They generaly want hold the loved one. Want forcing situations by use from witchcraft, 
2. vengeance, when they feel their pride wounded. They were rejected persons who never forget bad things or persons of yheir past lifes.

They are always wanting something or the own life of others persons. Invariably, the clients of the Pombas-Giras are individuals dissatisfied who has much revolt without any utility, without any reasons.

The same process, of attachment to persons and earthly experiencies of a life, occurs with the other popular types, too.
The Trickster, ever envolved with shady dealings. He  is an out of the law, immersed in drinks, cheats, lies and lust. Even the "Blacks old" and "black Moms" are adicted: they drink and smoke during their demonstrations, when displaying the wisdom forged in the fires of suffering of past lives.

In the context of Spiritism these social and behavioral characteristics are important because they are clear signs of the kind of mind-spirit related to each one of the african-brazilian religions. 

These folk characters, these spirits, are archetypical of ordinary people, of certain historical epoch. They were slaves, workers, foremen, cowboys, seduced women, indigenous, mestizos and, over all, they are ghosts, haunts like any ghost. 

These entities are the masters and guides of the sheds [Terreiros], house or tent [Tenda] of Umbanda and Kimbanda. In these cults, the Africa mythology emerges without force, with its identity distorced by European and indigenous influences and by their peculiar circunstances of their doctrines formation.


The African most important legate, to Kimbanda and Umbanda religious thinking, is the Eshu. In the Pantheon of Africa, Eshu is a prominent deity. It is a kind of African correlative of greek Hermes. 

Eshu is the messenger, intermediary between men and gods; in Umbanda and Kimbanda, intermediary, between the livings and the deads. 

But, while in the Candomble, eshu is a son of a god, in the context od the umbanda and the Kimbanda, there are many Eshus. All of them, messengers that serve to the proposes of the priests and of the adepts of the cults.


The Africans religious thinking at Brazil is found more preserved in Candomblee. In the doctrine and liturgies of the Candomble, the forces of the entities remain still transcendentals. 

They are gods, because they are the forces of the Creation and  transformation of All things. In Candomble, the entities are not, simple spirits. They are great Spirits! Some, are representations or incarnations of Nature powers. 
Others, are noble and legendary ancestrals. They are patriarchs, matriarchs, kings, queens, warriors, heroes. They represent the better and the worst of the human being. 

Their virtues and their vices. They are the Orishas. Thus, the Candomble stays itself far from the Kardecist Spiritism and most near of animism and ancestral cults. 

The typical Theology and Cosmogony that always appears among the majority of the primitive people of this planet.

The western modern Spiritism of 1800s, found a place in Brazilian society through the Kardecist doctrine. The systematization, of the ideas in a correct language, consistent with Christianity, opened the doors of all social classes, to the public acceptance of reincarnation belief. 

At Brazil, the kardecists Spiritist sessions, are not so often visited for folkloric or popular archetypes, not! There, appear ghosts of the History! Spirits of notable personages, of many epochs, of many places of the world. 

The Kardecists receive spirits of celebrities. It's wonderful! They are philosophers, writters, priests and popes, nuns, saints, angels. Spirits of people like Plato, Socrates.  

Recently, spiritists mediums have made contact with the spirit of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. It's almost a fashion. Singers, actors, actressesm are speaking, from Beyond to the world, using their spiritual medium-horses in the internet. Things of The Now... of Post-modernity. Let's meditate.

Since that the religion, the Kardecist Spiritism arrived at Brazil with its french origin, a part of the intellectual christians became adepts to the ideia. 

This opened field to the advent and growth of the Brazilian spiritist literature in its most curious genre: the psychography ,also called Automatic Written. 

In the ocurrence of Automatic Written the authors of the books are disembodied. They are spirits that use the body of a medium to speak or write. 

The titles of this type of literature are very numerous in Brazil. Just Chico Xavier [1910-2002], the most famous medium of the country, wrote hundreds of these books.

Friday, August 23, 2024



Research from the 20th century led some scientists to consider and even believe that dinosaurs never became completely extinct. The most intelligent ones would have survived.

These would be, for example, the Velociraptors, extremely adaptable, whose race may have evolved after escaping the impact of an asteroid at the Yucatan region and the drastic climate change that followed.

The survivors may have developed a culture of advanced science and technology, including the construction of cosmic spacecraft more powerful than those of modern humans. They could have and still be exploring and colonizing other planets, creating extraterrestrial societies (off this world).

Among the Exobiologists who investigate contacts between humans and aliens, non-humans, there are those who believe that ETs are not, in fact, from another world, but rather - they are the original inhabitants of Earth.

This race has observed and manipulated Humanity in its evolution over millions of years. Its purpose is unknown. Only they, the Great Lords of the Earth, would know what future awaits the human species.

The supposed complete extinction of the dinosaurs is usually explained by the occurrence of a global catastrophe: the impact of a giant asteroid against the Earth, 65 million years ago, in the region of Yucatan Chicxtujub (present-day Mexico), which would have triggered what scientist Carl Segan called a nuclear winter: a dark scenario with the atmosphere shrouded in dust, subject to carbon storms, fires devastating entire forests.

The lack of food killed the herbivores and the absence of herbivores exterminated the carnivores. Collapse in the food chain. The end of the dinosaurs.

However, new data revealed that the collision in Yucatan actually occurred, 300 thousand years before the time previously admitted, which compromised the theory of the extinction of the dinosaurs and raised questions about other errors that were implicit in this theory.

Paleontologists began to question the complete disappearance of those species. After all, they predominated on the planet for 230 million years.

Some have suggested that the dinosaurs did not succumb quickly: the process of their decline until their definitive end would have lasted around 700.

However, it is a fact that in Nature there is no "definitive end", as the French chemist Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier (1743-1794) said in his Principle of Conservation of Matter: In Nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

Since the beginning of this Third Millennium, new evidence has outlined a completely new picture about dinosaurs: about their physiology, way of life and their supposed extinction.

Dinosaurs were much more agile than scientists had long supposed. Some developed rudimentary hands that would eventually allow them to handle various materials and make and use tools. Velociraptors, specifically, had an evolutionary brain and may have developed an unsuspected degree of intelligence.

All the necessary elements that would allow a dinosaur race to develop intelligence no less elevated than that of humans have been confirmed. If one of these species reached this level on the evolutionary scale, these individuals had a significant chance of surviving the catastrophe.


Having a conscious (self-aware) brain capable of thinking of strategic solutions to problems that arise during existence is an important step towards creating what is called culture, that is, it means being able to modify materials, the environment and one's own behavior to obtain some advantage, satisfy an interest, such as obtaining food or communicating with another individual of a similar species, for example.

However, to accomplish this feat, the brain needs to be in control of a physical architecture, an anatomy that favors such activities. It is necessary to have adaptable appendages, legs, feet, hands, arms, which can manipulate large and small objects with a certain degree of dexterity. 

Dolphins are intelligent but do not have manipulative appendages. Human beings have the appropriate appendages for the development of culture.

The Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, a dinosaur that inhabited the North American continent about 200 million years ago, was a small herbivore, but what it lacked in size it made up for with manipulative hands, very similar to human hands.

But the Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis and Velociraptors are not unique in their privileged anatomy. 

Paleontologist Dale Russell, who discovered Stenonychosaurus or Troodon while working for the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa - Canada, wrote in his book Dinosauroid: A Humanoid Dinosaur: the end of the Cretaceous, dinosaurs were on their way to becoming intellectual animals; and they would have succeeded if they had not suffered extinction. Stenonychosaurus had an opposable thumb, stood upright three meters tall and had binocular vision; all the elements of success that later [contributed to the evolution of primates] ...

In his book Evolutionary Bioparanoia, John McLoughin postulates the development of intelligent dinosaurs. Other researchers defend the same concept but argue that extinction occurred before those animals could erect notable cultural monuments.

However, some scientists admit that dinosaurs like the velociraptor had enough time and even the stimulus, with the catastrophe, to evolve. A concept that can be expressed as something like evolving precisely so as not to perish.

Thus, these animals whose species were situated between the reptile and the bird, since paleontologists find characteristics of both in fossil evidence, could have reached a level of intelligence that would have allowed them to create agricultural techniques, weapons, shelter from the elements and, perhaps, even towns and cities. 

Finally, they would have developed a language and possibly a form of writing.

And what's more, they had time, a lot of time. In tens of millions of years, they would have mastered different forms of energy and invented spacecraft for planetary and interplanetary use.

As they advanced in science and technology, they may have simply left Earth in the face of the possible discovery of a more pleasant orb. 

However, they did not abandon this planet completely. Perhaps they visit it sporadically and monitor the evolving life that was left behind; perhaps they are following the saga of the human species.


Another hypothesis about the whereabouts of these humanoid dinosaurs suggests that the survivors of the catastrophe took shelter underground. There they settled and maintained their civilization in the depths of the Earth.

In the same way, the oceans could also have served as a home for species of intelligent dinosaurs that found, in aquatic environments, spaces favorable to life and the development of their culture.

In both cases, these races would have reached a level of technological and scientific development much more advanced than that available to current Humanity. They would be capable of interplanetary travel. If so, UFOs would come from Earth itself, emerging from the unknown depths of this planet.

The Brotherhood of Babylon
Reptilians, according to David Icke's conception

The researcher of hidden reality, David Icke, author of more than 20 best-sellers on the subject, believes that a secret dome of humanoid reptiles or Reptilians, the Brotherhood of Babylon, has been manipulating and controlling Humanity for centuries with objectives that are still unknown.

The years of research and investigation by ufologists-exobiologists-exoethnologists have already built up a significant amount of knowledge about aliens (strangers), extraterrestrials or not, who visit Earth in vehicles of different sizes and shapes. The same is true of their occupants.

Today, experts distinguish around 80 races of non-humans, among which, however, only four stand out: the Greys, the Nordics (described as almost indistinguishable from humans, although very tall and always blond), the Insectoid Drones and the Reptilians.

Of these, the Reptilians are most frequently recognized by researchers as beings present in the History of Humanity, with records of their existence in legendary and mythological accounts.

(This is not accurate because it discards all the tradition that speaks of elves, goblins, fairies, angels, demons and other "magical" creatures that can be associated with the Greys, the Insectoid Drones and the Nordics).

The famous ufologist and theorist Jacques Vallee calls the supposed ETs, Messengers of Deception. Others label them as invaders, intruders, manipulators.

These are ideas that result from certain horrors attributed to aliens, such as the mutilation of cattle and the abduction of human beings who, after the experience, report having been subjected, on board spacecraft or in places they could not identify, to invasive and traumatic laboratory, clinical and/or surgical experiments, such as: artificial insemination (in the case of women), extraction of genetic material (both sexes), implantation of chips, which would be behavioral control devices.


However, there is no consensus on the evil of aliens. Many defend the idea that, among the different races, there are those who are united and act for the benefit of Humanity.

In their supposed contacts, these people generally point to Man himself as the mortal adversary of the survival of the current Civilization and warn against the harmful use of energy sources and against the predatory materialistic policy that has been postponing until a day that never comes the solutions to the most urgent social problems, the miseries that plague the world.


AIM, Terrence. Why Dinosaurs May Still Rule The Earth. 
IN BEFORE IT NEWS, published on 05/19/2012. Accessed on 05/23/2012.
[Translation, adaptation and complementary text by Lygia Cabus]

Thursday, August 8, 2024


by @LygiaCabus

God "IS THE BE" in Eternity and has his Days and Nights that have equal durations and are infinitely long in relation to the human time scale.

Even so, Hindu sages, the Brahmins, designed a chronology of God's Eternity.

According to such chronology, for current Humanity, "the Time is near"... The current year [2024 AD] of the Brahmins could be:

5126 ─ of the present Kali Yuga or the Age of Kali or the Age of Iron

OF THE YEAR 4 billion 319 million 573 thousand 111... ─ of the present Manvatara, that is, since the last time God rested or ceased another period of his creative activity.

The next Pralaya will take 426 thousand 889 years to happen. At the same time, the present cosmic earthly Era will end. THE END OF A KALPA.

At the end of a Kalpa, all beings disappear into my material nature and emanate from me again, at the beginning of a new Kalpa. (Bhagadav-Gita. IX, 17)

FOR THE ESOTERIC BUDDHIST THEOSOPHER, AN ETERNITY is a KALPA or a DAY and a NIGHT of Brahmâ, corresponding to 4 million and 320 thousand years. 

During a KALPA, a thousand mahâyugas occur, a thousand great cyclic Eras, IN MAJOR CYCLES AND MINOR CYCLES, a cyclic and unhurried reality in which a heroic principle, the peak (the high point), stability and degradation alternate.

The Cycles are composed of 4 Eras or Yugas, from the beginning to the end of a period of manifestation of Creation in a world. The Yugas or cyclical periods are:


All Humanities pass through the four Ages SEVERAL TIMES, under different external circumstances, during the course of their History: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron.

The Age of Iron is the Age of Kali. Kali Yuga, in whatever world it may be, is characterized as a long period of darkness and this world, this Humanity, is now in one of its times of Kali-Yuga.

The theosophist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in her books, claims that the beginning of the present Kali-Yuga is admitted by scholars to be around 3102 B.C. (considering inaccuracies for more or less).

In theosophy, THE ZERO COUNTING GROUND of the slow process of the present KALI YUGA began at the moment of Khrisna's death and, its duration of five thousand years, in terms of historical perspective, is close to its end.

For scholars and historians, this ZERO MARKhas a more robust reference: the Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War.
This folio shows part of verse 20 and the beginning of verse 21 of the opening chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, which deals with the theme of Arjuna's distress. प्रवृत्तू ॥ २० ॥ Then, seeing the sons of Dhritarashtra in formation, and the flight of missiles about to begin, ... the son of Pandu took up his bow, पते । अर्जुन उवाच । ...॥ २१॥ And spoke this word to Hrishîkesha, O Lord of the Earth. 

Popular tradition holds that this war marks the transition to Kali Yuga and occurred in 3102 BCE. Khrisna accompanied Prince Arjuna in this War.

Indeed, based on these standards, the "White Horse Avatar" is late. Among the inaccurate information, Blavatsky herself shows imprecise mathematics: it is recorded, also in Anthropogenesis:

Since the beginning of this Kali Yuga in 1887, 4,989 years have elapsed (ANTHROPOGENESIS, p. 83) - of a 5,000-year cycle of IRON.

By this calculation, the Kali Yuga should have reached its end in 1898... The end or transition to a New Golden Age would be 126 years late, (in this year 2024).

However, no one can demand precision or editing of reality when it is a transition process moving in the grandeur of a chronology that is quantified in hundreds of billions of years.
"The Kali cycles are marked by “the psychological or mental and physical states of man during her period” 
(Isis Unveiled II:275). 

In this sense, Kali-Yuga is the “age of iron” (hard times), of darkness, misery and sadness... the fall of the spirit into the degradation of matter, with all its terrible results” (idem). 

She (Blavatsly) also relates the beginning of Kali-Yuga to unusual astronomical and astrological events.


Kali Yuga now reigns supreme (the year of publication of this text: 1888) in India, and seems to coincide with the Western [age of degradation, also]. In any case, it is curious to see how prophetic in almost all things was 'the writer of the Vishnu Purana in foretelling to (Lord) Maitreya some of the dark influences and sins of this Kali Yuga'.

Maitreya is the Avatar of Krishna who will come to rescue the remaining Humanity from the destruction of this Kali Yuga of this Fifth Human Race. 

This Maitreya or avatar, who would be a reincarnation (or manifestation?) of Krishna, is called "the Avatar of the White Horse".


The 'writer of the Vishnu Purana, after saying that the "barbarians" will be the lords of the banks of the Indus, of Chandrabhaga and Kashmera, adds:

"There will be contemporary monarchs, reigning over the earth—kings of coarse spirit, violent temper, and always addicted to falsehood and wickedness.

They will inflict death on women, children, and cows; they will seize the property of their subjects, and be covetous over the wives of others; they will have unlimited power, their lives will be short, their desires insatiable...

People of various countries mingling with them will follow their example; and the barbarians being powerful (in India) in the patronage of princes, while purer tribes are neglected, the people will perish (or, as the Commentator says, 'The Mlechchhas will be in the centre, and the Aryas at the end.')**

Wealth and piety will diminish until the The world will be totally depraved. 

Property alone will confer position; wealth will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the only bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects of mere sensual gratification.

External types [appearances] will be the only distinction of the various orders of life; a rich man will be considered pure; dishonesty (anyaya) will be the universal means of subsistence; weakness the cause of dependence... liberality will be devotion...

...He who is the strongest will reign; the people, unable to bear the heavy burden, Khara bhara (the burden of taxes) will take refuge among the valleys...

Thus in the Kali age decay will proceed steadily, until the human race approaches its annihilation.

When the end of the Kali age is near, a portion of that divine being who exists, of his own spiritual nature... will descend on Earth... (Kalki Avatar) endowed with the eight superhuman skills.

He will re-establish righteousness on Earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of Kali Yuga will be awakened and become as translucent as crystal. The men who have been thus transformed... will be the seeds of human beings and will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the Krita age, the age of purity.  


If a dramatic End of Time that "every eye will see" is indeed about to happen, humans should know.

The prophetic literature is real, available, and historically verifiable in comparated studies on events that has been ocurred.

The scribe of the Vishnu Purana wrote as a prophet: he pointed out the SIGNS. All prophets enumerate clear SIGNS. It remains for Man to pay close attention to the signs, in the microcosm of his life and in the macrocosms around him.

BLAVATSKY, H.P.. COSMOGÊNESE IN A DOUTRINA SECRETA.*PDF, p 199,%20H%20P%20-%20Cosmogenesis%20[English].pdf
BLAVATSKY, H.P.. Glossário Teosófico. São Paulo: Grimaldi, 1995.
MUTTATHIL, George.The Seven Yugas
Cosmogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky, publicada originalmente em dois volumes, em 1888