Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Waterspout in Yuriria

MEXICO. At the vicinity the city of Leon, in the state of Guanajuato, a huge waterspout emerged from Yuriria lagoon, on Saturday afternoon - July 20 (2013).

The phenomenon, natural, popularly called "water snake, surprised the inhabitants of the region. Numerous people recorded the event using the cameras of their mobile phones.

Five decades already passed since the last time that a waterspout like this was saw at that place. This time, the training remained in the air for 35 minutes, beginning at 7:30 pm.

A waterspout has similar characteristics to tornado because both phenomena are associated with a strong wind moving itself in a  upward spiral that was formed, in this case, on the surface of lagoon's waters.

SOURCE: SANDOVAL, Irma. Asusta tromba en Yuriria.
EL SOL DE LEON, publishe in 22/JULY/2013

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cyclone at brazilian coast

Photo: Agencia Globo

Neighborhood of Leblon: furious sea.

RIO DE JANEIRO (state) – On tuesday, 03/15/2011, a cyclone formed at the southeast coast of Brazil produced waves that reached 3 meter of height and wind gusts of 120 km per hour. In the neighborhood of Leblon, in the south zone of the city (of Rio de Janeiro, capital of state Rio de Janeiro), the images are impressive. According to the National

Meteorological Institute (Inmet) sea should continue agitated even this Thursday (17/03/2011). This tornado was called Arani.
This is the second time this year that a cyclone threaten the brazilian coast at the same region: Rio de Janeiro's state, southeast of the country. The first episode occurred in january. In the occasion the strong wind ripped off roofs of houses.

Phenomenons of these nature were rare at Brazil. Now, the weather patterns appear to be changing. Torrential rains ravage the country from north to south, causing a succession of tragedies. Floods and landslides that have provoked many deaths. Numerous families are homeless in places like the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná.

SOURCE: Ressaca em mar do Rio tem ondas de até 3 metros de altura
ING1,publishe in03/16/2011