Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"As Mães de Chico Xavier" (The mothers of Chico Xavier), April 2011. More recent production of the Brazilian spiritist cinema.

In the brazilian cinema the rise of a new genre of films opens a space in the market and reveals the excelent acceptance and fascination of the the conception about life after death of kardecist spiritism in the imaginary of people.

The phenomenon isn't surprising considering that Brazil is the largest Spiritist kardecist nation of the world. There is in the country a vigourous spiritist literature. 

The 'beyond', according kardecist spiritism also appears on TV, in soap operas of great success. But, on movies, the popularity obtained by the spiritists produtions is a mark in the history of the brazilian cinema.

The thing began in 2008 when the film "Bezerra de Menezes - O Diário de um Espírito" (Diary of a spirit) debuted and even without any big advertising structure, attracted nearly 500,000 viewers in that year alone. 

The film, is a biographical account of  Bezerra de Menezes life, a physician and exponent of the spiritist movement Kardecist at Brazil.

From the exit of "Bezerra de Menezes" was born the film producer company Estação da Luz (Light Station). Since then, the company produced two more films: 

Chico Xavier (2010) and 
As mães de Chico Xavier (The mothers of Chico Xavier – 2011), both directed by Daniel Filho. 

But other producers were paying attention in the genre. Also in 2010, it launched the long "Nosso Lar" (Our Home).

Chico Xavier, a film about the life of the most famous brazilian spiritist medium.

With great stars of the national drama, the film budgeted around 12 million of reais, Chico Xavier, another biography, takes to the big screen the life of Brazil's most famous medium. 

In the same year, 2010, "Nosso Lar" arrived the theaters. The most expensive film in Brazil's history, even now, costed 20 million of reais.

Our Home is based in one of the most renowned works of literature psychographed made in Brazil. 

The eponymous book (that was wrote - or psychographed by Chico Xavier), translated into several other languages, speaks of a place, the Beyond, passing from the shadows of hell of the sinners to the rescue of souls. 

Our Home is the name of an ethereal city, a kind of spiritual colony where the disembodied spirits are cured from the trauma of physical life.

In his debut, only in the first three days of exhibition, "Our Home" earned 5.7 million of reais and was seen by more than half a million people.

Nosso Lar, (Our Home), 2010. Another film-related to the medium Spiritist Chico Xavier (1910-2002) medium, author of numerous texts of literature psychographed produced in Brazil. The story is inspired in the eponymous book, a best seller of the kardecist spiritist brazilian literature.

"Our Home", produced by Iafa Britz, also has a cast of big names. Moreover, according to the book scene, it was necessary to hire international experts as the director of photography Ueli Steiger and special effects supervisor Lev Kobolov of the Canadian company Intelligent Creatures.

In this april month, 2011, debuted "The mothers of Chico Xavier" ("Estação da Luz" prodution), another story related to the life of the medium. In this april month, (2011) debuted "The mothers of Chico Xavier", another story related to the life of the medium. And it's not te finish. Two new debuts of the genre are coming. In the "midia" - they talk about a spiritist fever in produtions of brazilian movies.

Also in 2011, will be released "E a vida continua" (...and Life goes on) and "O filme dos espíritos" (The film of the spirits), the latter inspired by the famous "Book of Spirits" (Book of Spirits), by Alan Kardec, the precursor of western Spiritualism.

Chico Xavier movie website 
[] (english) 
Nosso Lar movie website 
[] (english) 
As Mães de Chico Xavier movie website 
[] (portuguese)

FONTES Cinema brasileiro aposta em "Chico Xavier". 
IN Diário do Vale, published in 04/02/2010 [,19212.html#axzz1IbfAwOrA] 
Nosso Lar é a terceira maior estréia da retomada. 
IN Ultimo Segundo, published in 07/09/2010 []
Filmes aumentam movimento em centros espíritas. 
IN Midia News, published in 04/04/2011 []

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saints, from sacred to profane

The Saint Patience, by Marta Oliveira

SÃO PAULO ─ In this november, 26 [2009] ─ at São Paulo state, in the cultural space House of Portugal was inagurated the Itinerate art exposition Todos os Santos, do Sagrado ao Profano [All of the saints, from sacred to profane].

The exhibition gathers paintings by 28 artists were commissioned to create figures of the saints that inhabit the popular imagination. This exhibition shows the most popular between canonic saints, Some of these canonic saints, despite they recognized by the Catholic Church are saint that belong much more to the realm of the legend than to the History, as St. Expedit, Saint George, for example.

However, beyond these "official saints" the exposition includes images of very special saints. They are the saints who inhabit the language of the people in metaphors of good-humor and, also, the very personals saints that some of the artists.

Feelings, situations that are personified as thought figures that were conceived in the context of their own lives. Among these saints that don't exist can be found: The Saint Patience, The Ignorance Saint, The Saint of the Hollow Dick, Saint Never! At São Paulo, the exposition ends in january, day 6. After this, the exhibition will go to Cintra city, Portugal. SEE MORE HERE

Source: São Paulo recebe exposição de santos do imaginário popular
In Destak publicado em 11/26/2009