Friday, August 30, 2013


¿Extraterrestre? Extraño ser captado cerca del volcán Popocatépetl   
Programa de televisão: La sobremesa. Apresentação: Ana Luiza Cid. 
NO YOUTUBE, postado em 28/11/2012 

September 11, 2013
MEXICO MYSTERY. The Strange Humanoids of Popocatepetl's Groves 

MEXICO. The  Program TV presenter and commentator of the insolit - Héctor Suárez Gomis, recognized the specimen above as belonging to the race Gris (greys).

The author of the photo, Antonio Cisneros is researcher in ufology and biology of non-human. Among ufologists he ins known like the Sky Watcher.

Cisneros accounted to the journalists  that this was not his first encounter with a humanoid (an alien, a strange being) in the vicinity of the volcano and on the edge of the crater.

On other occasion, he would be front in front with another humanoid type in the same region. Hearing the description of Cisneros,  Héctor Suárez Gomis identified this another with the reptilian race and a possible inhabitant intraterrestrial.

Many scholars belive that the called extraterrestrial, they can be earthlings, so much ancient creatures that could be living at the undergrounds of the planet there many milenia.

Antonio Cisneros is a recognized researcher in Ufology Vigilante one of Heaven, as some call it.

September 11, 2013
MEXICO MYSTERY. The Strange Humanoids of Popocatepetl's Groves 


PHOTO: Amitakh Standford, 1997. IN  XEE-A TWELVE
30 August, 2013 

MEXICO. Near the volcano Popocatepetl, there is a mountain whose panoramic view allows to distinguish, on huge stone wall, a face whose features humanoid, inevitably, resembles the current representation of one of the races of non-human intelligent beings, with its big black eyes and tiny traces.

Locals claim that this glyph (petroglyph) isn't like other similar ancient monuments in the region but, appeared suddenly. a few years ago - (which dismisses a simple case of pareidolia or a shadow effect, well known,  characteristic of that place).

The Popocatepetl volcano, although be not the only - in the world - visited by UFOs is, arguably, one in which the occurrences of this type have attracted the attention of the midia since it has suffered (and continues manifesting in) violent eruptions between April and May 2012 and in October and November of that same year.

The convulsions don't have stoped. In the last three months of this year (2013) the Popocatepetl has showed intense activity projecting in atmosphere thick smoke columns and clouds of volcanic dust. 

30 August, 2013  


FONTE: STANDFORD. Amitakh. Anunnaki and co ming of secret cross, 2005. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Sea Dragon of Andalusia


SPAIN. THURSDAY, Aug. 15 (2013), the lifeless body of a unidentified marine being, appeared on the sands of Playa Luis Siret - coastal, pueblo of Villaricos, Cuevas del Almanzora, Spanish municipality in the province of Almeria - in Andalucía.

The animal, of fantastic appearance resembling a sea dragon, measuring about four meters long, had advanced signs of decomposition.

A bather, a woman - when faced with the strange creature, reported it by telephone - to the emergency service of Cuevas del Almanzora - which attends by the number 122.

Authorities were mobilized: the Civil Defense PROMAR contacted the Association for the Defense of Nature Navy (Marina Defensa de la Naturaleza) whose representatives, quickly, realized that the animal was... merely ... a whale ... (?!)

Meanwhile, members of the Asociación de la Defense en Fauna Marina Almería, according to its coordinator, Francisco Toledano, went to the place analyze the corpse and compare the creature with the pictures obtained. Toledano said:

We had access to the images of body on sands, probably thrown there by strong waves. The pictures are being sent to experts in an attempt to identify the specimen. At first glance it seems a kind of fish but the state of decomposition makes recognition.

Because of the health risks resulting from exposure of putrefying matter, the Civil Defense decided to bury the carcass.


Analizan restos de un ‘extraño pez’ hallado en una playa de Almería.
M24DIGITAL/ARGENTINA, 17/08/2013  

Friday, August 16, 2013

BRAZIL - The Mirrors of Heaven of Rondonia

RONDONIA/BRAZIL. There around 100 km from Alta Floresta do Oeste city (this, located distant 540 km Porto Velho (North region of Brazil), capital of Rondonia state, in a place called "cachoeira pequena" of rio Consuelo (small watterfall of Consuelo river), the brazilian independent researcher Joaquim Cunha Silva discovered a structure that is being called Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi (Sacred cerimonial altar of Paititi).

IMAGE FROM: Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi
YOUTUBE/Joaquim Cunha da Silva.

Posted em 25/JULY/2013

The found, that already was notified to the governamental authorities, shown to be an archaeological complex that includes, more than the Altar, residencial buildings, vast areas of planting, prepared, as agricultural terraces, funerary space and an enigmatic stone colossus, an elevation topographic with pyramidal form on top of which stands a figure zoomorphic which some identify as a giant condor. The native South Americans of western Amazon region call this place Huaca del Condor (below).

Since 2009, Joaquim Cunha Silva performs incursions in the region in search of geoglyphs and other cultural connections between the extreme northern Brazil and the peoples of the interior and the west coast of the continent, like the Andean and Arawak (Andinos and Aruaques).  

The discovery of Paititi's Altar is, in deed, an important evidence of the close relations among the south-americans nations in a wide territory of this part of the continent, situated below Equator line. 

Those kind of cavities on the rocks were found before in many countries of spanish Latin America, like Peru and Colombia - being the first, famous for its tradition to be the cradle of a great and mysterious civilization. According the Italian-Peruvian physicist and historical researcher Enrico Mattievich* :

The altar of Rondonia, with circular depressions dug into a huge stone slab, is very old and can be up to thousands of years... Several other stone altars were found ... I think these altars or "Mirror of Heaven" are related with the Kernos,  huge circular stone with 34 circular depressions found in the Palace of Malia, Crete, dedicated to the cult of fertility.

* ENRICO MATTIEVICH. Born in 1938 in the Italian city of Fiume, now Rijeka - Croatia. In 1949 he emigrated to Peru with her parents. He began his higher studies in Physics and Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, where he was Professor of Experimental Physics. PhD in Physics, Brazilian Center for Physics Research, 1974. Researcher of Applied Physics in Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Archaeology in the Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro - UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Author of Journey to the Mythological Inferno” - America’s Discovery by the Ancient Greeks - ROGEM PRESS, 2010.

SOURCE: CUNHA DA SILVA, Joaquim. Localizado em Rondônia Brasil o Altar Cerimonial Sagrado de Paititi.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

LET'S REMEMBER - The Giant Piranha of Congo

DALY MAIL/UK, 21 October 2010
JAMES, Richard. 
British fisherman grapples with ferocious 'giant piranha'... which has been known to eat Crocodiles

REPUBLIC OF CONGO/África. British angler Jeremy Wade, 52-year-old (2010), captured an exemplar of the called "goliath tigerfish", that has a ferocious-looking, like a giant piranha -  during a fishing expedition along Congo River - Africa. 

BRAZIL. Piranhas Attack Humans

Piranhas are a group of carnivorous freshwater fish. Inhabit some rivers of South America They belong to five genera of the subfamily Serrasalminae (which also includes fish such as pacu and the called golden fish).

The word "piranha" is a hybrid term that has its origin  in Tupi-guarani language  may have originated in the composition of the words 'pirá', meaning 'fish' + 'ranha', meaning 'tooth'.  Or - even, it can be originated  'pirá' ('fish') + 'Anha' ('cutter').

It is a fish very voracious predator gifted with very strong jaws. Most piranhas are fast, but usually attack when they are encouraged to do so. Among the numerous species of piranhas, some are cannibals - others, not, but all have aggressive behaviors. Piranhas are close relatives of Pacus and are often confused with them when still small.

THAN, Ker.  
Fears of 'Testicle-Eating' Fish Overblown

BITTTEN ON THE FOOT. On a Friday, July 26 (2013), a visitor of the State of Sao Paulo, the young Vitor Rodrigues Baptista, 15 years - was attacked during a walk in the Lagoon. The victim had to be hospitalized. 

CEARA state/BRAZIL - In Lagoa do Catu (Catu lagoon), at Aquiraz, metropolitan region of Fortaleza (state capital), a turistic point, attacks of "piranhas brancas" (pirampebas, white pirañas, serrasalmus brandti) are scaring the visitants - making impossible the baths and recreational activities on site.

On a Friday, July 26 (2013), a visitor of the State of Sao Paulo, the young Vitor Rodrigues Baptista, 15 years - was attacked during a walk in the Lagoon. The victim had to be hospitalized.

The attacks in the Lagoa de Catu are been happening since 2009 (even before) and has resulted in significant damage to local tourism.

There some years,  government actions have tried to combat superpopulation of piranhas which presence isn't natural in the environment.

The action of combat to the invasors includes the introduction of a natural predator of piranhas: the tilapias. However, this providence, in these almost four years, don't produced the effect desired. The population of piranhas remains constant and growing.

The Secretary of State for Fisheries and Aquaculture of Ceará, Ricardo Campos, explained that the attacks are occurring due to an imbalance in the food chain. 

The pirambebas are predators and, in environment of the lagoon,  they haven't enemies above them in the food chain nor the usual preys that are their food in their natural habitat.

So there is an imbalance: the fishes begin to practice the canibalism and, even, attack human beings to satisfy their hungry for meat.

The pirambeba is not native from that place and came to the pond after a flooding. The pirambeba is native of Ceara, but originally they live in the waters of the Lima Campos reservoir (distant 400 km from Aquiraz).

In 1992, with the construction of the Canal  do Trabalhador (a channel), which function is to conduce the water from the Jaguaribe river to supply the city of Fortaleza - new migration routes were created allowing the invasion of piranhas in watersheds that never before harbored this species.

PIAUI state. The invasion of piranhas is not restricted to freshwaters cearences. In Barragem do Bezerro (Bezerro dam), city of José de Freitas, Piaui state, in a single weekend, were reported around a hundred of attacks of those fishes.


Also at Piauí state, in 2011, the Barragem do Bezerro (Bezerro Dam, ABOVE) received 100,000 tilapia to try to control overpopulation of piranhas.  

BELOW: Lagoa do Portinho - Piaui, unauthorized access to bathers.

PARA state. At São Geraldo do Araguaia city, southeast of Pará state (brazilian North Region) - in Praia da Gaivota (Gaivota beach, Araguaia river), swimmers have been victims of attacks by piranhas.


Amid shadows of the stones: piranhas, the little carnivorous monsters of freshwater.

The technician of the health post of the beach, the nurse Danilo Barbosa, succours victims, injured in attacks, every weekend. He himself was a victim of bites and informs: We we attended average 10 to 15 cases of piranhas bites per day.

The cases have been happening there already for 4 years. Only in July this year (2013), 122 swimmers were victims of attacks. According to the firemen, the most cases occurs in a place of the beach where exists a large amount of stones. The biologist Cristina Vieira explains the behavior of the fishes. 

Possibly it is breeding season, then they can be protecting their offspring. Another motivation for their massive presence are the food scraps, thrown in the water by marketers and bathers. This attracts small species that are food for the piranhas. By this way, places like this can become a point of concentration for these voracious carnivores of freshwater.

The Fire Department can't ban the entry of the bathers in Praia das Gaivotas, but ensures that guides them about possible attacks piranhas in the river. IBAMA technicians, of the Municipal Environment Secretary are mapping the area to instruct security measures that able to prevent further attacks.  

THAN, Ker.  

DENMARK. The recent capture of a fish species off the coast of Denmark that is rumored to sometimes mistake human male genitalia for nuts sparked fears of "testicle-eating fish" invading Scandinavian water... the fish is called pacu... Pacus look like piranhas...


MADEIRO, Carlos. Ataque de piranhas afasta banhistas de lagoa turística no litoral do Ceará.
Banhistas são atacados por piranhas em São Geraldo do Araguaia, PA.
G1, 29/JULY/2013
Superpopulação de piranhas afasta turistas da Lagoa do Portinho no litoral piauiense.