Sunday, December 17, 2023


A large "fireball" was seen in the sky of Maceió on the night of December 12, 2023. The large orange light was seen at sea at capital state and also at Praia do Francês, in Marechal Deodoro city.

The experts without names or credentials quickly presented their usual hypotheses: it could be a fireball (what anyone can see). It could be a UFO, it's fashionable or, it could be a ship flare (very strange ship flare). Maybe these experts should just say, "I don't know what it is."


The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) reported that, in Maceió, it did not receive reports from aircraft or controllers.

The Port Authority said it will send a vessel to the region to find out if any ship has sunk or makes a distress call.

The Port of Maceió said it had not received any calls and that it would have to be called by the Navy if there was anything wrong or suspicious at sea.

The Center for Astronomical Studies of Alagoas at the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) reported that it analyzed the images and said that the light is similar to a nautical flare, like those used by the Navy.

🤡 "These are images of the sea, some vessel launched a flare which resulted in this image. Apparently it is nothing due to meteors, or astronomical phenomena", said Romualdo Caldas.

The meteorologist from the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources also believes in the hypothesis of a flare thrown into the sea. 

"As far as I saw, it doesn't appear to be any meteorological phenomenon. It appears to be some type of ship flare" - said Vinicius Pinho.

Anyway, how always happens, the authorities talk, they say it might be, it might not be and the conclusion is that they have no idea what it is.

December 13, 2023
FARIAS, Michelle. 'Bola de fogo' no céu de Maceió 
chama atenção de moradores; especialistas dizem 
ser sinalizador 🤡

Monday, December 11, 2023


by @LygiaCabus Ed 2008
published 2023 @BRAZILWEIDNEWS *Youtrick
Dragons are fabulous animals, usually represented as a huge winged serpent that breathes fire through its nostrils.

Its biological type is between the reptile and the saurian (dinosaurs): head with a large crest, powerful horns, huge tusks, thick and knotted leather covering the entire body up to the tail, not infrequently provided with spurs, possibly bone or cartilaginous tissue .

Endowed with extraordinary powers, Dragons' breath is considered poisonous and their blood, when spilled in battle or at the time of death, is equally fatal for anyone hit by liquid splashes.

Reptiles by nature, dragons find comfort in cold, dark, and damp places. Therefore, caves are ideal homes for dragons, in addition to the few lightning and cool, they are easily protected and protected places to store treasures and food reserves.

Hills close to human groups or herds of mammals were the preferred locations for choosing a den.

There are dragons that live in water: seas, lakes, rivers but, preferably, in swamps, like the English “Knuckers” dragons.
( - 2005)

In the West, some of the first reports about dragons appear in the Jewish (Bibles) and Greek scriptures.

In Europe, legends about man-eating, fire-breathing or “pestilence-spiting" monsters gained ground in the popular imagination.

The stories tell of threatened cities and villages and of kidnappings of maidens who were cruelly murdered, decapitated or impaled, except when a virtuous knight opportunely intervenes in the situation armed with a magic sword.

One of the most famous heroes to rescue a city and its imprisoned maiden is Saint George, whose victory is interpreted as a victory for Christianity over the forces of Evil.

In Eastern Europe, Dragons are linked to the traditions of the Occult Secret Societies, of those who claimed to be descendants of the ancient Indian Nagas whose representation, the figure of a Dragon or a serpent, means Wisdom, whether used for good or evil. . .

The famous Vlad Tepes, or Dracula, was a member of the Secret Society of Dragons in his region and his nickname “Dracula” means, precisely, Dragon. In this tradition there is a clear association between Dragons and Wisdom, a historical relationship with roots yhay remais in the most remote antiquity.

Dragon carved on a tomb, Liao dynasty (916–1125)

Dragons appear in the mythological traditions of almost all people in the world. In the East, Dragons are not necessarily evil. At China, they are very prominent figures. Folk festivals are dedicated to them.

Dragons even symbolize the Chinese people who call themselves "Long De Chuan Ren" (Children of the Dragon).

For the Chinese, the dragon is a mythical and divine creature related to abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Temples and pagodas are built in honor of Dragons and for them incense is burned and prayers are said.

They are the rulers of all agents of the forces of Nature. They live in the waters, fly in the skies and roam the bowels of the Earth and the Oceans; they produce tectonic movements causing earthquakes, seaquakes and tsunamis.

Chinese dragons are classified into nine categories:

1. Horned Dragon (ruler of air),

2. Celestial Dragon, which maintains and protects the abodes of the Gods;

3. Spiritual Dragon, rain generator;

4. Dragon of Hidden Treasures, Guardian of Riches;

5. Serpent Dragon, inhabitant of the waters;

6. Yellow Dragon, also aquatic, which would have presented the legendary emperor Fu Shi with the elements of writing.

The last four are the King Dragons, rulers of the four cardinal points.

"Along with the Unicorn, the Phoenix and the Turtle, it was considered one of the first four animals that helped in the creation of the world. The dragon had the wealth of wisdom and power for victory.

The emperor of China was considered to be descended from a dragon. Chinese scholars carefully categorized dragons by several criteria such as the Cosmic Tasks classification:

Celestial Dragons: These dragons protect the heavens, support the homes of deities, and defend them from decay. Only these dragons had five claws and only the Imperial insignia was allowed to describe them.

Spiritual Dragons: These controlled the climate on which life was dependent. They had to be appeased as they got angry easily. Simple negligence and disasters would follow.

Earth Dragons: These were lords of the rivers, they controlled their flows. Each river had its own dragon that ruled a palace far below the waters.

Underground Dragons: These dragons were guardians of the precious metals and jewels buried in the earth. Each had a large pearl and could multiply anything they touched.

They were also classified by color:

Blue: Omen of Summer

Red and Black: Dragons these cores were dark beasts whose fights caused storms and other natural disasters.

Yellow: These were the luckiest and most developed of the dragons. It could not be dominated, captured or even killed. They only appeared in protected places and only if there was a moral perfection in that ones whose seek him.

Chinese Dragons could take human or beast form if they wished. But, they had a bizarre collection of phobias. They feared iron even being creatures that were seen as masters of such elements and almost divine. Interestingly, they also feared other strange things like centipedes or silk threads.

Japan also had its dragons. Called Tatsu, they were closely related to Chinese Dragons.

Like them, they also had different subtypes, however, they generally only had three claws and were more snake-like."
( - 2005)

In Chinese mythology, much older than that of the Jews, there is also a Genesis, an account of Creation, and an Eden. The Chinese Paradise, called the Garden of Wisdom, was inhabited by the "Dragons of Wisdom" (Initiates, Mages).

It was located on the Pamir Plateau, among the highest peaks of the Himalayan mountain range.

There, at the culmination of Central Asia, the Lake of Dragons fed four great rivers: Oxus, Induas, Ganges and Silo; Therefore, the Lake is called "Dragon with Four Mouths".
The Buddhist movement of the Great Vehicle (Skt. Mahayana) emerged at India around the 2nd century.

This movement is based on several texts that were recorded from speeches (Sansk sutras) given by Buddha Shakyamuni himself (6th century BC) and then preserved in the kingdom of the nagas — water dragons with a serpent body and a human head — until that the disciples become able to receive them.

One of these people capable of receiving the Mahayana teachings would have been the Indian monk Nagarjuna (2nd-3rd century), whose works originate from the philosophical school of the Middle Way (Skt. Madhyamaka).

Nagarjuna did not intend to create a philosophy, but rather to elucidate the teachings of the Discourses on the Perfection of Wisdom (Skt. Prajnaparamita Sutra), a set of Mahayana texts that he would have received directly from the nagas. IN DHARMANET

"Mystics see, by intuition, in the serpent of Genesis, an animal emblem and a high spiritual essence; a cosmic source of super-intelligence, a great fallen light, a sidereal spirit, aerial and telluric at the same time, 'whose influence surrounds the globe' (qui circumambulat terram - De Mirville) ... and which only manifests itself in the physical aspect that best matches its moral and intellectual sinuosities, that is, the form of a snake. ...In all languages, at ancient ages, the word dragon had the same meaning as the Chinese word "long" or - 'the being that excels in intelligence'. In Greek, drakon is "the one who sees and watches." BLAVATSKY, 2003 - p 228

Cave painting representing a Pterodactyl, dated millennia old, belonging to the Black Dragon Wash culture, from Utah - USA.

In Black Dragon Wash, Utah, this ancient and evolved culture left on the rocks artistic representations of a Pterodactyl, the fearsome winged beast of Prehistory (antediluvian), a fact that could unequivocally attest to its immense antiquity.
IN Fantastic Domains


Researchers from different areas, geologists, archaeologists or theosophists, who defend the hypotheses of a more ancient origin for the human species, admit that a transition period may have occurred in which human beings lived with saurians or large reptiles.

The theosopher H.P. Blavatsky wrote, in her Secret Doctrine (2003), citing the naturalist Curvier:

"If there is something that can prove the existence of hydras and other monstrosities whose figures were so often reproduced by historians of the Middle Ages, this something is indisputably the plesiosaur." Globo Revolution. vol V - pg. 247

The existence of Dragons, as prehistoric animals, contemporary to an archaic human race, can still be contested, but their reality as a cultural element, their character as a powerful symbol present in the popular imagination and in religious allegories around the world is a undeniable fact. Rich in semiotic content, the Dragon sometimes represents good, sometimes evil.

He is the monster that terrifies mortals, he is the opponent of God and men in the book of Revelation, the ally of Black Magic, the kidnapper of medieval maidens; but it is also a symbol of wisdom, physical strength, power, protection and good fortune.

This seemingly multifaceted character of dragons is the result of millennia of syncretism between cultures around the world.

The dragon's evil appearance is most notable in the West, where it has been associated with the figure of the Devil on account of its "appearances" in Christian scriptures.

The dragon is also supposed to be the monster Leviatan, one of the most enigmatic creatures mentioned in Genesis. In the apocryphal gospels, in Bartholomew, he appears submissive and, before Christ and the apostles, confesses his evil deeds.

Other references to the diabolical dragon are the clashes with the Archangel Michael and Saint George. In the apocryphal gospel of Bartholomeu, the "enemy of men" is described thus:

Belial ascended, imprisoned by 6,064 angels and bound with chains of fire. The dragon was one thousand six hundred cubits high and forty cubits wide. His face was like burning ember and his eyes were dark. A foul-smelling smoke came out of his nose, and his mouth was like the face of a cliff...

Bartholomeu then went and stamped on his neck, which he had hidden up to his ears, saying to him: 

— Tell me who you are and what your name is... Belial replied:
— At first he called me Satanail , which means messenger of God but since I did not recognize the image of God, my name was changed to Satan, which means guardian angel of Tartar. 

[Apocryphal. AT]

The folklore involving Dragons guarding treasure is a popular adaptation for the Guardian Dragons of Eden, Guardians of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

In ancient Hebrew books, dragons may be saw the Cherubim appointed by the Creator to defend Paradise.

These angels are described in the Book of Enoch with a zoomorphic appearance, equipped with multiple wings, flaming swords and a zoomorphic face, between man and dragon.

They are, therefore, guardians of Wisdom and still harbor other meanings: they represent the creative cosmic energy, eternity and the Cosmos itself coiled upon itself, a circle of serenity that when awakened in whirlwinds, unfolds its spirals in infinity, manifesting - in all things that exist in the Universe.

The image of the Dragon associated with wisdom contains a profound message. The image says that Wisdom is not related to any type of weakness.

There is no conflict between strength, power and happiness, good fortune, compassion and common sense. The original sign, conceived at unsuspected times in human history, refers to Psychic Regeneration and Immortality.

Hermes considered the serpent the most spiritual of all beings.

Jesus admitted the Serpent as endowed with Wisdom and one of his teachings said: "Be cunning as the serpent."

Many peoples, nations, tribes symbolized the “Spirit of God” in the form of a burning serpent that hovers above - or is immersed in - the primordial waters until the day of awakening, when it expands through the verb (thought) taking the form of leminiscato, the serpent that bites its own tail, representation of the Universe, Eternity, Infinity in a spherical form (or circular, depending on the conception of the general structure of this world) of the celestial bodies. BLAVATSKY, 2001 - p. 131

by @LygiaCabus Ed 2008
published 2023 @BRAZILWEIDNEWS *Youtrick

BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna. Edéns, serpentes e dragões.
Em A doutrina secreta – vol. III, Antropogênese.
_________________________________ O resplandecente dragão da sabedoria.
_________________________________ O cisne, símbolo do raio divino.
Em A doutrina secreta – vol. Eu, Cosmogênese. São Paulo: Pensamento, 2001.
Enciclopédia BARSASão Paulo: Britânica/Melhoramentos, 1961.
DOMÍNIOS FANTÁSTICOS. Misteriosas Américas . Acessado em novembro de 2007.
ELFWOOD Ilustrações. Artes Plásticas em Realismo Fantástico . Acessado em maio de 2005.
KAIRELL Em Kairell Donagh - Dragão . Acessado em maio de 2005.
OCULTPÉDIA Em Dragão . Acessado em maio de 2005.
O dragão chinês . Em York – Reino Unido. Acessado em maio de 2005.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


UFO BRAZIL. Curitiba city, Paraná state. In the night of November 26, 2023 - the population of Curitiba city was surprised by an extremely luminous unidentified flying object which appearance and behavior do not resemble classic UFO sightings, whose shapes resemble discoid or cylindrical spacecraft.

The Curitiba UFO is closer to the category of light's plasma entities with its irregular but stable triangle shape completely made up of luminous matter.

The object, which moves in the sky absolutely freely, has a structure of filaments that resembles some type of cage that appears to contain another strange formation or body inside.

In the approximate image, one can distinguish, between the filaments of light, the image of what appears to be a human face observing the environment below. 

Perhaps this UFO is some type of observation device used by human beings from some existential dimension unknown to the academic science of the Earth of today's men or, even, it is a type of window for angels or demons.

November 26, 2023
Extraño Fenómeno Anómalo NO Identificado ilumina el cielo en Brasil!
Maussan TV.

Monday, December 4, 2023


Ancient rock carvings that reappeared in the region of Lajes Archaeological Site due severe drought that affecting the rivers's basin of the Negro River in Amazonas State, northern Brazil, on 21 October 2023

AMAZON. The worst drought in the Amazon region in more than a century has lowered the water level in the river basin, revealing anthropological mysteries.

Strange human faces carved in stone, dating back around 2 thousand years, appeared in the dry bed of the Rio Negro.

Researchers suspect that the engravings are prehistoric or pre-colonial, but know nothing about their origins.

The region where the rocks were discovered is called Ponto das Lajes, on the north coast of the state of Amazonas, at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers.

At the time, archaeologist Jaime de Santana Oliveira, from the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), commented: “We cannot date them exactly, but based on evidence of human occupation of the area, we believe they are around 1,000 years. 2,000 years ago...

Regarding the recent discovery, Oliveira said: “This new discovery is more significant. This time we found human faces carved into the rock.”

In the Brazilian Amazon there are at least five areas with extensive rock formations where these rock engravings appear.

The former minister of the Lula and Dilma governments, Aldo Rebelo, made statements to the CPI of NGOs this Tuesday (11/7) stating that there are three parallel states: the official one, that of organized crime and that of NGOs, in which he claimed to be 'the most important and the strongest'. Rebelo also detailed how organized crime took over Amazonian territories, and criticized the actions of NGOs in the region.

However, there is no real interest from official science in Amazonian archeology or anthropology. In fact, the entire Amazon region, for more than a century, has only been the target of greed, whether from foreign nations or Brazilian leaders bought by foreign agents.

Men who wear bright ties talk a lot about ecology and indigenous people when they are in front of mass media cameras.

However, in the real world, EVERYONE is commercializing the jungle, illegally exploiting its riches: precious and rare minerals, water, wood, fauna, flora and the Indians themselves, who live in absolute poverty, as do all the people of Brazil north region. 

The reality is that hundreds of representatives of foreign NGOs, including Canadian, German, Belgian, French, North American and some few Brazilian (which are no different from the previous ones), who scream in world forums for the preservation of the Amazon, these NGOs raise a lot of money "in the name of the cause" and appropriate of this money under the most diverse pretexts. 

In the end, these "saviors of the planet" use these values for personal enrichment to detriment of the true interests of Brazil, indigenous peoples and the poor Brazilian people in general.

What powerful people do in the Amazon is exactly the same as what the same powerful people do in Africa. Until when?

El secreto de las caras misteriosas encontradas en el fondo del Amazonas: unas obras creadas hace miles de años
YOUTUBE, JULY 11, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023


GERMANY, August 24, 2023. A mysterious and lonely man, often called the “Wolf Man”, was photographed with a cell phone camera in the Harz mountains, in central Germany, the Bild edition reported this Thursday.

For many years there have been reports of a man living in the wild in the forests near the town of Blankenburg in the Harz Mountains. Residents also found remains of fires and shelters, primitive huts, in the region.

In March of this year (2023), residents called 911 and claimed to have seen a "wild" man. That same month, authorities received a call from a distraught hiker asking for help after seeing the "werewolf."

The local fire department has already had to put out fires that spread several times from the remains of bonfires that many believe were lit by the naked hermit. (They could never be bonfires from tourists or regional explorers of those landscapes...)
#GOODBYE Bills, electricity bills, telephone bills, rent, condominium fees, taxes, lies, politics, foundations, NGOs, activists, bad music, crazy schedules, goodbye bald and hairy freaks, for me, your abominable new world has come to an end !

“Now the first photographic evidence has emerged,” published the Bild newspaper. The image shows a naked man half kneeling, holding a stick.

The photo was taken by two residents of the neighboring town, Halberstadt - who went to visit the local caves. A witness reports:

"When we arrived at the sand caves, we saw a 'wolfman. He was standing at the top of one of the caves, holding a long stick in his hands that looked like a spear," said Gina Weiss, 31 (2023) who photographed the hermit .

The 'wolfman did not lose sight of her during the encounter; eye contact lasted about ten minutes. According to Gina, the person appears to be around 40 years old: “He looked dirty and acted like a Stone Age man from a history book,” she added.
The Eurasian lynx found living in the wild in the Harz Mountains.

The Harz Mountains region is full of sandstone caves, forests and wildlife. This man, in fact, fled to the mountains, left the system, said goodbye to his bills and lives naked without a cell phone supported solely by nature. He will certainly, if the opportunity arises, be declared mentally disturbed by "experts".

In Deutschland kam "Wolfsmensch" vor die Kamera
SCHOLTYSECK, THILO. Das ist der Wolfsmensch aus dem Harz

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


In the officially recognized history of humanity, among ancient peoples, the Egyptians have always surprised "modernity" with their anachronistic ability to erect monumental buildings and statues without apparently possessing the technical resources to do so. But the mystery of Egyptian technologies goes far beyond architecture.

In 1998, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Missouri, St. Louis, dismantled the eyes of an ancient Egyptian statue: "The Seated Scribe", currently under the curatorship of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre.

"The Scribe", discovered in Saqqara in 1850, belongs to the Old Kingdom, between the fourth and fifth dynasties, between 2600 and 2300 BC. Scientists discovered an extraordinary level of assembly and design complexity in the “piece”.

The statue's eyes are not merely decorative, a superficial art in glass, but are polished crystal lenses fixed with glue and interact in a complex optical "video" surveillance system.

Under the apparent lens there is a hole behind which are two other lenses: one converging and the other diverging. And behind these lenses is a grayish-brown plate with frayed copper wires.

This discovery led the researchers to the conclusion that the optical system of the statue's “eyes” was designed for a broad-spectrum light flux concentration allowing image display in an underlying crystalline matrix installed in another environment. In other words, the statues equipped with this device were "spy" statues.
Scientists have examined other ancient Egyptian statues and discovered that some also have complex optical systems in their eyes.

This indicates that the use of "surveillance cameras" was common in ancient Egypt and may have been important for security purposes and gathering insider information.

This discovery renews the mystery: how did the ancient Egyptians manage to create such complex optical systems without the use of modern technology? What were your skills and knowledge in optics? These questions remain unanswered.
Wooden Statue of Ka-Aper, c. 2500 BC, Possibly World's Oldest Wood Statue. Wooden statue of high-ranking official Ka-Aper, Old Kingdom, (circa 2500 BC) found in his mastaba (tomb) in the Saqqara necropolis. The statue, almost life-size, is made of fine sycamore wood.

An "expert" on the subject (an archaeologist rather than a physicist), archeology professor John Smith, believes that the use of "CCTV" in ancient Egypt may be related to their religious beliefs.

“The Egyptians have always been fascinated by magic and mysticism. The use of CCTV may have been a kind of sacred ritual, allowing them to observe sacred places and gods,” says Professor Smith.

It's a poor idea. For archaeologists and historians trained in today's academic factories, all mysteries related to ancient civilizations are explained as part of religious beliefs or rituals and the matter is closed.

However, the same science recognizes that the ancient Egyptians were ahead of their time in many areas such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine and in these cases there is no way to push an explanation with a religious background.

Ka statue of king Hor. The Ka statue of King Hor dates to the Thirteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt around 1750 BC. It is now on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and regarded as one of the major works of Egyptian art. 

The statue was excavated in 1894 in the tomb of King Hor that was found by a team of excavators under the direction of Jacques de Morgan. The tomb is located close to the pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dahshur.

A Ka statue is a type of ancient Egyptian statue intended to provide a resting place for the ka (life-force or spirit) of the person after death. (Wikipedia)

Another researcher, Professor Jay Enoch, University Berkeley - California, USA, commented that these Egyptian lenses are very thin (they are made of rock crystal) and have a perfect shape and structure for the eye.

The eyes of the wooden statue of Pharaoh Horus appear blue and gray depending on the angle of light and even mimic the capillary structure of the retina.

In fact, it was found that the eyes of these statues are made of a rock crystal called Rhinestone (Rhine crystal) or, even, rhinestones, as this material is currently known after its synthetic version began to be produced.

Only in the 18th century, the French jeweler from Alsace, Georg Friedrich Strass (1701-1773), developed imitations of diamonds (similar to those produced with Rhinestone) by coating the lower part of the glass with a type of lead and metallic powder.

Crystal Eyes Of Ancient Egyptian Statues Or High Technology That Cannot Explain
High-tech eyes of ancient Egyptian statues
Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Statues
JAY ENOCH, Professor Emeritus Optometry and Vision Science. Berkeley University
Ka statue of king Hor.
Ka statue.