Sunday, December 17, 2023


A large "fireball" was seen in the sky of Maceió on the night of December 12, 2023. The large orange light was seen at sea at capital state and also at Praia do Francês, in Marechal Deodoro city.

The experts without names or credentials quickly presented their usual hypotheses: it could be a fireball (what anyone can see). It could be a UFO, it's fashionable or, it could be a ship flare (very strange ship flare). Maybe these experts should just say, "I don't know what it is."


The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) reported that, in Maceió, it did not receive reports from aircraft or controllers.

The Port Authority said it will send a vessel to the region to find out if any ship has sunk or makes a distress call.

The Port of Maceió said it had not received any calls and that it would have to be called by the Navy if there was anything wrong or suspicious at sea.

The Center for Astronomical Studies of Alagoas at the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) reported that it analyzed the images and said that the light is similar to a nautical flare, like those used by the Navy.

🤡 "These are images of the sea, some vessel launched a flare which resulted in this image. Apparently it is nothing due to meteors, or astronomical phenomena", said Romualdo Caldas.

The meteorologist from the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources also believes in the hypothesis of a flare thrown into the sea. 

"As far as I saw, it doesn't appear to be any meteorological phenomenon. It appears to be some type of ship flare" - said Vinicius Pinho.

Anyway, how always happens, the authorities talk, they say it might be, it might not be and the conclusion is that they have no idea what it is.

December 13, 2023
FARIAS, Michelle. 'Bola de fogo' no céu de Maceió 
chama atenção de moradores; especialistas dizem 
ser sinalizador 🤡

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