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Regardless of facts or signs, the Day of the End has arrived and will arrive for all living beings in this world. It is inevitable. Here, everything is perishable.
Even a block of uranium disperses by itself, due to the natural escape of particles and atoms until it disappears. Here, in this environment of compound substances, decomposition is only a matter of time.
Being perishable is part of the type of Nature in which we exist, the Nature we experience, suffer, now. Earth, stone, and dust, waters, winds, flesh, blood, fires, bones, minds.
When is said that the personal end of each one of us resembles an Apocalypse, in the sense of a terrible final event, this idea refers to a text that came from far, far away from the Christian West and even from the popular esoteric culture of the West.
This personal Apocalypse is described in a book called Bardo Thodol or the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
It is useful to clarify that the expression "Bardo Thodol" means 'in a Bardo state' or in an intermediate state; intermediate, here, indicates being between life and near death, between being here, in this world, and not being here, in this world; this is the state of a spirit in the Bardo condition.
In the chapter called: The Bardo of the Moment of Death, that is, the state of being of someone who is already on the verge of death, the book describes the first three signs of the arrival of the reaper, of the 'beak of the crow': the signs of the moment of death. Let's see if it isn't a catastrophe.
1st) Physical sensation of decompression
("the earth dissolving into water");
2nd) Sensation of cold, with the impression that the body is immersed in water, which gradually transforms into feverish heat ("the water dissolving into fire");
3rd) Sensation of the explosion of the body's atoms
("the fire dissolving into air").
Each symptom corresponds to a certain change in the body, external and visible: lack of control of the muscles of the face; loss of hearing; loss of vision; spasmodic breathing before the final loss of consciousness. [SAMDUP, 2003 - p 63]
These are the agonies of successive catastrophes: COLLAPSE, earthquake, FLOOD, secretion and accumulation of body fluids, DROWNING OR SUFFOCATION, FIRE, fever, EXPLOSION, collapse, the final spasm. Let's meditate...
The Bardo Thodol talks about how to proceed in order to reach the abode of the so-called Primodial Clear Light after death, avoiding being diverted to 'lower worlds'.
The book describes a 40-day ritual of accompanying someone on their deathbed, and the signs that the time is approaching are extremely important for the spirit's future in the Beyond.
These signs or stages have a curious correspondence with what would be a planetary catastrophe with the violence of the four elements: earth, water, fire, air and, finally, the liberation of the spirit, aether.
In this context, violent death would not allow the ceremony of the 'Bardo, the spirit in an intermediate state; there would be no time.
The expression "Go to light" fits well with the priests' instructions, but according to the book, there are false lights. The priests guide the spirit to avoid the traps.
Let's meditate...
O Livro dos Mortos Tibetanos: O Bardo Thodol
SAMSUP, Lama Kazi Dawa.
[Trad. Marco Pugliese]
São Paulo: Madras, 2003
✍ human text, human music lyrics
🎸 music #sunoai
🎬 images: #bing #hailuoai #klingai
BLOOD AND BONES (cut) The end, we well know is cease to be live in shell of the body in search of the light to dye is the final, you know don't fight with this fact has born is a jump, is mortal the end can be now And when all was over maybe you will find yourself in some other strange place so far from this wordly hell who knows, you will be finally free who knows, will be a soul in suffering being a divine deep mystery with an unknown hidden destiny
BRAZIL. PIAUI STATE. On Saturday, October 26, 2024, in broad daylight, a trail of fire was observed in an "iridescent cloud" in the city of Picos and surrounding area, in the state of Piauí, in the northeast of Brazil.
Iridescent means "something that reflects the colors of the rainbow".
There is at least one report recording the appearance of fire in the sky in the state capital, the city of Teserina, located 311 km from Picos.
The "fire in the sky" caught the attention of the population and was the subject of a long report on the meteorological website Climatempo, copied and/or summarized in other media, including social networks.
The phenomenon results from the refraction of incident solar rays on ice crystals suspended in thin clouds, called "cirrus".
According to the "experts", this rare phenomenon occurs when the sun is positioned 58 degrees above the horizon and in the presence of cirrus clouds, which form in the upper troposphere, at an altitude of 10,000 meters and at temperatures below 0ºC.
In these specific and uncommon conditions, the ice crystals work as prisms that decompose the white light coming from the sun, projecting the colored rays in rainbow tones.
What the "experts" do not include in their explanations is that residues of chemical substances released by certain airplanes, reacting to the incidence of this light enhanced by the ice crystals, can produce this type of combustion that generates the flames, the fire track, recorded in the video released by citizens, and not just the colored lights characteristic of normal iridescent clouds.
Fenômeno raro, 'arco-íris de fogo' é visto no céu do Piauí
human lyrics @LygiaCabus
images, music prompts, edition
The time arrived, look
the abyss is open
Apollion is free
the chains was broken
releasing the demons
on whole earth face
like written in the words
in book of revelations
The door was closed
the mark is released
the judgement was done
and nothing will change it
Don't try to flee
the hunter can see
the humans in fear
cause thruth will gonna appear
Crimes and sins
will be exposed now
you will hear the screams
of desparate crowds
Then, this is the end
of this real hell
to live in this world
beeing rulled by devil
🔥 Will be you need that I translate this article, with academic sources? Maybe, I will do do. @BRAZILWEIRDNEWS
AUGUST 6, 2022. During the "Mother Earth" Festival in El Alto, Bolivia's second largest city, Víctor Hugo Mica Alvarez fainted. He was drunk and woke up inside a coffin. Buried.
The 30-year-old joined the crowd celebrating nature and the natural world while praising Pachamama, the supposed "goddess" of the earth and fertility.
During this festival, participants offer sacrifices, known as "sullu" in order to please the "entity" and Victor, being vulnerable due to drunkenness, was chosen as one of the offerings that year.
He believes that locals, devotees of Pachamama, buried him alive as a gift to the "goddess." Traumatized, Victor told local media:
"Last night was the pre-entry [of the festival], we went dancing. And after this, I don't remember. The only thing I remember is that I thought I was in bed, I wanted to get up to urinate and I couldn't move.
"When I pushed the coffin, I managed to break a glass that it had and that's how I managed to get out. As soon as I broke the glass, dirt started to get in. They wanted to use me as a sullu."
Despite the mud and cement pouring down on him, the man managed to climb out of the hole.
He reported his drama to the police but the officers, Victor said, refused to believe him because he was “too drunk.”
He answered ofended: “We went dancing… and I don’t remember anymore. I broke the glass, I hurt my whole hand… I went to the police and they told me I was drunk. ‘You’ll get better,’ they told me.”
Bolivian indigenous people believe that Pachamama “opens her mouth” to receive offerings in August.
Many partygoers then offer the “goddess” a wide variety of gifts, including live animals, sheep fetuses, cacao leaves, and colorful candies.
However, some speculate that ancient human sacrifices and offerings are still performed in secret. These gifts to the “deity” continue throughout the year, along with folk dances and ritual ceremonies.
Ram Bahadur Bomjom was born on April 9, 1990, in the small town of Ratanapuri, Bara district, Nepal.
On the night of May 16, 2005, he disappeared. A search group was organized. Family and neighbors searched for him. He was found in a ravine near a large mango tree.
He refused to return home. "He called his younger brother and asked him to bring water, rice, his Lama robes, his string of beads and an image of Buddha. The brother obeyed. Then the young man sat in the lotus position and seemed to go into a trance." (CABUS, 2009)
Ram Bahadur Bomjom decided to embrace religious life very early. He began his formal studies with two Lamas in his own village.
Later, he became a disciple of Guru Som Bahadur Lama of Sudha. With this master, he shared the teachings with nine other students.
"When the time came for the initiation ceremony", the young man showed his first signs of doctrinal rebellion: "he refused to cut his hair, breaking with Buddhist tradition. Them, he was then sent to continue his education in Dehradun with the Lamas of Dehradun" (Idem).
Left: Guru Som Bahadur Lama. Right: Ram Bomjom, student, standing in foreground with the teacher in the background, wearing a mustache. September 16, 2010.
SOFÁ DA SALA The report found that Guru Som Bahadur Lama continued to "work" with the young apprentice and currently appears with him on a website dedicated to the doctrine of the ancient Tamang Tulku Rimpoche (Tamang is a descendant of lamas, Buddhist masters) and now: Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru, among other names and titles that the young man attributes to himself.
Yes, because Ram Bahadur Bomjom changed his name and titles several times throughout his mystical journey. Today he leads former masters in his own school, Bodhi Shrawan Dharma Sangha (BSDS). A Sangha is a Buddhist community or monastery.
However, it was in May 2005 that Ram Bahadur Bomjom, at the age of 15, gained worldwide fame and, in newspaper headlines, was called Buddha Boy for the first time.
"On May 18, he arrived at a pipal tree. There he made an offering of 10 different types of fruits before the image of Buddha. Then he sat down under the tree and went back to meditating."
People began to gather before him. Disturbed, he moved to another fig tree and, once again, people made pilgrimages to see him. Many offered of food and money. Then, his family and neighbors erected a barrier of isolation that protected him from the harassment of those already devoted.
Along years, the Buddha-boy became not only famous but also powerful. A circle of "protectors" formed around him.
However, this protection did not prevent the scandals that began to appear in the media as the teenage became a man.
On January 10, 2024, at the age of 33, the guru was arrested in a house in Kathmandu, suspected of attempted rape, after a police siege that lasted about 10 years.
During this time, protected by authorities, he was reported, in vain, several times, for assault, bodily harm, private imprisonment, among other crimes.
On July 8, 2024, Ram Bahadur Bomjom was sentenced by a Nepalese court to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay US$3,700 (three thousand seven hundred dollars) in compensation to the victim, a minor girl, for sexual assault. Bonjom's lawyer appealed the sentence.
"According to the police, about US$227,000 in Nepalese notes and US$23,000 in other currencies were taken at the time of the arrest.
Bomjom is also suspected of being involved in the disappearance of four of his followers. These charges are still pending" (VOANEWS, 2024).
It is not possible to determine when the mystic younger, who wanted to meditate alone and was concerned about the misery of the world and its people, was captured by the ambitious and corrupt adult who has allied himself with Nepali politics and bureaucracy figures, such as former state minister Mani Lama and Bhuminand Devkota, a Maoist Centre's former leader.
"Bomjon has ashrams in Bara, Sarlahi, Sindhupalchowk and Sindhuli. While the last three are privately owned by Bomjon, the one in Bara is funded by the government.
In 2014, the Sushil Koirala government granted the Halkhoriya Forest, in Bara the status of a religious forest.
When Bamjan shifted his meditation site to the forest, his followers erected a three-square-kilometer wire fence in the national forest. The District Forest Office took no action." (KATHMANDU POST, 2018)
The proximity to these authorities explains the "guru's" immunity to the complaints and police actions brought against him, without result, for more than a decade.
Buddha Boy has aged badly. Proclaiming himself more than a saint, presenting himself as divine, he has become an eccentric nouveau riche, a peddler of Buddhist faith and doctrine who leads a double life.
In order to maintain his aura of saintliness, he has tried to hide two marriages, lovers, the birth of his first child and other scandalous facts related to his personal life. (Details in the sources below: Rita Bot – Bomjon’s first wife have disappeared already 9 years ago ando so on.)
In small town Corguinho, wich name means little brook, in the hinterlands of the state Mato Grosso do Sul, in a place called Fazenda Boa Sorte (Good Luck Farm), a group of some ufologists established the headquarters of the Portal Project (Projeto Portal).
Their goal is observe strange phenomenons and make contact with alien beings or creatures that inhabit other dimensions unknown to the men but that may exist in a parallel universe, right here on planet Earth. The Project is led by Mr. Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira.
URANDIR (current Ratanabah man)
Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, 2010
Mr. Urandir was born in São Paulo state in 1963. He is a simple man with little formal education but has a picturesque personality, is a controversial person.
Son of a bricklayer with a housewife he claims to be paranormal and tells that strange phenomenons occur with him since his childhood.
He says that when he was with four years old, his father found him making caress on a urutu-cruzeiro snake. The child had special powers.
By his prodigies, the people of the region passed to call him of little saint boy, able to make miracles.
On the eve of his 13th birthday he lived a extraordinary experience. He was in his bedroom when a soft light lilac appeared.
He doesn't could explain but felt that was levitating above the bed, he was rising and passing trough the roof. It was as if the roof not existed. Then, he saw to himself in the inner of a spaceship lying on a stretcher.
He saw three beings that seem like humans but they were not humans. The iris of their eyes were vertical, like the eyes of the cats.
He doesn't could explain but he felt that was levitating above the bed, he was rising and passing trough the roof. Sudenly, the roof don't existed no more.
They implanted certain devices in the young's neck. The beings said to him that the devices serve to amplify psychic abilities because this was the best way to make contact with them.
Urandir had been chosen because he had a brain frequency accelerated and therefore had a mission to him, one important thing he will should do.
After this episode, Urandir realized that, in fact, he has had developed psychic powers that he never had before. Became able to bend rebars without use much force.
Using the power of thought he can spoon-bending, coins,to move objects, connect and turn off lights and eletric appliances.
Soon began earning a living doing shows on the inside. It was so that he obtain managed resources to build The Zigurasts Complex, tourist attraction and research center.
According to Mr. Urandir, the complex was built by determination of extraterrestrials.
The Zigurats has 1042 acres, 98 brick houses and igloos with able to host nine residents and visitors. On top of a hill was built a small observatory.
Ziggurat is the name of a type of Persian architecture, a people of oriental Antiquity (actually Iran).
In the case of the Complex of Corguinho, the tower that gives name to the project is yet to be built. Actually it's not a tower. It will be a pyramid with 38 meters tall.
At an isolate place, at the middle of the nothing, what is more impresses is de Center of Researchs. There exist many computers and eight satellite dishes.
The researchers of Corguinho velieved that a catastrophe, rely, will happen in the year of 2012. Thinking in this they are building a kind of a shelter city where they hope to escape the end of an era of this world.
The disasters that recently have occupied the headlines of the media are just the beginning of a much larger global phenomenon and perfectly according to the laws of nature. Urandir, sharing the view of many esoterics of this epoch post-modern, Mr. Urandir explains:
'The Earthquakes, floods, volcano eruption in Iceland that we are seeing now are signs of a major transformation which will happen on the planet (or that it's happening just now!).
It's a natural cycle caused by the alignment of galaxies, which will change the axis tilt of the Earth. But not the end of the world. From the year of 2018 foreward the conditions will go begin to has stabilize and a more evolved system will be installed on the planet.
(It seems that this prophet of postmodernity was not wearing his glasses when had his visions.) 👀🤡👀
The Purussaurus brasiliensis, the largest alligator that ever existed, has been extinct for 8 million years. Its bite was 20 times more powerful than that of a great white shark and twice much strong as that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
According to Aline Ghilardi, paleontologist at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in an interview with the BBC in 2015, the animal needed to eat an average of 40 kg of food per day to sustain its body, which could exceed 12 meters in length.
From the Purussaurus to the giant sloth, fragments rescued by local communities, called riverside dwellers, help scientists from the Federal University of Acre to put together a puzzle about the past of Amazonian life.
AMAZONAS STATE. BRAZIL. Pieces a Purussaurus vertebrae, the largest alligator that ever walked the planet, were found under a lemon tree: at the feet of Gerimar do Nascimento, on the banks of the Purus River, in the south of the state of Amazonas.
The relic was on display on a cliff when it was spotted by Gerimar, while sailing in his boat during a routine route, which he always takes when he goes to Boca do Acre, the nearest city.
"I saw that piece of bone and knew it wasn't from our time" says Geri, as he is known in the region. Photo: Nádia Pontes/DW
Carlos D'Apólito, a professor at the Center for Biological and Natural Sciences at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), who made a point of going to the community to retrieve the fossil, commented:
"There are three articulated vertebrae. It is not common to find them like this, one next to the other", says D'Apólito. "This can help science better understand the anatomy of the species, to understand in which part of the spinal column it would be".
The piece will be transported to the Paleontological Research Laboratory at UFAC, in Rio Branco (capital of the state of Acre), where it will be studied in detail and can help advance knowledge.
The name "Gerimar do Nascimento" will appear along with that part of the Purussaurus. This is one of the rare cases in which the identity of the person who found a fossil is known and documented, says Carlos D'Apólito, the researcher.
"There is a portion of the fieldwork that ends up being done by people who are not formally paleontologists, who remain invisible, and who sometimes do not even appear in the acknowledgements", says D'Apólito.
Near the site, a group of seven researchers is concentrating their search for traces of extinct life. They are part of the expedition led by D'Apólito and are surprised every time they turn the earth.
The dry season in the Amazon is the time when paleontologists leave their laboratories and go out to collect, with a good chance of finding fossils on the exposed banks.
The level of Purus river during this season is well below average, say the boatmen who transported the team during the three days of fieldwork.
The searches are taking place near a strip of land claimed by the Apurinã indigenous ethnic group.
Accustomed to seeing fossils there when the river is low, the natives believe that they are ancient bones dumped by a giant snake that devours animals and hides in the Purus. In Brazilian folklore, at many regions, this snake is called "Boitatá"
The planet was warmer and this Amazon region was a large wetland, with immense lakes that sheltered Purussaurus and other giants.
Veteran Alceu Ranzi, retired after working for more than thirty years at UFAC (Center for Biological and Natural Sciences at the Federal University of Acre), accompanies the group that brings together several generations of paleontologists dedicated to deciphering extinct species buried beneath the Amazon Rainforest.
With fossil fragments in hand, Ranzi imagines the scenario in which these animals lived together – or competed. "We are walking along the bottom of a large lake. There was a very rich fauna here: alligators, turtles, sloths, rodents, all giants", says Ranzi.
During the Miocene, dinosaurs had become extinct about 40 million years ago. Humans did not yet exist.
Crocodiles, which shared the land with dinosaurs and are related to Purussaurus, adapted and survived, as did large mammals. The lush Amazon Rainforest probably did not yet exist.
PONTES, Nadia. Rios secos e ribeirinhos revelam fósseis de gigantes que viveram na Amazônia