Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chile. UFO Activity Recorded Near Gold Mines

IMAGE. Cloud ejects Sphere again Over Chile. OVNI Nube expulsa Esfera Otra vez En Chile 
YOUTUBE, publicado em 19/07/201 

CHILE. CALAMA city. ON 18 JULY 2014. Miners who were working in the Maricunga gold mine (Maricunga Gold Mine) located in Calama (commune and capital of the province of El Loama) - recorded the apparition and movement of  strange discoid clouds. 

One of the workers made a footage using his celular camera. At one point in the sequence,  luminous objects; featured like ball shape seem to be expelled from one of clouds.

FONTE: Impacto en el norte de Chile por nube parecida a ovni que expulsa esfera.

UFO flies over indigenous reserve

BRAZIL/ESTADO DE RORAIMA. On July 12, 2014, 14 hours - in the indigenous reserve Raposa Serra do Sol, administrative region of the municipality of Uiramutã, a UFO was photographed by landscaper Tetsuia Eda (41, 2014 -

The image shows an oval flying object which was not perceived when he was doing the photos. 'Just saw the object when when I showed the photos to a friend who called attention to the UFO.

But, for the physical of the Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR - Roraima Federal University) - Miguel Campos, who examined the photographs, one can not say that the body between the clouds is a UFO. 

Say what appears in the photo is difficult but could be the shadow of a cloud, in a more high level, projected on a smaller cloud, highlighting the other on the sky.

COSTA, Emily. Homem fotografa 'óvni' em Roraima; físico acredita tratar-se de sombra.
G1, 05/August/2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Unexplained Video. Man Disappears in the Air

The video appeared on the internet in 2014. The images show a man walking down a dark street in the North American city of Jackson, Wyoming. 

He passes a sign for the Bank of the Rockies and then his corporeal form begins to disappear. Only two white dots remain where his feet were before he completely disappeared.

RICHARDS, Chris.  
MIRROR/UK, May 07, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flying humanoid filmed at India

INDIA. At Delhi, the second largest and most important city of the country, a video  captured the stunning image of a humanoid being flying around the Qutab Minar (minaret), an Islamic monument. 

In the occasion, people frightened with the vision, screamed and now 'experts speculate about who or what could be the strange creature.

YOUTUBE. Flying Humanoid Recorded Over QutubMinar In Delhi, India Video  
Publicado em 06/05/2014 

The Qutb Minar is the tallest brick minaret in the world and an important example of Indo-Islamic architecture.  In 1993, this minaret  was declared, by UNESCO, World Heritage.  The Qutb Minar measures 72.5 meters of height.

Avistamiento de un 'alien volando' genera pánico en la India
TERRA PERU, 06/05/2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

UFO-light over São Paulo city

Jornal da Cultura vai exibir a série Pátria Armada
CHANNEL jornaldacultura. YOUTUBE, Publicado em 21/03/2014

BRAZIL. SÃO PAULO CITY. 03/15/2014.During reportage produced by the Journal of Culture, talking of the launch of the documentary serie Pátria Armada, remembering the 50 years of the military coup in Brazil, while the field reporter, Lais Duarte (photo above), was making ​​its passage, the camera the broadcaster has captured, by chance, strange image of a luminous shape at the sky.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BOLIVIA. The runner ghost in the Football Stadium Was not a Ghost. Was a gatecrasher fleeing police...

update 23/04/2014 23:43

LaMalaPalabra LMP. YOUTUBE, Publicado em 21/04/2014

This editor had suspicious all the time, always seemed to be a Yeti!

BOLÍVIA/EQUADOR. Miércoles 23 de Abril de 2014 - 17:29. The Ecuavisa Television Channel - Ecuador, has just published:  Resuelven el misterio del "fantasma" de Copa Libertadores. The website of the channel (internet) released a new video, bettered and bettered and carefully submited to optical expertise by the PAT network - Journalists Asociados de Televisión - (Bolivia). 

The result shows that the ghost is not ghost. Although the creature, in fact,  run like a damned spirit, it is a  human being fanatical by football - who having entered the stadium without ticket, taking advantage of the opening of the gates at the end of the match (91 minutes ), fleeing police, one eye on the game, one eye on the path of escape. 

The moment the citizen 'seems to cross a divider grid, the enhanced images shows clearly  that there is an opening in the grid that serves to communicate between sessions of the grandstand.

The runner ghost   

Ghost Photographed in Champions League game 

BOLIVIA. ON THE NIGHT OF APRIL 19, 2014 in Hernando Siles stadium in La Paz - Bolivia's capital - during the football match between teams The Strongest and Defensor Sporting, in the first phase of Final Round of the Copa Libertadores (2014), a video camera (Fox Sports television network) captured the shadowy image of a spectrum running in the stands, moving swiftly among the spectators, crossing the blue mesh that divides the bleachers as if nothing there was there.

YOUTUBE I. Publicado em 19/04/2014
YOUTUBE II. Publicado em 19/04/2014. Publicado em 19/04/2014


Extraña sombra aparece en partido de Copa Libertadores.