Monday, November 27, 2023


Cambodja. In April 2020, reports began to appear about the appearance of strange creatures resembling a hybrid of a rat, frog and bat in China or Indochina. The information was inaccurate.

Initial popular news speculated that these creatures could have been generated by hybridizing bat and frog DNA to create a mutant version and that they could have escaped from one of the secret laboratories maintained in the region by certain agencies that can't be nominated.

These creatures can glide through the air (which gave them their reputation for flying), crawl and swim, but what surprised everyone most was their humanoid appearance.

According to local media reports, government agents were undertaking extensive investigation into the incidents and captured specimens for study. As this happened in 2020, it is clear that these authorities let the matter die and the case was forgotten, as always happens when today's media reports "curiosities" irresponsibly.

The shame of researchers from government agencies and the media who publicized the fact is that they do not have basic academic knowledge of biology, are not able to research and do not identify the animals as "Colugos" or Colutidae, arboreal planing  mammals native to Southeast Asia, the region of called Indochina.

They are rare. There are only two living species of colugos: the Sunda flying lemur (Galeopterus variegatus) and the Philippine flying lemur (Cynocephalus volans).

Indochina is a region of Southeast Asia located between eastern India and southern China. Includes Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and sometimes Thailand and Myanmar. It depends on the map that is used.

In one of the videos used to spread the news, the speech of the people makes it clear that the incident recorded there took place somewhere in Cambodia since the language used in the comments is Khmer or Cambodian.

If there is anything unusual about this animal, besides its rarity, it is its presence in a backyard occupied by humans, far from natural shelter. A sign that it is lost or something has taken it away from its habitat.

Newspapers also reproduced the idea that the screaming morgego (yes, he screams like a demon hell) had escaped from a certain laboratory specializing in unorthodox experiments... and this occurred in the heaviest year of the covenon pandemonium.

This conjecture is not at all absurd. There is reliable news about the movements of mad scientists during this period:

The Pentagon reportedly controls biological weapons laboratories in about 25 different countries, including Ukraine. The rest are located in Georgia (the country), Iraq, Jordan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa and Ivory Coast. (HUFF, 2022).

The editors of this blog are prevented from going further in providing information about certain laboratories due to platform requirements. For a little more see the last link in SOURCES.

Mysterious Humanoid Bats Reported In China and Argentina [???]

Monday, June 19, 2023


Transcendental Communication with the Beyond

Shortly after death, the Spirit of most human creatures experiences a hazy state of consciousness. Rare are those who immediately realize what is happening.

In general, the sensation is of being immersed "in chaotic dreams or in a totally dreamless sleep, similar to annihilation"

This situation of mental confusion corresponds to a state of consciousness that leads the disembodied Spirit to the existential dimension of Kama-Loka, a place of purification, where posthumous mental disturbances are dissipated and where the remains of earthly matter or animal soul are dispersed.

Kama-Rupa, as an earthly soul, tends to remain attached to the spirit, as if refusing its inevitable fate, which is disintegration.

The purification process takes more or less as the Spirit becomes more or less identified and deceived with the reality of life on Earth, attached to things, people and emotions from that period of existence in mundane conditions.

Dissatisfied, such Spirits use the Animal Soul (or Instinctive) as a last resort to access the terrestrial “plane”, because only this Soul can still manifest itself in that plane, driven by the desire that dominates the mind, which is the Spirit itself. .

Animated by the capture of prana, food of the instinctive soul of the deceased personality-man, the Animal Soul - Kama-Rupa, can remain on the planet seeking the satisfaction of sensual and sensorial desires - food, drink, drugs, sex, desire for revenge, sorrows unresolved, guilt, etc.

While wandering the Earth, the "husk" of Rupa's body is connected (by psychotronic or mental energy) to the Spirit, which empowers him while he, the spirit itself, is dissatisfied with its change of ontological state.


The Kama-Rupican phantom [is a being] deprived of its thinking principle, [it doesn't even have] animal intelligence and... without a physical brain to be able to manifest itself, it disappears.

...It is a true non-entity, as far as the reasoning and meditating faculties are concerned; however, it is an entity, albeit astral and fluidic.

... In some cases, attracted magnetically and unconsciously by a medium, [lives] for some time, survives [through the medium] by proxy.

...The Kama-rupa lives in the medium's aura a kind of fictitious life; it reasons and speaks through the medium's brain or that of other people present.

KAMA-RUPA is an "ethereal personality relic". Subject to earthly attractions, it rushes into Kama-Loka. Their annihilation is never instantaneous, and sometimes the process can take centuries.

The personality, which remains there with residues of other personal egos, "becomes a shell or an elemental. These shells and the elementals are the protagonists of the "apparitions and manifestations" in spiritist sessions:

"All these communications with the dead are necromancy and very dangerous practices... [the so-called] "spirits" do not know what they are saying, repeating like parrots what they find in the medium's and other people's brains..."

We can conclude that a spirit will only suffer in its post-mortem if it remains psychologically attached to the sensation of denser physical life because its astral body, in general, will in fact be suffering disaggregation on the astral plane, just like the physical body. disintegrates in the grave or by cremation.

This is the only hell admitted by theosophists, a hell, by nature, temporary. Another pleasant existential dimension is reserved for the Superior Spirit, where everyone can rest from the planetary sufferig. The theosophical heaven is called Devakan or 'Abode of Devas. But that's a topic for another text.

BLAVATSKY, H.P.. A Chave da teosofia
Ed três: São Paulo. Brasil, 1983.

Sunday, June 11, 2023


The Nistarim Zadikim or Lamed Vav Zadikim (ל"ו צדיקים) - are the 36 Just - or Sanctified People, a notion rooted in the most mystical aspect of Judaism. 

In gematria, Hebrew esoteric science, Lamed is the letter that represents the number 30 and, Vav, represents the number 6.
Also, 36, means "double life", being double of 18, which represents "life". 

Zadikim is the plural of "Righteous One". Thus, the "Sanctified Persons" are called "The Thirty-Six". 

They are also called Zadikim Nistarim: "Hidden Righteous Ones" or "Hidden Saints". 

According to the Jewish tradition of mystical Hasidic Judaism, there are 36 righteous men [human beings] whose role in life is to validate the existence of the human race under the eyes of God.

The identity of these people is unknown and when one of them has fully accomplished his mission in this world, he dies—and his place is immediately taken over by someone else.

The chosen one is, necessarily, someone who must possess the character for the status of Zadikim.  However, if God does not find on Earth someone good, pure, humble enough to take the place of the dead Zadikim, then, the world could end at the same moment.

The Lamed-Vav Zaddikim are called Nistarim, "the hidden ones" or, in free translation, the unknown ones. 

In folkloric accounts, the condition of Nistarim, to act anonymously, is a choice, a self-imposition of the chosen one that, even if he is not concious of his position, uses his mystical powers to prevent disasters, protect threatened or, persecuted people. 

In everyday life, they live discreetly, in condition of little prominence in the community. On rare occasions, one of them is discovered by accident. The secret must not be revealed. 

The Zadikim themselves are unaware of each other's status, and if a person claims to be one of the 36, that person is surely lying; because the main virtue of a Nistarim is anavah [humility]. 

A humility so sincere that the Nistarim cannot believe that he himself is one of the 36 Righteous Ones.

These 36 Righteous Ones, living on Earth, are a kind of guarantee of the salvation of the world before the judgment of God. 

It is because of them that the Creator allows the existence of Humanity that degenerates into barbarism of customs. 

This situation refers to the biblical episode of Sodom and Gomorrah, when God promises Abraham that he will preserve the city of Sodom if he finds at least 10 righteous men there.

The myth of the Zadikins holds the possibility that every person in this world can be one of the 36 Righteous Ones and can act like one of them, practicing mercy and prayer for salvation, for the good of all Humanity.

Tradition also says that one of these 36 Righteous Ones could potentially be the Jewish Messiah if the world is ready for his identity to be revealed. The Righteous live and die like ordinary people.

The belief in the 36 Just Ones fills, to a large extent, the cult of saints and other personalities in the Judaism. 

Man does not need heavenly intercessors since the world receives Mercy through the actions of the anonymous, unknown and never revealed Righteous Ones.

Anyone can be one of them: the author of this text; the reader or even someone whom everyone considers completely devoid of any merit.

This is the legend of the 36 righteous men. If you like the content, comment what you think: is it a legend or a hidden truth? 


There is an ancient Jewish belief concerning the Lamed Vav Tzadikim (or the 36 good people). 

They are also known as Lamed Vavniks or, in another spelling, Lamed Wufniks.

It is said, over millennia, that there are - and always have been - thirty-six men in the world whose mission is to justify human existence before God. They are the Lamed Wufniks.

They don't know each other and are ordinary people who sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others Unknowingly. The Lamed Wufniks are the secret pillars of the universe. If not for them, God would annihilate all mankind.

Unbeknownst to them, they prevent harm from happening to those around them. Without ever standing out from the crowd, without ever losing your anonymity. Without realizing it, they are our saviors.

They are the proof we offer to God that we can be good and pure and therefore deserve his love and mercy. They are the scapegoats of humanity.

If, eventually, a Lamed Wufnik realizes his importance, his death is certain: because no man can support even 1/36 of the weight of the world.

When one of them ascends to heaven his state is of total freezing and God needs to warm him for a thousand years before his soul can live in Paradise.

And it is said that some remain so inconsolable towards humanity that even God cannot warm them. So, from time to time, the Creator advances the Last Judgment clock by one minute.

In the 7th century, Jews from Andalusia (a region in Spain) venerated a teardrop-shaped rock. They believed that the rock was the soul of an unknown Lamed Wufnik petrified by grief.

IMAGENS: @nightcafestudio #AI

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Independent journalist Adam Green has devised a command for an AI to generate an image of the Antichrist. Here is the result that Mr. Green posted on his Twitter account... without comments.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


According to Paracelsus: 

"The Elementals are not spirits because they have flesh, blood and bones; they live and reproduce; they speak, act, sleep, wake up and, consequently, cannot be called, properly, spirits. These beings occupy a place among Men and Spirits, are similar to both; they resemble men and women in their organization and form and resemble spirits in the swiftness of their locomotion
Philosophia Occulta, translated by Franz Hartman.

The occultist calls these creatures composite, referring to the composition, mixture of spirit and matter.

Nature Spirits combine spirit and matter resulting in a Being that is neither spirit nor matter. They are composed of a substance which may be called spiritual matter or the ether of occultists and philosophers.

Fairies. Fascinating creatures... For most people, fairies are characters from ancient tales, nothing but fantasy. However, as the science of myths teaches, the imagination is not exalted by anything and not infrequently, at the origin of the fable, there is the fantastic reality of long-forgotten memories.

For millennia, in cultures all over the world, Occultists have taught: Just as visible Nature is inhabited by an infinite number of living beings, also in the Invisible, in the astral and spiritual plane of this World, unsuspected creatures live - called Elementals.

There are four categories of these beings who identify themselves with the essence of the four physical elements of all things - EARTH, FIRE, WATER AND AIR.

The Gnomes dominate the earth, the Salamanders, the fire, the Undines or Naiads - the waters and the Sylphs - are the lords and ladies of Ares. Sylphs, these are the arcane entities that are at the origin of the fairy myth.

There is some disagreement among masters of the occult sciences about the physiology of Elementals.

Paracelsus says that they are not spirits because they have flesh, blood and bones, reproduce, speak, act, sleep, wake up, LIVE AND DIE. 

DESPITE THE ELEMENTAL SIMILARIES they are not human beings BUT they are not spirits either.

They are similar to men and women in their anatomical and metabolic aspect - on the other hand, like spirits, they are invisible to the standard reach of the human optic nerve and extremely fast in their locomotion.

This line of thought considers that Elementals, like fairies, are basically made of a substance called ether.

It is not a question here of pharmaceutical ether, of chemical substance. The ether mentioned here is a reality so complex that it would take a book or an entire documentary just to talk about it.
The idea of the alchemical ether that constitutes the World of Elementals is something like the structure of a morphogenic field - of life, forms and beings that, due to its peculiar wave frequency - or vibration - propitiates the genesis of bodies that are much more subtle, less dense in relation to the predominant matter in the Kingdom of nature inhabited by Humanity.

That said, the Elementals would then be - ethereal beings in all their fullness. It means that they do not suffer conflicts between different support bodies to maintain their existence in the earthly environment - as occurs with the human being.

In fact, the human creatures, sons of Adam, often lives divided between the requests of the physical body, the passions of the astral body, the reasons of the mind and the Truth of the Spirit or of the Higher Self.

In practice, the UNITARY ontological complexion - that is, the state of being ONE in itself - guarantees little physical decadence to Elementals over time. 

Therefore, they live so much. The average life expectancy of elementals is between 300 and a thousand years and the longest lived are precisely the Sylphs, the elementals of Air, the Fairies.

The Elemental has only one principle or body, the etheric body, made of ether, in which it lives. 

The ether, in occultism, is a spiritual essence; in the four Elements, ether is the essence. There are many ethers just as there are different families of Nature Spirits of the Elements.

Being made of a single substance, the ether, the Elementals do not suffer from friction and do not suffer from conflict, dialectic... between vehicles; therefore, in practical terms, Elementals suffer little wear and tear on their bodies day by day; their biological functions have little chance to suffer harms; therefore, they live a long time, reaching advanced ages.

Finally, if a human being - a Mage - wants to dominate the elementals, if he wants to have access to such creatures and command them, putting them at his service, this human being must prove that he has complete control of the elements to which these belong those entities. Teaches the master Eliphas Levy:

Who wants to discover the treasures of the Earth, 
cannot fear the caves.
If he wants the powers of fire, 
he doesn't back down from the flames.
Seekers of sea secrets are not afraid of ocean storms.
And the powers that inhabit the Air,  
only respect those who seek the heights.

HALL, Manly P. Elementais, os Espíritos da Natureza, 1928
Trad. Lygia Cabus
LEVI, Eliphas. Dogma e ritual da Alta Magia
Trad. Rosabis Camayasar. São Paulo: Pensamento, 1995
vol II, cap IV A Conjuração dos Quatro
Script and Text: Lygia Cabus ED @adrianfaraj

A Fada de Croydon
China - Os OVNIs do Phoenix Park
O Estranho Elemental da Cataluña
Els experts estudien la foto d'un follet en un bosc de Centelles
A Misteriosa Entidade de Luz da Floresta da Georgia
Strange angelic figure captured on wildlife camera in Georgia
A Fada do Bosque Blubell
See 'real-life FAIRY caught on' CCTV footage - or is it just a bit of floating fluff? 
HALL, Manly P. Elementais, os Espíritos da Natureza, 1928
Trad. Lygia Cabus
LEVI, Eliphas. Dogma e ritual da Alta Magia
Trad. Rosabis Camayasar. São Paulo: Pensamento, 1995
vol II, cap IV A Conjuração dos Quatro
Roteiro & Texto: Lygia Cabus ED @adrianfaraj

Friday, May 5, 2023


Is there a limited number of souls that will be born into this world? A brief foray into the forgotten myth of the Guff, now revisited by researchers who investigate the question of the pre-existence of souls.
