Monday, June 19, 2023


Transcendental Communication with the Beyond

Shortly after death, the Spirit of most human creatures experiences a hazy state of consciousness. Rare are those who immediately realize what is happening.

In general, the sensation is of being immersed "in chaotic dreams or in a totally dreamless sleep, similar to annihilation"

This situation of mental confusion corresponds to a state of consciousness that leads the disembodied Spirit to the existential dimension of Kama-Loka, a place of purification, where posthumous mental disturbances are dissipated and where the remains of earthly matter or animal soul are dispersed.

Kama-Rupa, as an earthly soul, tends to remain attached to the spirit, as if refusing its inevitable fate, which is disintegration.

The purification process takes more or less as the Spirit becomes more or less identified and deceived with the reality of life on Earth, attached to things, people and emotions from that period of existence in mundane conditions.

Dissatisfied, such Spirits use the Animal Soul (or Instinctive) as a last resort to access the terrestrial “plane”, because only this Soul can still manifest itself in that plane, driven by the desire that dominates the mind, which is the Spirit itself. .

Animated by the capture of prana, food of the instinctive soul of the deceased personality-man, the Animal Soul - Kama-Rupa, can remain on the planet seeking the satisfaction of sensual and sensorial desires - food, drink, drugs, sex, desire for revenge, sorrows unresolved, guilt, etc.

While wandering the Earth, the "husk" of Rupa's body is connected (by psychotronic or mental energy) to the Spirit, which empowers him while he, the spirit itself, is dissatisfied with its change of ontological state.


The Kama-Rupican phantom [is a being] deprived of its thinking principle, [it doesn't even have] animal intelligence and... without a physical brain to be able to manifest itself, it disappears.

...It is a true non-entity, as far as the reasoning and meditating faculties are concerned; however, it is an entity, albeit astral and fluidic.

... In some cases, attracted magnetically and unconsciously by a medium, [lives] for some time, survives [through the medium] by proxy.

...The Kama-rupa lives in the medium's aura a kind of fictitious life; it reasons and speaks through the medium's brain or that of other people present.

KAMA-RUPA is an "ethereal personality relic". Subject to earthly attractions, it rushes into Kama-Loka. Their annihilation is never instantaneous, and sometimes the process can take centuries.

The personality, which remains there with residues of other personal egos, "becomes a shell or an elemental. These shells and the elementals are the protagonists of the "apparitions and manifestations" in spiritist sessions:

"All these communications with the dead are necromancy and very dangerous practices... [the so-called] "spirits" do not know what they are saying, repeating like parrots what they find in the medium's and other people's brains..."

We can conclude that a spirit will only suffer in its post-mortem if it remains psychologically attached to the sensation of denser physical life because its astral body, in general, will in fact be suffering disaggregation on the astral plane, just like the physical body. disintegrates in the grave or by cremation.

This is the only hell admitted by theosophists, a hell, by nature, temporary. Another pleasant existential dimension is reserved for the Superior Spirit, where everyone can rest from the planetary sufferig. The theosophical heaven is called Devakan or 'Abode of Devas. But that's a topic for another text.

BLAVATSKY, H.P.. A Chave da teosofia
Ed três: São Paulo. Brasil, 1983.

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