Saturday, October 24, 2009

Globalized Halloween

Santo André, São Paulo ─ The Halloween, a european tradition celebrated on October 31, migrated from the old world to the globalized world. At the countries of portuguese language the date is marked by thematic parties. At Brazil, the Witche House Holistic Free University prepared an special event for the happening. The invitations are accompanied by a kit magic and the unique recomendation is wear black clothes, what supposedly offers energetic protection.

The editor of this blog doesn't agree with this idea. According studies and evidences, the black favors the silhouette because it gives the impression that the person is thin. However, in terms of magical protection, the black, which is known to absorb light, also picks up vibrations obscure. In fact, there aren't witches as in ancient times, no more. Let's meditate.

Meanwhile, at Lisboa, Portugal, the space of events Santiago Alquimista, near of São Jorge castle promises a creepy night. The feast is a invitation for strange creatures: vampires, ghosts, fairies, elves and witches, of course.


Casa de Bruxa celebra Halloween
In Reporter Diário ─ published in 10/13/2009

Festa das Bruxas no Santiago Alquimista
In Musica Total ─ published in 10/14/2009

UFO Observed in The Amazon Region

Rio Branco, ACRE ─ Friday, october 24. The TV Gazeta's team observed and filmed a UFO at the km 40 of the Transacreana road. The team of the TV was returning to the station after make a story for television news when the object was sighted in the sky. The object had an oval shape and stayed visible on the horizon about half an hour. Jailson Fernandes, cameraman, recorded images.

The UFO moved itself toward to the TV team and passed almost near 100 meters. After, it swerved in direction of the forest. The acreano ufologist, academic Marcos José de Souza, 27 years, examined and talked about the images: These are the best images obtained of this type of phenomenon here, at Acre state. Maybe, some of the best UFO images of the world.

Source: TV captura imagem de OVNI em Rodovia do Acre
In Agencia Amazonia published in 23/10/2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ice Formation Appears on a Tropical Tree

Mrs. Erundina Félix shows the tree

Arês, Rio Grande do Norte ─ At Arez, small city with 12 thousands of inhabitants, located at 58 km from the capital state, Natal city ─ a strange phonomenon happened: in a tropical zone, a Sucupira tree [Pterodon emarginatus] began to exude ice. The ice formations appeared during a week. After, they stopped; but not completely. The tree passed to exude cold water. The Sucupira doesn't produce fruits but among its leaves, sprout purple flowers.

The population of the town is impressed. Many people belives that is a miracle; others say it's spell. However, the news about the phenomenon have attracted waves of pilgrims and the people are destroying another trees and crops livelihood of the little farm. Mrs. Erundina Felix dos Santos, proprietress of the grange where the tree is located tells that her husband wanted to cut the tree. She did not let because loves the Sucupira tree.

Source: Árvore em Arês aguça imaginação dos moradores
In Tribuna do Norte ─ published em 06/10/2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vanilda, the dancer, santa of São Paulo

Devotees attribute more than 200 graces to the girl Vanilda

Santo André city, Sãp Paulo ─ The Diocese of Santo André, São Paulo, is colecting informations about Vanilda, dancer and dance professor who died in 1958. The girl have a fame of holiness. Vanilda was dancer and dance teacher. The investigation, first step in the beatification process, is under the responsibility of Bishop Nelson Westrupp. When the process finished it will be sent to the Vatican.

The history: Vanildas's mother, Mrs. Eunice, [89 years] remember that her daugther was a inteligent child. Sheever like to play with images of Saintsinstead of the dolls. Studied dance, especially tap, with her grandmother, who was Spanish. Precocious, at the age 14 she married and became teacher of dance. Also was seamstress, spoke Spanish and knew a little English. She Became famous appearing on television shows of the epoch.

The wedding and her life did not lasted for long much time. The Destiny is imprevisible: at 15, she was dead. vanilda not resisted a preoce pregnancy; at the third month of gestation, suffered a miscarriage and died five days after.

During the time on that she spent in hospital, Vanilda said that had seen the heaven:an that Jesus was dressed in white. During the time on that she spent in hospital, Vanilda said that had seen the heaven and that Jesus was dressed in white. Her tomb is located at the Jardim da Saudade cemetery, in Vila Assunção neighborhood.

When she died, there was a great popular commotion. Soon, miracles begun to be atributed to her. The stories began around the seventh day after the death. Many people said they had dreamed with the girl and, after, have obtained Graces for intervention of Vanilda. The grave of the girl begun to receive a large number of devotees who gather at the site to make prayers and requests.

On her funeral wake, a unknowed woman appeared using a blue clothe. She went to see Vanilda. At the forward coffin, she passed her hand throughout the body of Vanilda. She also passed her hand on a cross that was beside the coffin. Never more the woman was found. She wasn't from Santo Andre. Some people think that woman was Our Lady, the Virgin Mary.

GALVANO, Júlia, GOUSSINSKU, Eugenio e QUEIROZ, Elieuda.
Mãe de Jovem Considerada Santa celebra o centenário do Cemitério da Saudade
Fotos: Beto Carvalho
In Prefeitura Municipal de Santo André ─ published in 02/19/2009

Igreja investiga se dançarina pode se tornar santa
[Church investigates whether can be canonize a ballerina]
In Estadão, São Paulo ─ published em 10/11/2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Indigenous Tourism: Walk, Look, Listen, Eat If You Have Courage, Sleep Badly and Don't Call Me!

Pataxós for postcard

Bahia, Brazil ─ At Porto Seguro historic city of Bahia state and Brazil, indigenous tribes are offering tours for visitors that want to experience the life and the culture of natives. The package, of the Pataxó Turismo Agency, which costs $ 460, includes four days and four nights in groups of 12 people. Among the activities planned, during the day, hiking, body painting, participating in a ritual of fellowship. To eat. indigenous food, of course. Corn! Much corn, and manioc. And very possibly fish as a main dish. At night, around the campfire, palestra about indigenous traditions and legends. At bedtime, the cabin [called the oca] is the room and the bed, is the network [rede] or straw mat. [It is a horror!]

The Indigenous also profit from the sale of handicrafts. A headdress [called cocar] can cost up to $ 290; a whistle, $ 6, a necklace $ 8,00. However, in Brazil, the artistic production in the villages is not equal. In some, as in Porto Seguro, the Indians present themselves appropriately characterized, with their slap sex thong, face and body painted, braceletes, tornozeliras and, with some lucky, even a bamboo flut or, who knows, a rattle, a reco-reco [percussion instrument made of wood and bamboo which the sound produced by a bat that is rubbed into slots, it makes a noise that sounds reco-reco]. It is the Indigenous with feathers.

In other villages, however, the scene is sad. In Parelheiros, Sao Paulo state, in the village of Krukutus, who are of ethnic group of the Guaranis, the natives haven't any notion of what is add value to the product. Create a beard and mustache, wearing shorts, shirt football team and slippers Hawaiian. They smoke Hollywood, wear sunglasses and headphones to listen the macarena on the I-pod. [A disgrace!]

In the village Krukutu, tickets cost $ 2,8. The program offers lecture on the history of the Indians, visits the village, a walk, and paying additional $ 1,15, people can listen a indigenous children's choir singing a indigenous song in guarani indigenous language. [Please, forget me. I want to stay at the hotel]

Source: Turistas pagam R$ 800 para viver em aldeia indígena na BA
In A Tribuna News ─ publicado em 09/28/2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Manaus ─ Amazonas: The archeological site Hatahara, located at Iranduba city, 25 km of Manaus, state capital, will be the first archaeological museum at the roofless of the country.
The project aims to get people to the site of excavations através de uma trilha de 600 metros de extensão. Situated at Iranduba's urban zone, at the confluence of the rivers Negro and Solimões, In Hatahara were found urns, vases and pottery ware.

Many of the objects show paintings and carvings representing the animal heads, these objects are called Caretinhas [something like small masks]. In 2006 was found the first entire skeleton of an Indian buried between the 8th century and the 12 DC. The body was in an Indian cemetery, just a meter deep.

According data of the Centro de Arqueologia dos Biomas da Amazônia, the Amazon basin [watershed] has been occupied by more than 10 thousand years. Even the fifteenth century, the region was densely populated by indigenous people.

The mapping of archaeological sites in Amazonas began in 1995 with the Central Amazon Project, created by researchers Michael Heckenberger (Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade da Florida), James Petersen (Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Vermont) e Eduardo Góes Neves (Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, Universidade de São Paulo). The project includes about 150 archaeological sites in the region.

Sítio Hatahara, no Amazonas, poderá ser primeiro museu arqueológico a céu aberto do país
In O Globo publicado em 07/10/2009
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