Sunday, July 28, 2024


by @LygiaCabus

What year is it? 2024 of the Christian Era; but not so much; or not so little. Calendars are relative, they are established according to milestones considered more or less historical in the context of different cultures.

The current year is 2024 of the Christian Era; 20254 in the Gregorian calendar, which has this name because it was promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582 ─ replacing its predecessor, the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar, therefore, was introduced less than 500 years ago [in 2024 AD].

According to the old Julian calendar, the current year would be 2024. Among Muslims, the year that counts is 1442  [after the Mohammedan Hijra ─ the flight of the precursor leader of Islam, Mohammed ─ Muhammad or Mohammed, leaving Mecca for Medina, in 622 AD].

The word calendar and its concept come from the Latin, kalendae, the Latin designation for the first day of each month [NEW SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY].

Kalenda was the day to pay bills and the calendarium, by associative extension of ideas, is also a record book [of values ​​and debtors].

The Gregorian calendar is the one that prevails in the Western world and, to a certain extent, is the world standard for counting time.

However, for other purposes, related to the cultural traditions of different nations, old calendars continue to be respected and followed.

Although very traditional, the Jewish calendar is not the oldest. According to the Egyptian calendar, 2024 corresponds to the year 7526.

Even more ancient peoples also have more millennia of historical records: Mesopotamians, Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, Tibetans.

However, according to theosophical occultists, the earliest time count recorded in ancient scriptures is found in India, more precisely, in the libraries of the most remote monasteries in the Himalayan region, bordering Tibet.
The Tradition of the Secret Doctrine states that the chronology of the Brahmins goes back to the creation of this solar system, and follows the formation of the planets, the Earth, and the organic and inorganic, physical and metaphysical material forms. 


Sanskrit word. Priest, educator, scholar 

─ brahmane, brahmin, in English. Individual of the priestly caste, the first, the highest of the four main castes of Indian society [BLAVATSKY, 1995].

They are also called Vipra [wise men], Dvija, twice-born or Bhƫsura god on earth, earthly gods.

The Brahmin calendar records the emergence of the first prototypes of egoic individuals of human nature; the cycles of the Ages, of the birth, growth, decay and death of different Humanities and forms of civilization.

The Brahmin chronology offers records of billions of years! Here are the main milestones of this fantastic geo-cosmic journey:

Age of this Solar Planetary system [em 2009]

1 billion 995 million 884 thousand 809 years

Age of the First Human Race rise [ethereal]

1 billion 644 million 501 thousand 109 years

Current Age of Humanity ─ Fifth Human Race

18 million 618 thousand 728 years

Duration of Kali-Yuga, Current Era

432 thousand years

Current KaliYuga time already elapsed [2024]

5100 years

Ages of this Universe

The Universe has no calendar; because the marking of time depends on a reference, a zero point that defines a beginning. However, as far as human intelligence can conceive, the Universe is or should be Eternal. And eternity has neither beginning nor end.

What the Brahmin chronology measures or intends to measure and record are the cycles of activity and rest of the Universe, these, yes, according to the Secret Doctrine, are periods that can be measured in earthly years. The numbers of this Brahmin calendar, despite being astronomical, are surprisingly well defined.

This does not mean that they are exact numbers or that the changes between cycles and eras are abrupt.

Brahma day, one Kalpa 

or one Manvatara

4 billion 320 million years

Night of Brahma or Pralaya

4 billion 320 million years

A Day and 

a Night of Brahma

8 billion 640 million years

Current Year since the beginning of this Manvatara

4 billion 

319 million 

573 thousand 

111,,, years

The cycles of Life in the Universe are similar to the biological clock that regulates the lives of human beings. The Universe is Brahma, the Whole, the All Things in One. God. God rests and awakens for His days and nights.

In one period, He Creates Diversity, the Cosmos in multiple manifestations of Himself. In another period, He Uncreates ─ He gathers [and withdraws into] all things and returns to being One in Himself.


Sanskrit. Night of Brahma. Period of obscurity or repose, whether planetary, cosmic or universal. It is the period of relative or total dissolution, sleep or repose of the Universe, which supervenes at the end of a Day, an Age or a life of Brahma. ...

During the long Night of rest or sleep of the Universe, Universal Pralaya, when all Existences are dissolved, the universal Mind remains as a possibility of mental action or as that Abstract Absolute Thought... Then all cosmic ideation ceases, because there is nothing and no one to perceive its effects.

Brahma, the divinity itself, is in a latent state... [The variety of beings, of substances] dissolves into the primordial state of abstract potential objectivity. [BLAVASTKY, 1995]

The Secret Doctrine of the Brahmins calls the period of creation Manvatara, the Day of Brahma or Kalpa. The Rest of God is Pralaya, the Night of Brahma.


Sanskrit. Period of manifestation of the Universe, 

as opposed to Pralaya [rest or dissolution].

The term is applied to several cycles, especially to a day of Brahma, which comprises 432 billion solar years.

Each Manvatara is divided into 14 periods, each under the rule of a patron or guardian called Manu.

The present period of the present Manvatara is the seventh, and the guardian of this period is Manu Vaivasvata [BLAVASTKY, 1995].

It is as if God slept and woke up; what this researcher has not yet resolved is whether God creates while awake or asleep. Whether the Universe is the activity of God or whether the Universe is a Dream/Nightmare of God. Let's meditate...


Since God has Eternity to Sleep and Wake, His Days and Nights, which have equal durations, are infinitely long in relation to the human time scale.

The current year [2024 AD] according to the Brahminical chronology could be:

YEAR 5126 ─ since the death of Khrisna, when the current Kali Yuga or the Age of Kali or the Age of Iron began.

In other words, we are on the line of a time of great misfortunes; in fact, even disregarding the inaccuracies in the calculations of scholars, the End is delayed by just over 100 years.

[+/- 3102 BC, the year of Khrisna's death = YEAR ZERO of the CURRENT KALI YUGA. + 2024 years AD exceeds the 5 thousand years of the historical cycle of this Humanity in this KALI YUGA]. "The Time is near."


BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna. AntropogĂȘnese. 

In A Doutrina Secreta vol. III. [Trad. Raymundo Mendes Sobral]. SĂŁo Paulo: Pensamento, 2001.

...............................................GlossĂĄrio TeosĂłfico

[Trad. Silvia Branco Sarzana]. SĂŁo Paulo: Ground, 1995.

Friday, July 26, 2024


 by @LygiaCabus, July 2024

What is the origin of the human species? For some, the answer is biblical Creationism, the story of Adam and Eve by a self-conscious Creator; for others, intelligent Design, creation as the result of an abstract intelligence unconscious of itself and, perhaps, for the majority of people, nowadays, the origin of humanity would be, “must” be, "have" to be the hypothesis of “official” science:

Darwinian evolutionism. The human being who emerges as result of an evolution of billions of years from enzymes and other NON-LIVING catalyst elements that structure itself by itself, by chance, into a imaginary primary unicellular organism, the matrix of all forms of life known today.

More recently, the Anunnaki of Nibiru or engineers of ANY ALIEN RACE appeared as the bio-chemical manipulators who created humanity through genetic engineering practices.

Few know Theosophical Anthropogenesis. Few know Theosophy. I will summarize: theosophy is a school of thought developed from esoteric Buddhism, prior to the Buddhism of the famous Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha Sakiamuni.

A Buddhism whose sacred scriptures are called Stanzas of Dizian (or Zian). These stanzas or Books of Zian were disseminated in the West and East by the paranormal research work of the precursor of theosophy, Mrs. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who was born in Diepra, Ukraine, in 1831 and died in 1878.

✅Check out the video for never-before-seen images created especially to illustrate the extinct human races.

Here, we say "paranormal research", because Madame Blavatsky's main sources, as she herself ever claimed, were the "akashic records" (or akazics), what means that, she accessed information directly in the astral light, in the memory of the Universe, written memories - not visions of the past (although she also had them) - but in the case of the Dzan stanzas, they were information written in books - so old that there is no record of a fragment or copy of them. 

If they still exist, they are hidden from Westerners in secret libraries, in monasteries located in remote places , such Tibet, Bhutan, India. 

Blavatsky spent her entire life claiming that the content of her vast work, her books, she read them on the plane of this universal memory: Akasha - akaza.

Madame Blavatsky's Anthropogenesis is something completely unthought before of her. And this merit, no one can deny. We can talk about Blavatsky in another video but here we go straight to Anthropogenesis according to the Secret Doctrine of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
1. Blavatsky agrees with an "earth" evolving over billions of years but completely ignores the Big Bang theory. This theory did not exist during her lifetime. (The Big Bang theory only appeared in the 20th century).

Big Bang for this theosophist is the Awakening of the Creator. Reality is the cycle of falling asleep and waking up of the divinity that created all things.

When Atman-Brama awakens, things come into existence. When Atman-Bramah falls asleep, everything that exists withdraws into him and remains latent in him. These are the Days and Nights of Atman-Brama.

2. About the origin of the Earth and the Human being. In the Anthropogenesis of the secret doctrine, it is simultaneous and contemporary to Cosmogenesis, that is, Man is as old as the globe he inhabits, assuming different bio-physical-chemical structures as different as the stages of formation of this planet. From the cloud of dust and gas going through stages of densification to the materiality known today.

Each significant stage of condensation on the planet is a Round or a type of land; and for each Round, a different Human race.

Since 1. In the begin, men are mere Shayas or shadows slowly taking on unstable humanoid form. They reproduced by itself, by bipartition, like amoebas. 

Their bodies were didn't had bones, they are the ones so called "the without-bones, bones-less, who, evolving, became formless 

2. gelatinous giants, oviparous creatures that frequently exuded corporeal matter, reproducing themselves by themselves through the involuntary exchange of these gelly bodily fluids deposited in the soil or water.

Many of this offspring were described as "the descendants of sweat". Then, came the prototypes of what are now called 

3. The early Lemurians, denser and with coarse anatomy. At that time, reproduction became mixed, partly involuntary oviparous, partly voluntary oviparous and finally, with the densification of bodies and the differentiation of the sexes, viviparous reproduction emerged.

It was the seventh and last subrace of the Lemurians, already endowed with a so more defined physical structure.

The evolution of individualization, densification and improvement of bodies resulted in the 4th Race, the Atlantean Race, beautiful, elegant, endowed with advanced technologies mixed with paranormal powers and even so, it collapsed into an irremediable decadence that resulted in Us, the Fifth Race, homo sapiens...

All races prior to the current one produced giant individuals.
And each race, starting from the first, the ethereal and primordially divine race, each subsequent race is necessarily descended from the previous one. 

And the destiny of the current Human race is disappear in an inevitable evolution towards the emergence of the 6th Human race. And in the end of the seventh evolutionary cycle, this planet will will no more exist.

Many researchers who probably have not read Blavatsky's work yarget her writtings as Darwinist and this is the central point of this video-study:

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was never a Darwinist. The contrary is the true. awhile Darwin imagined that the current human being is a displaced branch of a primate family that has never been found, Blavatsky states the opposite: 

A legacy of Oviparous times and external "fertilization" or mixing of undefined genetic materials from which all superior animals emerged and those that did not able survive, were the monsters of antiquity, hybrids with appearance half-human, half-animal that all world mythologies have decribed as centaurs, fauns, sirens, tritons, cynocephalians (dog or wolf head) cyclops among the best known.

Let's look at some quotes from the secret Doctrine, Anthropogenesis:
"The Occult Doctrine states that, in the current Round, mammals were produced by evolution after man. p 198

"Occultism therefore repudiates the idea that Nature gave rise to man by descent from the monkey or from an ancestor common to both; but affirms that, by contrary, some anthropoid species came from man of the Third race (remnants of Lemurians) in the first Atlantean period (Fourth Race). p 203

The true course of evolution differs from that pointed out by Darwin and the two systems are irreconcilable unless Darwinism divorces itself from the dogma of "natural selection" and similar ones. p 203

...This "Primitive Man" was a man only in external form. He had no mind and no Soul when he procreated with a female monster from the animal world, the predecessor of a series of primates. p 207
I have no idea what those of you who have read this text so far, I don't know what you think about Blavatsky's Anthropogenesis but before anyone thinks that this video is a sign that this channel defends this theory, I'll clarify right away: NO.

Blavatsky's entire Secret Doctrine is an interesting piece of literature although quite complex. There are six volumes of the Secret Doctrine alone and four more in the Isis Unveiled series.

I do not like this. I believe that complex doctrines are not accessible to the people, but there was someone who came to this world to speak to the simple people... 

And he said things that everyone can understand. I, the editor of this channel, have always trusted more in the simple, direct and sometimes harsh but true language of the gentle Shepherd of Galilee, a language that not even the most prominent occultists of Western high magic dared to criticize and even Blavatsky avoided disqualify.

²⁵ At that time Jesus answered and said: I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and scholars, and revealed them to smallest ones.
Matthew 11:25

BLAVATSKY. AntropogĂȘnese. In A Doutrina Secreta, 2001.